Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 15 reflection

Right now in your life do you have relationship in which the lines of communication are breaking down? How have you responded to this person?

Is there someone in our lives that we move silently past without really connecting? Is there a past hurt? A miscommunication? Or maybe just lost touch?

If it was our last month, would we go out of our way to reconnect?

Efficiency is not as important as effectiveness in communication. Time must be spent in order to really connect.

One of our Heart Attitudes at Pleasant View is to live an open, honest life. This means we are willing to be known by others.

Part of real communication is to open our hearts, let down our guard and be genuine. In an atmosphere of trust, we can be truthful toward others about who we really are: our hurts, struggles, successes, and dreams.

See Ephesians 4:16

Perhaps write a letter to someone that lives far away. Call someone you have missed. Drop by to visit someone. Spend the time.

No regrets.

Project Pray

Headed to pray with Fire Station 15

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shrine Circus'

Day 13 reflection

As uncomfortable or unsettling as we may find it, God intentionally places some people in our lives  to rub us the wrong way, to smooth the rough edges of our character,so that we're more like Jesus. Kerry and Chris Shook

Which  tool iin the shed" according to example of the authors do I have the most trouble dealing with? And which one describes the way I come across to other people. 

Hard for me to deal with: the vice grip life suckers. 

How I tend to come across to others: maybe a hammer. Sometimes with the family I may be more like a grinder. Lookout, the sparks starts flying when Daddy gets fired up.

Taking the plank out of my eye daily is necessary in order to better see where I am going and how to help others.

How have I attempted to relate to difficult people in my life? If I knew I had only one month to live, what would I want to tell this person? What's keeping me from speaking up today?

Myles Brown

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 12 reflection

Fighting fair.

In dealing with conflict, use words wisely/prudently, avoid attacking the person, and deal with current issue instead getting a historical list of grievances ready to rattle off.

My natural tendency is to avoid the conflict or throw the towel in too early to really resolve the issue.

Most important: commitment to be open-minded. I will maintain respect for the other person and try to see their perspective.

Who do I need to resolve a conflict with? If I had one month to live, I would more intent on resolving a conflict that is threatening a relationship.

Heart attitude to choose: keep my relationships clear.

Relationships are hard work. They are the source of most joys and pain in life.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 9 in the One Month to Live Challenge

Fantastic question on the first day of looking at love completely: why do we wait until someone dies to give them flowers?

Ok. Point taken. Monica and the family are getting flowers today.

What is more important than flowers and gifts is giving my attention and time to those I love.

If I had one month to live, whom would I want to spend time with? Apologize to? Assure that I love them? What is holding me back from doing this now?

Love requires the risk of pain. We will lose the ones we love. Yet the risk of love compels us to give our hearts to love them anyway. God's love is needed to love beyond the present celebrations. In order to endure the built-in hurt in relationships, we need the kind of love God has for us.

Enduring the cross, the rejection, and pain he demonstrated his great love for us.

God's love is the most powerful force in the universe. Undeserved. Available to me. Intended for me to share with others.

If I understood just how much God really loves me, I would freely give everything to him and love others completely.

Words Matter

Thanks Lane. Lane Corley gets it right in his post here:

Myles Brown

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 6 & 7

Challenged to take a risk, let go, live by faith.

So yesterday I went up in a hot air balloon with my two oldest children. Risky, exciting, but well worth the risk. The perspective was amazing.

Challenged to make all my resources available for God's use. Stewardship instead of ownership.

My talents and skills invested to the max for God-sized returns. Time to leave "playing it safe" goodbye. Time to go all in for following God's lead.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 5

How would I rate my health in these areas: physical, emotional, relational from 1 (terrible) to 10 (fantastic)?

9, 8, 8

Physical: 9 my teeth are in tough shape. Headed to the dentist in about 20 minutes. Possible root canal. Some things we have to do in taking care our temple are painful. This one especially.

Emotional: 8 not allowing my emotions to control me as much as in the past, but certain emotions still creep up and still cause restlessness. I also don't want to discipline my children when I am still feeling the emotions of anger or disappointment. Great words from Kerry, "feel what you feel, but then do what God wants you to do."

Relationally: 8 still way too guarded. I want to be more friendly and intentional about sharing how I feel toward people that I love. No relational problems blocking my path, but relationships take continual work to be healthy: like mowing the grass. Stop mowing and a real jungle mess starts to grow.

Recommend joining the one month to live lifestyle at www.onemonthtolive dot com.

Great resources there.

Myles Brown

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 4...power for change

Stay connected to Jesus. Producing fruit doesn’t happen by my effort. Good things come from my life when I stay connected to real power in Jesus. I am a branch on the the vine. Pruning is necessary for the best results in my life.

Will I allow God (The Master Gardener) to reshape my branches? When I pray for blessings and good for my life, I am inviting Him to prune me. Being a branch and not trying to be the vine requires surrendering power and control. It is also setting me free. What does God want to cut out of my life that is not beneficial to me or others? How does God cut things away that don’t require my will power? Sometimes it is a dramatic event. Sometimes the Spirit of God changes our desires and the old desire simply whither. Process or event, God does the pruning.

How do I practically stay connect to Jesus (the real power source for good)? Conversational prayer. Not memorized formal addresses. Simply talk to Father. Confess random inappropriate thoughts, wrong attitudes, and thoughtless actions. Ask forgiveness and get back in step with Father. Be responsible for the mess ups. Don’t blame others. Receive forgiveness and move forward. Listen for the rhythms of God’s leading. Listen. Follow. Repeat.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 3

The 80/20 principle. 20 percent of my time produces 80 percent of the results and joy in my life...80 percent of the time is wasted. Maybe so.

What activities in my life would I consider wasted time? And what keeps me from using that time in more meaningful ways?

Starting a time journal today. A little experiment to rate how much time was meaningful and time might be wasted or simply "busy."

What will be my biggest time waister? Will I be able to do without it or start a new approach?

Trying to make the most of the moments. Once they are gone, they cannot be retrieved.

Myles Brown

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 2…in the One Month to Live Challenge

The make it count moment: "Am I doing anything in my life right now that requires faith?"

Great question. As I examine my life, so much of what I do everyday, I do by reason, deduction, and by my own abilities and strength.  Certainly God wants me to operate in wisdom making good decisions based on how God works and how this world works.  But what risks that require faith is God inviting me to take that push the limits of common sense and reason?

Also, what would be my biggest regret if I knew my life was over right now?

I would regret not spending more time living in the moment.  Too often, I am trying to get to the end of this moment in order to get to the next one. I often look forward to a certain date or time on the calendar so much so that I miss the purpose of right now. Last night I was walking Ezra (my youngest son) in his Little Tikes car around the church grounds near my home.  We had been walking for what I thought would be a satisfying length of time.  We headed into the garage to get him out so that we could move onto the next events: diaper change, bottle, bed time, TV time for me, check my email one more time, see if the Atlanta Braves won or lost, and get in the bed to sleep. But Ezra had other plans.  I opened the little door to his car to get him out, and he grabbed the door with his hand and closed it back.  Then he grabbed the steering wheel and smiled.

So off we went for few more spins around the church grounds.  This time, however, I took time to talk to him, revv the imaginary engine, and really play.  We turned tight curves, sped up, slammed on brakes, spun in circles, and raced down hills.  I was in the moment with him instead of simply doing one activity to get to the next one.  For a few moments, I began to really live again.

Where and how can I truly act in faith today?

And God may I truly live in each moment today with the people around me instead simply moving from station to station like a machine.

Myles Brown

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 1

So how might your life be different in 30 days? By May 16, what priorities might change? What new patterns of the abundant life in Christ could be established?

What 5 things do you want to change about your life right now?

Write them down. Take these to God in prayer.

Daily reflections and interaction will be taking place here at my coffee house blog.

Myles Brown

Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Month to Live Lifestyle

As we prepare to take the One Month to Live Challenge as a church starting Sunday, you may consider registering for the One Month to Live Lifestyle. It is free. The link for this site is here

You will find additional resources and helps for making everyday count.

Live with no regrets. I hope you are planning to take the challenge starting this Sunday.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

1 hour from home

The Louisiana mission team should be home in about an hour (5:15 pm). God has exceeded our expectations. We are looking forward to sharing with the church on Sunday night April 15. Thank you all who prayed and encouraged the group.

Myles Brown

Maundy Thursday

Several thoughts came to me as I read from the gospel according to Luke this morning concerning Maundy Thursday.

Jesus had made arrangements for the Passover Seder. As the disciples made preparations to sleep inside the city of Jerusalem for the night, Jesus a picked a perfect place for his final meal. An upper room with enough space for the group.

After the traditional Seder meal, Jesus gave thanks for the cup. The cup that symbolized the blood that would soon be given on behalf of all. Broke the bread. Do this and remember me.

When the meal was over, Jesus told them that the time of fulfillment was at hand, grab every weapon and resource available. Then Jesus led them outdoors to pray. After anguished prayer. Jesus was obedient to face the cross. While the disciples slept, Jesus learned from his Father that the time of the cross had indeed come. He commanded his disciples to lay down their weapons and brought healing even to his enemies.

One of Jesus' friends had betrayed him, another would soon deny him, but his Father sent him an angel to give the strength needed to face the cross.

The cross shaped life of service, sacrifice, and submission was nearing a dramatic culmination. King Jesus was entering his kingdom by way of sacrifice for all and obedience/trust in his Father.

Let every knee bow down and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Headed Toward Home

Blessed by a great week working for Jesus. Headed home for His next assignment.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Block Party and Egg Hunt

Great turnout, great weather! Thanks praying.

Rain Rain Go Away

Pray for the weather to improve for us to accomplish the projects planned for today. Lane Corley, Bridge Church pastor, is trying round up some indoor projects for today. The block party and Easter egg hunt is still planned for 3 pm. Pray for the weather to allow this ministry opportunity.

Myles Brown

Monday, April 2, 2012

Rain out Afternoon

The afternoon has been a washout with thunderstorms. Playing cards, making plans for painting project in the morning.

Myles Brown

Morning Projects

Fantastic morning building a deck and steps, clearing a trash heap and general maintenance projects at Mrs Rita's home is Madisonville. She had been a widow since 1986. A sweet lady that has been part of Bridge Church now for several months. About to eat lunch that she made for us.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Egg hunt

Things went great with the Easter Egg hunt. Now off the Walmart for a few items.

Photo op

Mission team photo op in Madisonville before the egg hunt party.

Dog First

Oh, and Marc had to break up a dog fight at the home where we will be working on Monday. What a hero!
Worship service in the morning with Bridge Church. A big s/o to Bedico Baptist Church for being our host this week.

Made it safe and sound

We arrived at the out host church in Louisiana at 4:30 pm local time. Bridge church provided supper for is tonight and Pastor Lane Corley gave us a tour of the projects for the week.

Myles Brown