Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lenten Wednesday Reflections: Confession

From Richard Foster:

"We try to convince ourselves that God forgives sin; he does not heal the memory.  But deep within our being we know there must be something more…God has given us our brothers and sisters to stand in Christ's stead and make God's presence and forgiveness real to us"

The church, the family of God is a gift to each of us in helping to find forgiveness and release from our sin.  The act of confessing our sins with one another as James 5:16 wrote is actually part of God's plan for finding peace in our repentance.

Our forgivenesss comes from God.  The finished work of forgiveness and redemption was accomplished by Jesus at the cross.  The healing and peace come through genuine fellowship in God's church.  Again quoting Foster, "The assurance of forgiveness is sealed in the Spirit when it is spoken by our brother or sister in the name of Christ."

Freedom is found in living an open and honest life before others.  This does not mean that everyone needs to know everything that you have ever done.  That would be foolish.  Descrition and good judgement are necessary in selecting someone trustworthy to confess your sins with who cares for you and your relationship with God.  The freedom found in confession, however, is empowering and contageous.

Confess specific sins, not just blanket statements.

Again Foster writes, "A generalized confession may save us from humiliation and shame, but it will not ignite inner healing." Whether with a trusted prayer partner, mentor, counselor, or pastor, specific confession will open a powerful path to healing and freedom. The end of confession brings joy and celebration.

Good advice about choosing whom to confess from Foster in Celebration of Discipline:

"The key qualifications are spiritual maturity, wisdom, compassion, good common sense, the ability to keep a confidence, and a wholesome sense of humor."

Of course it should go without saying but, I will say it anyway. Prayer is crucial to any gathering of confession.  God in the conversation brings healing.  Without prayer and trusting in God for forgiveness there is simply a counseling session going on (not saying there is anything wrong with counseling).  Take each sin to the cross, receive forgiveness and release.  Give thanks.

Myles Brown

Monday, February 27, 2012

30 hour famine

In case you missed it, check out this article highlighting our student ministry as they led the way in bringing awareness to world hunger. Coming alive to the mission of God. Way to go guys! They raised $1052 for World Vision efforts to end hunger. Here is the article

Myles Brown

Big Sunday!

Sunday was huge. I was so encouraged by many things I saw in my church family yesterday. A friend that has been really down emotionally and physically was at church Sunday and was embraced and welcomed like family. Another friend (long time friend) came back to a worship service for a second time. I was encouraged to see people stepping out of their comfort zones to do new things. The students in our church had led a world hunger awareness hunger strike for 30 hours this weekend (30 hour famine). They raised $1052 for World Vision for hunger relief. We completed our month long offering for helping a church and a pastor friend in Jamaica. The total for this offering is not yet known. It was great to see the church of Jesus making a big impact globally and locally.

To top it off, Josiah and I were able to play some baseball with some friends. Great day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Does Your Church Make Sense?

Have you ever wondered why so many people these in your neighborhood are not attending your church or anyone else’s church? It could be as a pastor friend of mine in Texas would say, “It doesn’t make sense to them to attend your church.”
People do what makes sense to them. We all do. We make decisions all day long about what we do, where we go, what we eat, and multiple other choices based on our desires sifted through our understanding of this world and our top priorities. Both wise and foolish choices are made every minute based on what we want, what we think we can get away with, and the top priorities in a given situation. If you want more people in your community to consider Jesus and your church, then it is crucial to assess why it currently makes no sense for them to be at your church. They may not be against church. They just haven’t thought much about it lately.

Lifestyle changes (like starting to attend church) do not occur in our lives everyday. In fact, big lifestyle changes that last are mighty rare. Quitting smoking, losing and keeping weight off, getting married, retiring, or moving to a new country/culture are all examples of big lifestyle changes that require some major shake-up in a person’s priorities and perspective on the world. Even if someone has a desire to loose weight or start excercising, he will rarely start and really change to a new lifestyle unless something happens to shake-up his priorities or perspective. A really traumatic event such as a health crisis or death of a close friend or family member has been known to be such a catalyst. The birth of a child may begin a season of reevaluation of values and lifestyle.

The lifestyle change of beginning a relatioship with God through faith in Jesus and beginning to participate in the life of your church, however, is a change that may not be a logical step for people as choosing to loose a few pounds for better health.More common these days is if someone outside of the church has a spiritual crisis, it may be diagnosed as depression which a few counseling sessions and a prescription can improve. Financial woes rarely assessed to be spritual or faith problems. Relational problems, health crises, political and societal ills are problems that people face, but going to church or the Bible for help with these matters does not cross their minds.

Besides, we all have our “friends” in the media to help us with these problems. Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Dave Ramsey, Rush Limbaugh, and Anderson Cooper give us direction and cues for finding solutions. These public figures in the media are not to blame. They are filling a void for answers that people have about major questions and concerning in life. But sadly, they do not hear the church in the community addressing. Even if your church addresses these felt needs and issues, is your community aware that you are? And when people in your community are not thinking about felt needs and questions in their lives, they are filling their time playing Angry Birds, checking Facebook for the fourteenth time for the day, or tweeting about going to the bathroom. What if searching the Bible was a quick as response for people as Google in dealing with daily questions and help?

Why are they doing it? It makes sense to them.

What would make sense to people about your church? Perhaps God’s message, gospel, might gain a hearing if it took them by complete surprise and captivated their imagination enough to put down their smartphones for a few minutes. Maybe a common person talking about God in everyday language that people understand while addressing current social ills and injustices would get people’s attention. Perhaps a few public healings would do it. What about an exocism or two? What if your church agreed with the masses that something about religion has broken down when people who need God the most cannot find Him due to the all rules and purity hurdles that stand in their way? Could church be this bold and public with its message and agenda? Jesus and the early church seemed some big results by such bold commnity based approaches. Persecution and misunderstanding came with the territory, however. But the community took notice and responded. The sick found healing. The poor discovered help. The possessed were set free. The religious establishment was indignant. The people did what made sense to them.

A few implications on how you can make sense to your community could include felt need ministries that grab the attention such as financial counseling services, teaching English to immagrants, healthly lifetyle training via personal traininers, nutritionists, and health care professionals, and healing and prayer ministry that works through a local hospital. Recovery mininstries for everything from addictions, grief care, divorce care, anger management classes can all offer value shaping ministry to hurting people.
The church can creatively champion the cause of people who are suffering injustice and perecution gobally and locally. It is a Jesus like activity that grabs the eye of the community when the church publically advocates for the rights of women for equal pay, lobbies for ending human traffiking, and seeking to stamp out nutrition deprivation locally and world hunger. By addressing these social issues, the church makes sense to people.

What could cause your church to make sense to people? Like Jesus, we can be a place of healing, hope, and empowerment to powerless people. An important question to consider is how you would react if 80% of your commmunity showed up at your church this Sunday. How would you address them and meet their needs? What would you invite them to do? They would do what makes sense to them. Make the right things (gospel) make sense. More to come…

Comments welcome

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mission Offering for Jamaica Video

Big Thanks to Amber Eason for the following video as we participate in a month-long mission offering at Pleasant View for Pastor Leroy Blackwood and Victory Christian Fellowship is Jamaica.

Glory in Weakness

Over the weekend at Pleasant View I shared in my Bible talk about God’s glory being found in our weekness. We typically think about our best moments being used to bring Glory to God, but sometimes, it is in our weaknesses that we find His stregnth and experience His glory. I made the following statement:

Some of the greatest things that you ever accomplish with your life may come through:

• Your weakness, His Power is made perfect there
• Your suffering unjustly, we are unified with Jesus
• Your death

As I thought about these matters, and even while I was preaching I was drawn to the life, death, and funeral service of Whitney Houston. Her weakness(es) were on public display due to her fame. And it was her weakness and poor decisions that led to her young death. As I considered her life, perhaps the greatest glory God received from her was in her weekness and the results from her death. Her funeral service was broadcast throughout the world. People in Swaziland in Africa were watching and tweeting about the funeral. And through funeral service for Whitney, the good news of King Jesus was proclaimed to the Glory of God.
Indeed some of the greatest things we accomplish are through our weeknesses and even in death. May God be glorified.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Glory is Found in Service

Thanks Owen for this image creation. The glory of God is found in service to others.

Myles Brown

Share in His Glory

I did not have a lot of time Sunday morning to discuss some of the implications of the final set of verses concerning the truth that Jesus intends to share His glory/reputation with you (wrapped in God’s glory)…and the suffering that comes with it in this world.

2 Thess 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs-- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. 18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

God has called you to experience his glory. As we are restored to our place of honor by his forgiving power, we are once again his glory, his treasure and joy. Even though I might not feel so glorious, that is how God sees me.

Some of the implications of this truth are the following:
• All of creation is in awe of you.
• The enemy and all that is evil fears what you are capable of accomplishing for good.
• This broken world and all the sufferings deeply pain your new heart.
• The more you do godly activity (serving, loving, sharing, blessing, forgiving, creating) the more power and presense of God you experience flowing through you.

This is God’s plan for you. Walk in his glory today. Glorious freedom.

Jesus said it this way “let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Men's Seminar

I am really looking forward to our Men's seminar this coming Sunday. The topic is being a father to sons and daughters. The material is tremendous. I am really excited about sharing it with our guys at Pleasant View. Many of our men have seen the movie Courageous, and some have been through the 4 week study based on the movie. This seminar takes the next step into some very practical principles of being a father who is a protector, provider, and heritage giver. If you have friends who are fathers of small children through teenagers and young adults, invite them to be here for this seminar. It will be a valuable investment of their time.

We will start at 7pm this Sunday, February 12. Bring a covered dish to contribute to the common meal together.

See you there.

Monday, February 6, 2012

For His Glory

Glory defined: reputation, weight. The Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible defines it simply as "the singular splendor of God and its consequences for mankind." Yesterday in worship as we considered the Big 3 categories of God's work that leads to his reputation, we saw how God is proclaimed in his creation and providence and fully revealed in his salvation. As Psalm 72:19 states, the whole will be filled with his glory/weight/reputation.

How are you adding to the reputation of God (giving him glory)? Through creativity work, responsible stewardship of his creation, and through the ministry of salvation (being saved yourself and telling other the Good News) we add to his Glory. Glorify him today.

Consider this verse today and many others that God may lead you to discover about his glory: John 15:8

Louisiana Mission Trip

For those at Pleasant View who are planning to go on the mission trip to Louisiana at the end of March and any others who might enjoy, here is a video from Bridge Church where we will be serving. They did a "Faith in Action" Sunday on January 29 as they normally do each 5th Sunday of a month. Great video Pastor Lane and the folks at Bridge Church.