Thursday, May 26, 2011

Message this week: Excellence

This coming Sunday at Pleasant View I will be teaching on Excellence as a character quality of a Superhero. Excellence can mean a lot of things to different people. What does execellence look like in your life, work, and efforts? How do you know that "excellence" has been achieved? Comments welcome.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I talked Sunday about how God tests us with this question, "Can I be trusted with my power and influence to do good, to help, to make a difference?"

Many folks may think they have no power or influence, but we all do. We all have some level of influence and power in relationships and organizations. Are you using this "power" God has given you to do good? Will you be trustworthy with little, passing the test to be trusted with more?

What influence do you have and how are you using it for good, God's purposes in this world?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Superhero Training

What makes a superhero? Especially the kind of superheroes of the faith that our world needs today? I started this series on Sunday that will focus on different character qualities of a superhero. The first was initiative/gumption/buying up the opportunity.

The person in the Bible I talked about Sunday was Zacchaeus. Making the most of his opportunity to just see Jesus, a whole new future opened up to him. Had he not taken initiative to climb the tree, Jesus would not have had dinner in his home.

Imagine the good futures that could develope in your life if you take the initiative to buy up opportunities that pass your way. Have your radar tuned in this week to opportunities to aggressively do good for others. Who knows what may develop? Superheroes don't wait around to watch others do good. They boldly act while others watch.