Sunday, September 30, 2012

Great service this morning

The service this morning went great. It has started raining and has continued all afternoon. We plan to begin working on concrete walls at the church in Spot Valley in the morning. Pray for good weather.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Great afternoon on the the beach

The crew has arrived safely and spent the afternoon on the beach and shopping. We met with pastor Leroy. Looks like we will be pouring some concrete! Starting Monday morning. I will be preaching in the morning at Victory Christian Fellowship. We are getting ready for supper with pastor Leroy at the pork pit. Should be a great meal.

Bags are packed ready to go

Headed to the Airport

The Jamaica mission team is headed to the airport. We are set to land in Montego Bay around lunch time (Saturday). Pictures and updates will be posted here. Prayer for our team today as we travel and go through customs.

Myles Brown

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Seeing 4 Directions

On Sunday I shared during my Bible talk that in order to make the best decisions, we need to see 4 directions (a 360 degree approach).

Here is the recap and warnings about being using less than all four angles.

1. God's Spirit.  We often "feel/sense" a leading from the spiritual realm.  However, we must be careful. Not all spiritual leadings are from God.  God's Spirit always squares with the word of God, ways of God, and purposes of God.  Other spiritual forces seek to persuade us as well which appeal to lots of motives. 2 big ones are our selfishness and arrogance (pride). 

2. Good Sense.  Using good common sense is valuable and can prove to be life saving.  God rarely leads away from good sense.  But He may push the boundaries and defy cultural opinions of wisdom.

3. God's People. We need the counsel of people who are also seeking to follow God.  The key here is to gain advice and counsel from people love you enough to speak truth, correction, and warnings.  Something to remember is that you will often need to seek out the counsel of the wise.  The wise do not go about dishing out advice.  You must seek their counsel and heed it.

4. Circumstances.  God opens and closes doors or opportunity. But not every opportunity that appeals to us is from God.  Circumstances can be a test to see if we will make a decision based on faith or pursue selfish, arrogant paths, easy/lazy paths, or deviant paths.

Complicated? No one said decisions were easy. Look in 4 directions and operate in faith.

Comments and thoughts welcome.