A simple place to interact with others about life, family, and sermons at First Baptist Church Oakwood.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Emily's Birthday
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Christmas Light Part 1
As I drove home from our church service Sunday night, my eyes were drawn to all the Christmas lights in businesses and homes. I looked at places and homes that I had never bothered to see before. Now wrapped in light, our town and community takes on a warmer feel.
Some Christmas light displays are attention grabbing. Others are subtle. The complicated light displays show that great amount of time and effort that went into them. Some look like somebody threw some lights up into a tree and flipped a switch. Either way the lights do two amazing things to our homes this time of year.
1) The cold edges of "sameness" are softened by the glow of change. Something special has come. Light and color has broken into the bland.
2) The warm light welcomes others to see more of our homes and lives. The lights in the window communicate softly that hope lives here. The tree glowing in the window says there is a family inside that will be gathering to give gifts and blessings. The lighted blowup Santa riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle in front yard says...well there is someone here who is still a child at heart.
The darkness of world was invaded by Jesus Christ, the true light. Come hear more about God's Christmas lights this month at Pleasant View Baptist Church in Carrollton, GA.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Top Ten Things I am Thankful For at Church This Year
1) Opportunities to meet so many new people around our church this year.
2) Our newest staff member: Chris Stamps who is serving as our children's ministry director.
3) My parents, Bobby and Elizabeth Brown who joined our church and moved to Carrollton this year!
4) Our newly revamped preschool/nursery ministry headed up by Owen and Heather Henderson.
5) The multi-media enhancement to our sanctuary. It is a blessing to us all. And Tommy Brown who led the way in pulling this all together.
6) The remodeling project in the adult Sunday School area. Big thanks to Tony Cole who has led the team making this a reality.
7) A flag pole that was recently dedicated to all the current and past veterans of Pleasant View Baptist Church. A great team of guys who had the vision for this.
8) Two amazing groups that went on mission this year to New Orleans and Jamaica.
9) Special church wide events this year that were led by a great group of leaders: VBS, Fall Festival, Run for Jamaica 5k and Market Day, and Memorial Sunday.
10) A great leadership team in staff, administrative assistant, and deacon group. An amazing group making good things happen for God's glory.
An amazing year it has been. These and multiple other highlights remind of just how blessed by God we have been this year.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Flag Pole Dedication
On Sunday, November 11, 2012 Pleasant View Baptist Church dedicated a flag pole in honor of all veterans from our church and community. There are 96 veterans buried in our cemetery. This pole will honor their service as it holds the flag of our country. Many thanks are in order in making this flag pole possible. Many gave to the project financially. Several men contributed to effort including the help from Carroll EMC. Whenever you pass this way, come check it out. And take time to remember what it stands for.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A Tone of Trust and Respect. Trust God and Respect our Leaders
Friday, October 19, 2012
Trick or Treat
It is that time of the year again when fright and fear become big business: haunted houses, horror movies, and scary decorations. I have always enjoyed the good fun associated with Halloween. I enjoy being frightened and spooked out of my shoes from time to time. I even like that crazy feeling of my hair standing up on the back of my neck. But I also enjoy getting to the exit of a haunted house, turning the lights on, or walking out of the theater knowing that it was not "real."
Real fear can be quite the motivator. Many folk play on our fears to persuade to do or buy certain thing. But fear do not always produce the effect intended. In a book entitled Mind Changers, Em Griffin states that fear can be an effective motivator or it can boomerang and turn people off. In research studies, some fear is helpful in persuading opinion but too much fear actually will have the opposite effect. When too much fear is used three common reactions are given by folks:
1. "I was scared out of my mind." In a sense of panic, without thoughtful logic, a person makes a decision based on the experienced fear. Then the person will try to avoid anything connected with what "scared them to death." Folks who use scare tactics in sharing the gospel need to pay attention to this. Scaring people "out of hell" this time of year with all kinds presentations may get a reaction and decision. But the person may avoid anything involved with your church in the future. Why? You scared them.
2. Another reaction people may give when confronted with great fear is "Aw, it'll never happen to me." A person may dismiss the reality of the need for fear. No matter how terrifying something is if they do not see the probability of it happening to them, they will dismiss the fear without effect.
3. Or, the person experiencing fear may see our solution to the problem and say, "I don't think it'll do any good." The fear tactic begins to boomerang when the fright outweighs the credibility of the solution. If the solution seems too simple or unbelievable, the person will be pushed away.
Is there a better approach to being persuasive? I am thinking in particular here about training, coaching, evangelism, parenting, and swaying public opinion.
In Romans chapter 2 the apostle Paul described the justified wrath and judgement that is surely to come on mankind, yet, in verse 4 he revealed that it is God's kindness that leads us to repentance (changing our mind, turning back to God). Fear may have some effectiveness, but it is kindness that leads to changing one's mind.
What was God's method to win our hearts and minds? The way of the cross. Jesus willingly took on our punishment in order to win our hearts. Kindness, love, grace.
Fear tactics may have they place and limited effectiveness. Ultimately, in changing hearts and minds we must help people see things (experience realty) from a different perspective. Being overwhelmed by an experience of love and kindness may have a more lasting effect on one's perspective than fear.
During the season of "Trick or Treat," I want to lean toward treat, treating others with kindness. Life is scary enough without me adding anything to it.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Resource for politics
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Headed to the airport
Friday, October 5, 2012
Beach Day
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Conference tonight
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Conferences tonight
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Amazing 2nd lunch/snack
Children's Home
Monday, October 1, 2012
Big day ahead
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Great service this morning
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Great afternoon on the the beach
Headed to the Airport
Myles Brown
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Seeing 4 Directions
Here is the recap and warnings about being using less than all four angles.
1. God's Spirit. We often "feel/sense" a leading from the spiritual realm. However, we must be careful. Not all spiritual leadings are from God. God's Spirit always squares with the word of God, ways of God, and purposes of God. Other spiritual forces seek to persuade us as well which appeal to lots of motives. 2 big ones are our selfishness and arrogance (pride).
2. Good Sense. Using good common sense is valuable and can prove to be life saving. God rarely leads away from good sense. But He may push the boundaries and defy cultural opinions of wisdom.
3. God's People. We need the counsel of people who are also seeking to follow God. The key here is to gain advice and counsel from people love you enough to speak truth, correction, and warnings. Something to remember is that you will often need to seek out the counsel of the wise. The wise do not go about dishing out advice. You must seek their counsel and heed it.
4. Circumstances. God opens and closes doors or opportunity. But not every opportunity that appeals to us is from God. Circumstances can be a test to see if we will make a decision based on faith or pursue selfish, arrogant paths, easy/lazy paths, or deviant paths.
Complicated? No one said decisions were easy. Look in 4 directions and operate in faith.
Comments and thoughts welcome.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Thoughts from Sunday's Ministry Fair
Dear ministry team leaders,
What a great day we had Sunday! The ministry fair was amazing because of the hard work and creativity that you put forward. Several good things happened Sunday. Here are a few:
1. Worship attendees and members saw the multiple ways to "get in the game."
2. There was a "join us" attitude that demonstrated to all that we are an inclusive bunch.
3. The operating value of EXCELLENCE was lived out. There was no shabby work done Sunday. People across the board gave their best effort.
4. Sharp: We did things Sunday in a sharp way. Thoughtfulness and creativity was demonstrated by all.
A few ministries saw immediate responses in folks wanting to join the effort. All ministry areas that participated were showcased. Each group in our local body of Christ shined well.
Thank you so much for putting your best foot forward. We will continue to explore new ways of communicating and promoting opportunities to "get in the game."
Pastor Myles
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
What is the Church?
As we saw from the Bible Sunday, the church is the people of God. A called out bunch who have received God's mercy.
The church is the body of Christ in the world. We follow the lead of our head (Christ Jesus). We function best when we work together and use our uniquely given gifts, abilities, and talents.
The church is where we learn to really love people with names and faces. It is joyful hard work to love one another the way Jesus loves us. We prove that we really love when we link arms with a church family and work together through thick and thin.
The church is the plan for taking God's message of love and forgiveness to the world.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Get in the Game 1: knowing the context
So just what kind of world do we live in? What is reality?
- There is the God of the Bible who created all else. He is the Uncreated One who created all else.
- The reality he created is:
- made up of some things that will fade away and some that are eternal
- has both a spiritual and physical (material) plane which interpenetrate.
- operates by cause and effect
- The creation of God contains:
- matter and energy governed by the laws discoverable by physics and chemistry
- plants, animals, humans, and inanimate objects (living and non-living things)
- spirit beings (holy and demonic angels)
- What happens in life is the result of:
- actions of people (freely choosing)
- directional sway of Satan (the prince of this world)
- interference by spirit beings in defense of God and his children and unholy spirits blocking the ways of God.
- Under God supreme power and purposes
Living God's ways in His world really matters and prayer really works. Know this and living in the REALity will make all the difference in the world.
Come find out more this week as we consider: What is the Christian Life? PVBC Carrollton, 11 AM Sunday.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Knowing the Real will avoid falling for the fake
2 Peter is a letter to the church about knowing the real God revealed in His Son, Jesus the Christ. Essential knowledge to keep from being fooled by probable impostors and false teachings.
The end of 2 Peters says this:
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Trail run at Clinton Nature Preserve in Douglas County
This stream has a nice wooden bridge over it.
This little rabbit was noy scared of me at all. If I he knew my taste for rabbit, he would not have been so still.
Looks like a bigfoot print to me. One area was real boggy from all the recent rain.
This challenging section was more steep than the picture reveals. I had a good time getting my thoughts together for tomorrow's message at Pleasant View.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Free from the Fear of Danger
Proverbs 1:3 "But whoever listens to me (wisdom) will live securely and be free from the fear of danger."
We do not live in a safe world. Dangers are everywhere: mean people, contaminated drinking water, infectious diseases, and natural disasters to name just a few.
With caution we carry around hand sanitizers, bottled water, concealed weapons, and healthy dose of caution (and maybe just a little paranoia).
Listening to wisdom, God's ways for life, produces freedom from the fear of danger.
Dangers still exist. But can you imagine being free from the fear of it?
The first step on the path of wisdom (breaking off point) is the fear/trust of God.
Proverbs 1:7 "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline."
Leave fear of danger and begin a life of trust/fear of the Lord. It will set you free.
Discussion and comments welcome.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Results of shared leadership responsibility
By placing capable/high character people in charge of various levels of stewardship (10s, 50s, 100s, and 1000s) the following happens:
- Leadership is a joy and not a strain.
2. People are satisfied
When people are under capable leaders, they rejoice. See Proverbs 29:2. Also, clear organization helps people know who to go to for help, instruction, encourgament, complaints, suggestions. In our local church some of the first places to reach out to are the following leaders: Sunday School teachers/group leaders, deacons, ministry directors in areas of music, children, preschool, and youth. These folks are capable leaders with high character ready to help, teach, encourage, support, and lead.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Final night message (notes from Bryan)
> Truth
> Isaiah 6:1-8
> 1) Our God is incomprehensible glorious
> 2) Our sin is infinitely serious
> We are lost in our sin/separates us from God.
> Sin makes us slaves. Also, enemies to God.
> God send Christ to save us from sin.
> God keeps no record of your sins with Christ.
> 3) Our mission is indescribably urgent.
> Be Audacious!
> Surrender to God the mission of sharing the Word of God to others.
> We don't have time to waste it.
> Be bold about sharing Christ with others.
> Take my life Lord and use me in every way.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Headed to block party
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Afternoon Update
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Great afternoon at the beach
Morning at Camp
3 reasons we are here:
Know God's glory
Listen to God's word
Advance the Kingdom of God
4 goal:
For routine religion to be no longer tolerable
Casual worship not possible
Total surrender to Jesus is the only way to live
And the global mission is not negotiable.
Pray for these guys as they pursue these purposes and goals this week.
Headed to morning worship celebration. Pictures to follow...
Friday, June 29, 2012
1st night worship service
Pray for our group and the many others to respond to God's presence tonight as we worship and learn.