Thursday, February 28, 2013

Loving Father Parable

Luke 15 contains a challenging set of parables from Jesus in which the third parable contains a powerful images justifying Jesus' association with controversial groups. A father who deals lovingly with two lost sons.

One son is a prodigal:
  • He takes his share of his father's estate (while he is still alive)
  • Leaves his family
  • Foolishly wastes the money
  • Trouble comes to his life
  • Get a job in the worst imaginable fields (working for a Gentile tending pigs)
  • Decides to go home, repent, and lay himself down at his father's mercy
The older son:
  • Works the land that now is his
  • remains faithful and honorable to his father
  • Sees the celebration at his brother's return and cannot bring himself to enter the party
The loving father:
  • Interrupts the prodigal's repentant speech with celebration.
  • Throws a party for his returned son and showers him with gifts
  • Goes out to his older son and explains the joy and reaches out to him.

Jesus was clearly addressing the religious leaders' objections to his association with publican (traitors) and sinners.

Challenging. This parable has a way of irritating our sensibilities.  We tend to keep God's grace reigned in to a more manageable group of people.

We build walls to keep out groups of people that are unacceptable in the Kingdom of God. Meanwhile, Jesus keeps sneaking over the wall and associating with them. He eats with them.  He shows up at their parties.  And forgives them without repentant tears.  He simple welcomes them home, and then showers them with gifts.

God's grace truly is amazing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lent Series Post 2

On the topic of Bible study.

Three passages that reveal the importance of knowing and doing what the Bible teaches

Joshua 1:7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.


Matthew 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."


John 8:31 Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

According to these passages the when the Word of God is followed it gives us several things:
  • success
  • proctection
  • Truth--freedom

Some symbols of the Word of God:
  • Light: insight into what is really going on in life. Higher, more in depth perspective
  • Food: revitalizes us when we are tired
  • Shower: It refreshes and cleanses
  • Sword: Tremendous protection, as we memorize it. HS will use our memory of it to remind us of action we need to take or things we need to avoid.
  • Library: it is the stories of our family’s experience with God over the centuries.


It is much more than:
  • Owner’s manual for trouble shooting problems
  • Constitution or Law Book
Discussion in the comments welcome

Monday, February 25, 2013

Post-Marathon Thoughts

This past Saturday was a tremendous day.  Even with the horrible trail conditions due to the rain, it was an amazing run.  After both feet were completely covered in mud by mile 3, trying to avoid puddles was no longer necessary.  I trudged right through the middle of them.  I felt like a kid playing in the mud.  The race began with temperatures around 40 degrees and drizzling rain.  I opted not to bring my phone/camera due to the wet conditions so pictures are few.  I have attached a link for the race video (a long boring video unless you are just looking to see yourself).  I show up on the video at 1:50 and 16:50 breezing by the camera with my blue gloves.

The first half of the race went really well.  As the rain stopped and the temperature started to rise into the mid 40s, I opted at the halfway point to shed my long pants, hat, and gloves.  I should have kept the gloves.  I spent the next 5 miles regretting that decision until my hands went numb.  After that point it didn't really matter because I had plenty of other issues to contend with.  During mile 17 I gained an amazing burst of energy that allowed me to run hard and fast (for the muddy/slippery conditions) for about 3 miles.  As I came to an uphill slippery bank, I decided to walk.  Slowing down may have kept me from losing my footing, but I began feeling the cramps in my right leg at that point.  Until the next aide station my right leg twitched and seized.  It seemed like every time I landed on it, the muscles were going to lock up.  I usually stay away from sports drinks during races and stick with water, but I decided that a little Gatorade might be helpful. My cramps faded by 22 thankfully.

For the next 4 miles, I really "enjoyed" the race.  I had lots of time to reflect on my hours of training and reasons for running. Although my feet, toes, and muscles were hurting at this point, that was expected and not a issue.  I thought a lot about my family.  I was so thankful that they were able to be there for the race and were awaiting my arrival at the finish line.  It meant so much to know that they were waiting for me at the finish line! During long stretches of lonely trail, that is what I relied on to keep going.  I also thought about my "run 3rd" dedication to Robert Reid.  He was a blessing to all who knew him and worthy of honor.  I am thankful for the friends that pledged financial support for helping honor him.  I know that it will be blessing to his family.

For this week, my running will be limited.  Allowing my body to recover is essential, but I cannot wait to get back to the trails and roads soon.

Video link here

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lent Series Post 1

Last night I began the season of lent teaching on the disciplines of the Christian life.  The first discipline I taught on was prayer.

I first gave this statement:
The disciplines are not simply a routine of religious acts. They are evidence of a relationship.
Prayer is the result, a natural result of a relationship between God and man, Father and child.  The Model prayer of Jesus demonstrates this (Bold words expanded on below)
Luke 11:2 He said to them, "When you pray, say: "'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. 3 Give us each day our daily bread. 4 Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation. '"
Relationship, not Santa Claus, superman, or supernatural force, but a God to whom you are relationally connected.
Give us: dependency; total reliance on God. Certainly not impressing him with our independent toughness
Forgive us: relationships take work.  When we fail (often) we need him restoration.
      Lead us not: show us a better way, one decision at a time. Like a dance, Father you lead, we follow
Prayer is the outflow of a relationship of trust and dependency on God. We pray because we know He cares.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Kingdom of God Resource

For those that heard my talk yesterday about the Kingdom of God, the following resource is a great one that I recommend:

The King Jesus Gospel by Scot McKnight available here:

Also, as we explore the teachings of Jesus together over the next several weeks here are a few other great books to check out:

The Challenge of Jesus by N.T. Wright

The Method and Message of Jesus' Teachings by Robert Stein

The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions by Marcus Borg and N.T. Wright

Many of us are going to memorizing the The Beatitudes from Matthew chapter 5 and some are going to be memorizing Matthew 5-7 (the Sermon on the Mount).  Join us in putting this teaching in our hearts.

Running Third for Robert Reid

As some of you know, I am going to be running a marathon at Fort Yargo State Park on February 23, 2013. During my training I have had a lot of time to think about why I run (lots of things run through your head during the lonely hours on the road or trails). One reason I run is for my own health and enjoyment. No one runs as much as I do if you don't find enjoyment in it.
A second reason I run is for benefit of my children. I want my children to grow up seeing their dad as one who takes his health and fitness serious. I want to be able to do activities with my children as they get older such as hike, bike, camp, climb trees, and play ball. No one knows when their body will begin failing, but I hope that staying in shape will increase my years and enjoyment in life with them.
As I thought about other reasons I run I have thought about folks that cannot run and play. There are many who have physical disabilities that prevent them from enjoying the freedom of riding a bike, climbing a tree, or throwing a football. One of these folks that has recently touched my heart was Robert Reid. He passed away last week at age 26. He was an intelligent and joyful person, but due to Rheumatoid Arthritis he was never able to do some of the activities that bring enjoyment to my life.
I want to run this marathon for Robert Reid. His story has touched my heart, and I want to use my personal challenge of this trail marathon to honor Robert. I will be donating $5 per mile that I complete (26.2 miles) to Robert's family to help with any financial needs which they may have. If you would like to join me in sponsoring a "Mile for Robert" let me know. Please do not feel obligated to be part of this whatsoever. But if you would like to participate or invite others, feel free. Any checks need to be made out to Steven and Patricia Reid (Robert's parents). Thank you,

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to Stay Young Tips

Climb trees often
Get on the floor to play with kids
Stay up on music (all music)
Stay off dope and eat cookies once a week
Graphic T's
Take walks in the grass barefooted
Ride bikes or skateboards as often as possible
Don't watch 60 Minutes is just healthy.