One son is a prodigal:
- He takes his share of his father's estate (while he is still alive)
- Leaves his family
- Foolishly wastes the money
- Trouble comes to his life
- Get a job in the worst imaginable fields (working for a Gentile tending pigs)
- Decides to go home, repent, and lay himself down at his father's mercy
- Works the land that now is his
- remains faithful and honorable to his father
- Sees the celebration at his brother's return and cannot bring himself to enter the party
- Interrupts the prodigal's repentant speech with celebration.
- Throws a party for his returned son and showers him with gifts
- Goes out to his older son and explains the joy and reaches out to him.
Jesus was clearly addressing the religious leaders' objections to his association with publican (traitors) and sinners.
Challenging. This parable has a way of irritating our sensibilities. We tend to keep God's grace reigned in to a more manageable group of people.
We build walls to keep out groups of people that are unacceptable in the Kingdom of God. Meanwhile, Jesus keeps sneaking over the wall and associating with them. He eats with them. He shows up at their parties. And forgives them without repentant tears. He simple welcomes them home, and then showers them with gifts.
God's grace truly is amazing.