Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Words of Life

This Sunday I am starting a new series called "Words of Life." Words are powerful! Words we write, speak, and hear can often take on a life of their own. If we understood just how powerful words can be, we would be mindful of the lyrics in the children's song: be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little mouth what you say.

What would you do different if you were always on a "live mic" and the world could hear your every word? Would you take more care in measuring the words that you choose.

If your words can bring life and death, then we would be wise to learn more about words of life.

For more on this stay tuned for more posts and join us Sundays at Pleasant View, 11 am.

Myles Brown

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How my job makes a difference

Wednesday night I spoke about how every job can be holy and spiritual when you work for Jesus in what you do. I encouraged our bunch to write a statement that explains how their jobs relate to the purposes of God in this world. Check out this statement from one of our folks:

"I diligently help others work through complicated life problems. Living out compassion and understanding so they might see Christ in me and find hope in Him in otherwise hopeless situations."

What sentenced could you write to summarize how your job relates to God's plan in this world?

Myles Brown

God's Gift of Hope

One of God's gifts to us that we see in the story of Christmas is hope. 


The gift of hope inspires us to keep moving forward in a positive direction despite the negativity around you.  When you have opened this gift of hope, you begin to live with a confidence that makes others shake their heads.  Other will wonder why you are so upbeat and exhibit such a "can do" attitude.  When you have confidence that the King of universe, in whom all authority resides (Matthew 28:16-20), is on your close confidant you can attempt bold things.  If you are feeling down today and tempted to surrender, take heart, Jesus has overcome the world.  There is hope for all, for the King has come.


The gift of hope is ready to be opened.  Unwrap the gift and receive God's good news to you.

Myles Brown