Monday, December 15, 2014

Good News From Sunday

PVBC family and friends,

Sunday was a fantastic day led by our music and children ministries.  The adult cantata during the morning worship service was a beautiful offering of worship to Christ the King. Thank you Sherry Brown, the choir, and Tommy Brown who ran the sound. Everyone especially enjoyed watching the innocent love that Madeline Henderson expressed as she sang.  The youngest member of the choir probably knew the songs better than anyone!  Also, we appreciate Susan Claxton who offered sign interpretation during two of the songs.

Sunday night we had a wonderful dinner theater production from the children's choir, students, and adults.  The mission of this dinner theater was not only to celebrate Christmas but to give Christmas away to the nations.  The children sold tickets to this production which 100% of the proceeds will be given to Samaritan's Purse for the purchase of the following items ($1,150.00 TOTAL!):

$20 given to by booklets for children to learn about the Prince of Peace
$90- feeds 10 babies for a week
$40- 20 kids will receive a Jesus Loves Me Lamb
$70-5 dozen baby chicks
$15- Provides Bibles
$120- Provides 6 families with daily source of clean water
$50- furnishes shoes and clothing for disaster survivors 
$70 feeds 2 families for a month 
$45- Provides 30 fruit trees
$180 medical supplies
$350- 5 goats
$100 water filter for a family

Now that is giving Christmas to the nations!! 

Many adults and students participated in making this a success. Desserts were donated. Tickets were purchased. The actors and singers practiced for weeks.  So many parents and church members chipped in to make it a special night that blessed families around the world.  Thank you Sherry Brown who had this vision for this event. Thank you Becky Colwell for your leadership and dedication.  Travis and Lisa prepared the fantastic meal.  And many others served on the Sunday night Music, Missions, and More practice sessions during the past weeks.  A great team effort making a difference for Christ in our church and around the world!

Spread the Joy of Christ,

Pastor Myles

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

International Christmas Offering

PVBC Family and Friends,

I would like to extend to you the invitation to give Christmas to the nations this year.  I have been sharing on Sunday mornings about this year being the year that we could all look back on one day as the year we gave Christmas to the nations.

Over 2 billion people in the world today are born, live the duration of their lives, and die without opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.  The Good News of God's love and salvation is not available to them due to the lack of access.  Access.  All of God creation deserves access to the hope of Christ. Christmas is about experiencing the hope and wonder that God came to earth to express His love and forgiveness of sin.  Can you imagine living your life without ever hearing this news or knowing anyone who has heard this news? This is unacceptable.

This year would you and your family accept the invitation to give Christmas and the Gospel to the nations through the International Mission Offering which we will be receiving through December 28, 2014.  100% of this offering goes to fund the international missionary personnel who are taking the Gospel to the nations.  

Perhaps instead of giving all the gifts that we normally do this time of year, you could do something different by giving Christmas away to fund the missionaries seeking to reach the people living in darkness with no access to the Gospel.  Consider cutting your Christmas budget in half or more and give sacrificially to offering this year.  Perhaps you have never given to this offering before. Consider making your first contribution to this eternal investment.

Pray now that this may be the year we look back on and remember as the year we gave Christmas to the nations.  Give Christ to those who have never heard.

May God bless you and your family this Christmas,

Pastor Myles

Thursday, September 18, 2014

What Pleases the Lord?

What pleases the Lord?

·         Children obeying your parents (Col. 3:20)

·         Praising God with songs and thanksgiving is worth more than bulls with horns and huffs (Psalm 69:31)

·         Sanctified living (1 Thess. 4) (you are above the realm of the animals)

o   Avoid sexual immorality

o   Control your body (cravings of the flesh)

o   Refrain from taking advantage of your weaker brothers

·         Faith (trusting enough to obey) Impossible to please Him without it.  (Hebrews 11:6)

·         To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:7-8)

·         His Son, Jesus (John 8:29) Loving, trusting, following him

·         Enoch was one who pleased God

·         Do good and share with others (Hebrews 13:16),

·         Kindness toward the needy (Prov. 14:31)

·         Prayers of the upright (Proverbs 15:8)

·         I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:2-4)

·         Honor God with the first fruit of your wealth, 2 Corinthians 9:7. Recognition that all provision come from the hand of God.


God's gifts to the one who pleases Him: Wisdom, knowledge, and happiness. (Eccles. 2:26)

Wisdom, knowledge, and happiness are given by God to those who (simplified list of above):

·         Submit and follow authorities in their life (parents first)

·         FAITH (childlike trust and obedience)

·         Sing praises and thanks to God from their heart

·         Treat people justly, extend mercy (forgive and receive forgiveness), walk in a humble position of dependence on God

·         Stay in step with the heart, behavior, and teachings of Jesus (who please His Father)

·         Aggressively look to do good for others and share (generosity), kindness toward the needy

·         Pray with a clear conscience before God

·         Pray for all earthly authorities so that all may be saved and know the truth

·         Offering your first fruit to God 

Myles Brown

Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21 Devotion

Read Acts 19:21-41

It certainly can incite a revolt in the "god-making" business when you preach that there is only one God.  And the True God is not made of human hands. Preaching that the statues made by human hands have no spiritual value tends to offend the folks who make their living on such belief systems. This was more an economical controversy than anything else  Ephesus was known for the goddess Artemis.  Paul had been seeking to make Jesus famous there.  Don't mess with the economic engine of a community and expect that there will not be severe ramifications.

The Good News of the Kingdom of God is embraced by those hungry and thirsty for forgiveness and hope.  But the Good News is a threat to those who are highly vested in the interests of this world.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fall Ministry Ideas

Lane Corley get is right.  Here are some great ideas:

August 20 Devotion

Genesis 24:1-27

A divine appointment.  An answered prayer.  Abraham had a very specific request.  Abraham gave direct orders to his servant.  The servant had a faithful desire to serve with excellence.  A specific sign was requested.  And God brought together Rebekah and the servant of Abraham in a obvious answer and provision. 

This archaic way of arranging and seeking to put together a marriage may seem strange to our contemporary minds.  But here are a couple of things that motivated Abraham that should also be our desires for our own children's future spouses.

1.       He did not want his child to marry someone who did not have a relationship with God.  He wanted someone for his child who shared knowledge of God and a desire to serve Him.

2.       He wanted his child to marry someone who would not go backwards in God's plan, but forward.  Promises and blessings were to be passed forward.  These were not to be abandoned and forgotten.

Will you pray this for your children and grandchildren? A marriage relationship founded on a mutual dedication to love God and follow Him.  A forward pointed marriage and family that is on mission with God to reach the world for Christ even if it takes them to the ends of the earth. Pray that our children and grandchildren would follow Christ and tell the Gospel to others no matter what vocation and location God has for their life.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 23 Devotion

Read Acts 19:1-20

A great work of God was taking place through the bold ministry of Paul.  This passage says that the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. Many believed, confessed, and made public their changed lives.  Where Jesus and the Kingdom of God were preached, people were healed, evil was overturned, and people were saved.

The word of the Lord spread and grew in power.  Like a wild fire, when the good news is spreading it sweeps through the land quickly and cannot be contained. Imagine this fire sweeping our world today. With power and speed sweeping the globe with the wonders and changed lives.

July 22 Devotion

Read Genesis 23

Buying a burial plot is never a joyous occasion.  This would be the first parcel of land the Abraham and his family would call their own.  Bought from the Hittites, this small stretch of land and the caves would be the resting place for Sarah, and one day he would be buried himself. 

Abraham would not allow this plot of land to be gift.  He wanted to buy it at full price for his wife.  A final act of love and devotion.

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21 Devotion

Read Acts 18

Aquila and Pricilla was a tent-making couple who made a real difference in spreading the Gospel.  Imagine being forced to leave Rome simply because you were of the wrong nationality.  Then in Corinth that come across a vibrant Jewish missionary preacher who is proclaiming the Jesus as the Messiah. They worked together with Paul in making tents and reaching Jews and Greeks with the Gospel.

When Paul leaves for Corinth, they travel with him.  Paul left them in Ephesus to serve the church there.  When Apollos, a brilliant and talented preacher and leader came through Ephesus, Pricilla and Aquila invited him into their home with hospitality and taught him more about Jesus.  This wonderful had been a real help to Paul and now served to quietly teach a dynamic missionary preacher.  All the while they quietly went about their business of making and mending tents. Instead of growing bitter about being kicked out Rome, they discovered a better life awaited them in furthering the mission of God.

July 20 Devotion

Read Proverbs 18:2

The wise really want to grow, stretch, and humble themselves.  There is a relentless pursuit to learn.  On the other hand, the fool already has his opinions set.  He has a lot them and doesn't mind spewing them all.

Best pathway in life is choosing to be teachable, persuadable by wisdom.  A more popular but foolish path is choosing to assert opinion against others without really hearing, learning, and understanding.

July 19 Devotion

Psalm 62

Our only hope in the troubles of life is found in God alone, our rock, fortress, and refuge.

We really are vulnerable and prone to attack.  We are easily injured.

Refuse to put trust in these more than God: your relationships, money, and strategies.

Preset your heart to trust Him alone. 

Declare these truths: The Lord is strong, loving, and enough.  He is all we need.

Devotion July 18

Read Genesis 22

One of the hardest chapters in the Bible to read.  This strange testing of Abraham.  The ultimate test you might say. Do you fear/worship/trust God enough to withhold nothing from Him, even you only son?

It reminds me of the words of Jesus in which he said unless you hate your father and mother, you cannot be my disciple. Unless you give it all away, you cannot be my disciple. 

Devotion and worship of God is to be such a high priority over all other loves and priorities that they look like hate in comparison.

I am always so relieved every time I read this chapter that God provided a ram.  I feel my heartbeat in my throat each time I imagine Abraham drawing back the knife to sacrifice his son. God never would have allowed Isaac to be sacrificed, but through this strange story we see that Abraham truly trusted God enough to obey him no matter how extravagant the directions might be. And God said, "Now I know." Could this very same mountain be the place where Jesus died in place?  I like to think that it might be the very same place. The LORD will provide.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17 Devotion

Read Acts 17

We see something of the mission methodology of Paul and his team in this chapter.  In Thessalonica and Berea, Paul went to the Synagogue where he already had a common starting ground for understanding among the people.  In the Synagogue he started with Old Testament Scripture which they already believed and reasoned for placing faith in Jesus as the Christ. In Athens, he spoke with the philosophers and thinkers by quoting one of their own philosophers and referring to an altar to an UNKNOWN GOD as he reasoned for them to place their faith in Jesus as the Christ.

The results? A few became Christ followers, some were merely interested, some took the matter seriously, some dismissed the message, and others were angered. We can expect the same spectrum of results when we seek to persuade others about the truth and importance of the Gospel of Christ.  If we follow Paul's methodology, we look first for people who may be interested.  All need to hear.  Some are more ready to hear and respond than others.  Use references, languages, examples, and symbols that are common to those we are trying to communicate.  Start where they are. Build bridges that connect to Jesus.  Keep checking to verify that they are following along and understand.  Some will be dismissive or angry, but some will be ready to respond.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16 Devotion

Read Genesis 21

According to the promises of God, Sarah brought Isaac into the world as Abraham was 100 years old.

Hagar and Ishmael were cared for by the Lord's promise as well as they left the clan of Abraham.

Abraham and Abimelech agreed to maintain peace between their people. As Abraham saw his son growing he watched the promises of God coming true. God's timing is very different from ours.  God is faithful and true. Our faith and patience are often put to the test as we wrestle with the temptation to give up too soon. Without complaint, will trust and rejoice in the waiting.  There will be sweet rejoicing when the day of refreshing finally comes.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15 Devotion

Read Acts 16:16-40
A few thoughts to consider for this day:
·         Predicting the future is possible, but the spiritual beings that operate in this realm should not be dabbled or played with.
·         All spirits are subject to the name of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who came in the flesh.
·         Setting people free from the bondage of evil spirits is not always well received by industries built on their existence.  You may want to go back and read that statement again.
·         When you find yourself stripped, beaten, and thrown in prison for doing something good and godly to help others, simply pray and praise the Lord through song.  Others will take notice.  And God will come to your aid. Your persecutors can become believers in a matter of moments when the power and glory of God is revealed to them.
·         If you are set free by a wondrous turn of events, make sure it does not happen quietly.  Make sure all see and that God receives the glory for the victory. No accidents. The beatings and the freedom are part of his greater plan.  Will we praise and glorify Him in both circumstances? 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Devotion July 14

Read Genesis 20

Out of fear, Abraham for the second time told a half-truth about his wife being his sister (the first occurrence that we know about was in Egypt). His plan in doing this was to protect his own skin from Abimelech.  Through God's intervention in a dream the full truth was revealed and Abraham and Sarah were blessed despite their lack of trust in relying on the truth. They were given livestock, money, and allowed to live anywhere in the land in freedom.  And God brought healing and restoration to all of Abimelech's household.

Lies and half truths have consequences far beyond what can be predicted.  It is always safer to rely on the truth than to meddle with twisting and bending truth into lies. Truth sets us free. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Last night in LA

Awesome last day and night! The team has done great! Proud of them all! Celebrating at Cafe Du Monde.

Worship Service 3

Tonight we looked at the story of Jesus in the home of Martha and Mary. Pastor Jeremy explained that balance is need in service. If we go to the extreme in service to the point that we end up resenting others who aren't serving, we lose focus and purpose for the service. We all need time with Jesus to rest in His presence (Sabbath). Great day and night to rest, refresh, and spend time with the Lord.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 3

Last night was an amazing service. The team was in worship till 10:45 AM...great time of sharing as well.

Ashley, however, continued to get worse. She left this morning early with Owen and Maddie headed back to Carrollton.

Today we will be at Fountainebleu State Park in the morning. In the afternoon we will go to Franco's Athletic Club to swim. A much needed relaxing day. Tomorrow we will be back at the mobile home park for a block party and then the boys and girls club.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 2 Update

We are about to begin the second night of worship. Looking forward to a great time of focusing on the Lord.

The block party ministries went great today. Bryan and Jack work on a yard clean up project as well. Hot day and the team is worn out.

Pray for Ashley Hembree as she prepares to return home tomorrow with Owen and Maddie Henderson. She is not feeling well. Pray for good weather tomorrow as the team enjoys some fun in the sun at the beach and pool side.

Willing to serve

Pray for the team today as we do 2 block parties in 2 locations. Pray for energy, good weather, open hearts, courageous faith, and good attitudes.

Most us like serve when others can and we are appreciated. Will we serve when we are treated like servants?

John 13:17 is burning on my heart this day. Check it out. Real happiness/blessing is connected to our obedience to serve as Jesus did.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Time to Serve

Great time in worship tonight through music and the Word.

John 13

Sometimes serving will be uncomfortable, awkward, and people will be unappreciative. Will we serve anyway? Jesus did.

Assessing Projects

Today has been spent assessing projects for the week. The group has been passing out flyers, prayer walking, planning recreation and crafts ideas for the ministry sites. Pastor Lane from Bridge Church is touring the group around and explaining the big picture of what our mission this week is all about.

Day 1

Time to Serve!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Monday Plans

The mission team will head out at 9 am to a mobile home community to pass out flyers and host a kids community party at picnic starting around 10:30. We will also being assessing a few home repair or pressure washing jobs in the community as well. Pray for good weather and good attitudes. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel. So far the group is doing great! Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement.

We are a here

Quick Stop

Hattiesburg, MS at the Dandy Dan's. Refuel the bus and my coffee cup. Community Coffee!! Wahoo.

Lunch break

Great lunch break in Meridian, MS. Now the bus is headed south to the bayou.

Sent from my iPhone

Stops 2&3

Stopped at rest area and a gas station. "Plumbing is working"

Leaving Tuscaloosa...making progress.

First Stop

Well we made it 5 miles. Gas stop in Bremen, Ga. Now we are on the road. Pray for safety as we travel. Pray for good weather and for the bus/trailer to have no unexpected problems. Pray for the students and leaders to build strong relationship with one another. Pray that God will grow the faith of the participants this week. Pray for open doors to share the Gospel this week as we travel and serve.

Sent from my iPhone

And the Team is Rolling Out

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18 Devotion

Read Acts 16:1-15

Timothy was circumcised despite not being required to do so. Why? Because as a leader one must go above and beyond in order to not offend.  To be a leader means greater sacrifice of freedoms in order to be helpful to more people who are always at various stages of maturity and understanding.

For some unknown reason the opportunities for Paul to travel into Asia and further east were closed.  And then the vision came from God in the night to go west to Macedonia.  Paul packed and every one followed his lead.

Upon arriving in Philippi, Paul went on Sabbath to where spiritually seeking people would be gathering to pray.  When he sat to speak, women there were intently listening. One of these ladies was Lydia. The Lord opened her heart. She believed and was baptized. She invited the traveling missionaries into her home to stay.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17 Devotion

Read Genesis 19

Lot recognized these messengers were from the LORD and took them aside to feed them and care for their needs. The men of the town hear of the strangers and come to Lot's home in order to rape them. Lot in a less than noble moment offered up his daughters to the men of the city if they would not rape the strangers who were guests in his home. Through supernatural intervention the men of the city were turned away from the house with blindness.

The word of coming destruction was pronounced and Lot went about warning his family.  But Lot had lost all influence. No one cared or believed him. Lot, his wife and daughters hesitated, but God showed them mercy and led them out of the city. Escaping to the small town, Zoar, they were rescued from the burning disaster that fell from the heavens upon the city. Lot's wife stopped to return and was killed/transformed by the falling judgment on the land. Lot and his daughter lived alone in the mountains in a desperate incestuous relationship. A horrific ending to a sad family.  Two nations of people would come from these daughters, but Lot's life can only be viewed as a sad failure due to rotten choices and foolish calculations.  

June 16 Devotion

Read Acts 15

"Some men," self-appointed men as it turned out, set out to straighten up the Gentile believers in Antioch.  The best way to handle this issue was to go right to the proper authorities at the center of leadership and convene a meeting.  Peter and James (the brother of Jesus) spoke for the leadership of the church and said that Gentiles should be welcomed into the church without Jewish conversions.  Mosaic law and wisdom concerning diet would be encouraged, but nothing should stand in the way of faith and grace.  The right channels were followed in handling a controversy.  And the Holy Spirit brought unity once again.

Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement as they prepared to leave Antioch to visit the other churches. Paul was not willing to let John Mark come along again since he had left them on the last trip. Barnabas was more willing to take a chance on John Mark and took him along in direction.  Paul took Silas from Judea as a companion for the journey.  And off they went in different directions to encourage the churches of Syrian and Cilicia. John Mark received a second chance while Silas received the opportunity of a lifetime.

June 15 Devotion

Read Proverbs 18:1

Consider memorizing this verse.

It truly defies all logic and wisdom to be unfriendly.  We need each other in life.  Humans were not created to live alone.  We are most vulnerable in the world when we try to go it alone in life.  When God saw that Adam was alone, it saddened him.  No suitable companion was found in all of creation, so the Bible describes that a woman was created from Adam's side to be his life helper, companion, and lover. 

Spouses, friends, family, neighbors, cohorts, and allies are needed.  Life has too many challenges and dangers to face alone.

Do you have a close friend you can trust with your struggles, joys, and fears? Do you know your neighbors well enough to count on them in times of trouble?

Selfishly pursuing your own agenda without concern for others defies all sound judgment. The most accurate way of translating the Hebrew phrase here would be this: "If you think you can make it through life by yourself, you're crazy!"

We need family, friends, and the church. We were created for community. Relationships are not easy. They are the source of some of the deepest hurts we experience in life, but risking life alone is not a wise alternative. Relationships take work because everybody else is just as selfish as you are. But they are worth it. The greatest joys in life are found in relationships.

June 14 Devotion

Read Psalm 79

A cry for help and vindication after God's judgment had arrived on the people of God.  God's discipline comes slow, but when the hand of judgment comes down it is swift. It begins with those who know why judgment is coming (His people). This song asks the question, "How long will you be angry Lord?"

The answer is that God is quick to forgive, slow to anger, and redemptive even in discipline.  In our lives, when judgment and discipline come our way it hurts but serves our benefit and others.  If God did not love, no judgments would ever come. Judgment and discipline are proof of His parental loving kindness.

June 13 Devotion

Read Genesis 18

The LORD appeared to Abraham in the form of 3 men.  Abraham spared no expense in treating the LORD to a fine meal with veal, milk, curds, and bread.  Hospitality at its finest. The news the LORD brought was that it was time for Sarah to bear the child through whom the blessing of the nations would come.

Sarah laughed. Yeah right, she said to herself.  Now that her joy and zeal for life is behind her. Now she would have a son. The LORD said to Abraham is anything too hard for the LORD? Sarah was ashamed of her laughter and tried to play it off. 

God decided to inform Abraham about the coming judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham pleaded for mercy since he knew his nephew and family live there.  And so back and forth the Abraham and God converse about just how many righteous in the city would prevent the judgment of the entire place. The number of 10 was settled upon.  If only 10 righteous could be found, the entire place would be spared. God's patience and willingness to withhold due justice for the sake of the few righteous is astounding.  On a grand scale, God is patient and kind, desiring that none would perish. See 2 Peter 3:9

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12 Devotion

Read Acts 14

An amazing missionary journey this certainly was.  Miracles, signs and wonders confirmed the message of the Gospel.  People were amazed. Many became followers of Jesus Christ, but some saw the miracles as signs that Zeus and Hermes (gods in the Greek pantheon) had visited earth in the form of Paul and Barnabas.  There were many misunderstandings for sure.  And there was severe opposition, especially from the groups that were losing membership (Jews in the synagogues in particular). After being stoned nearly to death Paul and escaped to bring the Gospel to new areas.  Leadership was appointed and established in each place where new followers of Jesus were gathering.

I like what it says in the final verse.  When the missionary task was completed they came back to their home church…and stayed a long time.  They needed to rest and be encouraged from all they had gone through in sharing the Gospel among the new people groups and cities. It is good to go.  And it is good to come home.

June 11 Devotion

Read Genesis 17

The covenant between God and Abraham was confirmed through a physical reminder on the males in Abraham's family and possession. Abraham, Ishmael, and all the later descendant of Abraham (even Jesus) would under these physical reminder of the contract God has made between them.  At 99 Abraham still had no son from Sarah but God's promise remained.  The child would be called Isaac. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 10 Devotion

Read Acts 13

The missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas began as the church in
Antioch led by the Holy Spirit prayed for them and sent them out.
Certainly some new areas were more receptive to the gospel than
others. What is so great to see is how the story of Jesus was told in
various audiences. Paul began in the synagogues appealing to the Jews
and God-fearers by starting with the Patriarchs through Egypt, Moses,
and David all they way up to Jesus. Paul appealed to his audience by
starting with common ground before moving to the good news of Jesus.
When we share the gospel, we are to do the same. We start with
information that is common before moving to the truth of Jesus' life,
crucifixtion, burial, and resurrection. Then a call to respond if
they are receiving the message with conviction and hunger.

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9 Devotion

Read Genesis 16

God had spoke to Abram and then she (Sarai) spoke to Abram.  To both Abram said yes.  Abram's greatest strength, his trusting nature, would prove to also be a source of problems. He would trust God and then defer and trust his wife even when it contradicted what God had said.  Abram never wanted controversy or to cause any waves so he would please and appease the ones he was with, God included.  This humility and vulnerability was both helpful and detrimental at times.  In this chapter it resulted in problems among his descendants which continue to this day (the Israelite and Arab peoples).

Also, it is powerful to see how God revealed and made promises to Hagar, a simple slave girl of Abram's possession.  God promised to bless her son. The God who sees.  A great word for today.  No matter what your assessment of your worth and how others treat you: God sees you and has a plan for you.

June 8 Devotion

Read Proverbs 17:15-28

Love. Friends. Raising wise children (preparing them to make good decisions from solid values and accurate perspective). A cheerful upbeat attitude.  These are all valuable according to God's word. These are way more valuable than money. At the end of life or in times of real trouble, what really matters?

Take these verses to heart today and apply any corrective action necessary.  God's word is true and accurate.  Consider memorizing and putting these verses into practice.

June 7 Devotion

Read Psalm 49

A psalm declaring simply that being right with God, true understanding and wisdom, is all that matters in the end.  Death is the equalizer.  The curse upon mankind for rebelling against God can only be broken by coming to know God by love and forgiveness.  What is gained in material wealth and prestige in this life will be short lived. Everything we have will one day be owned by someone else. All that matters in the end is whether we are known and loved by our Creator.  Being right (straightened out) with God is priority number one for this life. Worship, service, and love toward a God who first loved us.

June 6 Devotion

Read Acts 12

There is a lot going on this passage.  The sad reality of James (one of the first fisherman followers of Jesus) was executed by the sword.  The amazing miracle of Peter's rescue from prison by an angel of the Lord. The judgment and death of King Herod. John Mark was mentioned in this passage.  The church was meeting in his mother's home in Jerusalem.  John Mark is believed to be the author of the Gospel of Mark, the first gospel written for circulation among the followers of Jesus. John Mark had traveled with Saul (Paul) and Barnabas on a missionary journey before returning to Jerusalem.  Perhaps the most encouraging verse in this chapter is verse 24: the gospel continued to increase and spread.

June 5 Devotion

Read Genesis 15

An amazing scene this story portrayed. God revealed to Abram that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars.  And since Abram believed God, he was considered righteous.  What a great truth! What God truly wants from us is to simply trust His word and as truth and act on it. The covenant ceremony described of dividing the sacrificed animals and God's presence passing between them was a common way of doing contracts among people during Abram's time, but this was a contract that God made personally with Abram to give his descendants a land of their own. 

Also, an obscure verse here (vs. 14) described that God was also working among the Amorite people as well as personally with Abram.  One day when the Israelites would come out of Egypt, God would use them to bring justice to the Amorites.  God's plan for all nations and people is more complicated and intricate than our minds can comprehend.  God has worked among the descendants of Abram and then the followers of Jesus.  But God is also at work among all people in all nations superintending all human history toward His ultimate purposes. Every people group that left the building project of Babel (see Genesis 11) is precious to God. Each people group on earth today can trace their roots to this cradle of civilization.  Each is loved by God.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4 Devotion

Read Acts 11:19-30

Antioch was becoming an example of the how the Gospel was cross cultural.  Barnabus and Saul (Paul) spent a year there continuing to train and teach the Jewish and Gentile followers of Christ.  An offering of aid was given to the church in Judea who needed financial support. There was a great sense of connectedness among the churches in various regions.  They were working together for the common mission of taking the gospel to new people groups who needed to hear the good news.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3 Devotion

Read Genesis 14

Abram was drawn into war in order to rescue his nephew Lot who was captured along with the rest of the people of Sodom.  This would not be the last time that Lot and Sodom pulled Abram into problems.  Abram and 318 men won a night battle and recovered all of the captured people and goods.

The king/priest of Salem, Melchizedek, is quite an interesting character.  Abram give him a tithe, a tenth of all he had.  Melchizedek blessed Abram and the God who gave him the victory. They celebrated with bread and wine.  From our New Testament perspective we cannot help think of Jesus when bread and wine are served.  The author of the New Testament book of Hebrews certainly saw the connection as well.  To say the least, it was a spiritual celebration after the victory of war.  Abram clearly understood that God had provided the victory.  

June 2 Devotion

Read Acts 11:1-18

When Peter returned to Jerusalem to report everything that had been happening with the new people groups coming to faith in Christ he was greeted with much less than enthusiasm. There was criticism over even sharing a meal with the Roman centurion.

Instead of provoking a controversy, however, Peter carefully explained all that took place. And the people rejoiced with no further objections.  An amazing demonstration of flexibility, submission, being open-minded, and graciousness. 

June 1 Devotion

Read Proverbs 17:1-14

Consider these valuables, attitudes and attributes that are blessed above things believed to be important such as silver, gold, high position and finest food:

·         Peace and quiet

·         Wisely serving

·         Grandchildren

·         Parents

·         Forgiving and forgetting offenses

·         A rebuke

Appreciating the value of these will lead to blessings and contentment. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 31 Devotion

Read Psalm 121

The Lord is our protector. Spend a few moments today simply thanking the Lord for not letting your foot slip or nodding off during our desperate hour.  The Lord is here and ready to meet our greatest need.

Consider memorizing a verse in this passage: a great one would be verse 7. A great verse to teach our children and grandchildren.  A promise to sing over them as they leave our sight.

May 30 Devotion

Read Genesis 13

One of Abrams faults it seemed was that he deferred leadership and responsibility to others.  Instead of leaving Lot behind with the rest of his family, he allowed him to follow along.  Now that both men had grown in size and resources, they had to part ways. Instead of Abram taking the leadership responsibility in this matter of who would go where, he deferred to Lot to chose which direction he would go.  The decision Lot made to select the land close to Sodom would prove to be a terrible choice in the days ahead.

God in his mercy and providence took care of Abram.  His land selection would be the Promised Land that God would give to Abram's ancestors (as numerous as the dust of the earth). And there Abram built an altar to worship the Lord.

May 29 Devotion

Read Acts 10

What a power movement of the God taking Peter and the gospel to a Roman centurion and his family.  Through visions both Cornelius and Peter were informed about this divine appointment.  But first a work of enlightenment had to occur in Peter.  Once Peter saw that God was indeed opening the door for people of all nationalities and backgrounds to receive the Gospel, he welcomed this transition with hesitation. These new followers of Jesus were baptized and added to the church of God. Into new groups and regions the gospel was spreading with great response among those who were ready for a changed life.

May 28 Devotion

Read Genesis 12

The beginning of the story of father Abraham. After hearing the call of God, Abram left his father and security of home in order to and venture into the unknown of following God by faith. At age 75 with no children of his own, God called Abram to begin a nation of people through whom He would bless all nations of people. God's special purpose for Abram was not saying he loved him more than the other people of the world, but it would be through the life and family of Abram that God would demonstrate his love and provision for all the people of the world.

Far from perfect Abram had trouble fully trusting God.  It would be a growing relationship that God would nurture.  Like a child learning and growing into an adult, Abram was learning to walk with God. Abram would pave the way for all of us in what it means to trust and obey God.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 22-27 Devotions

If you get behind sometimes like I do, take a breath and do a little at a time to catch up. These devotions are bit late by the calender, but they may be right on time in your life. Have a blessed day. 

May 22, 2014

Read Genesis 10

The family of Noah increased and multiplied. They replenished this earth from the devastation of the flood. Their names became cities, villages, and region names.  The legends and stories of humanity increased in each generation and new territory of expansion.  From this family all humanity today has its roots. Our DNA and heritage trace back to these children of Noah and their wives.

May 23, 2014

Read Acts 9:1-31

Saul, a life radically transformed. Rarely do we hear of such outrageous conversion experiences. Paul was such a staunch persecutor of the church who had a deadly reputation among the church. The church was afraid to let him be part of the movement after his conversion.  It must have seemed too outlandish to believe.  Could you imagine in our day a major public opponent of Christianity suddenly turning into a bold evangelist of Jesus?

Saul (Paul) began convincing Jews to follow Christ and thus became a lightening rod of controversy.  It was only after Paul was removed to Tarsus that things began to calm down in the region.  A radically changed life has a way of disturbing both sides.  The group he was joining was skeptical while the group he was abandoning felt betrayed. Paul had moved from persecutor to one of the persecuted in a matter of days and weeks.  But he would never back down in his boldness to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

May 24, 2014

Read Psalm 72

The king of Tarshish? Tarshish was one of the great grandsons of Noah found in Genesis 10 through the line of Japheth. Seba and Sheba as well are descendants of Noah through Ham. Verse 11 says that all kings and nations will bow and serve the righteous King.  This prophetic song is about the coming Messiah. God has a heart for all people, nations, and tribes under heaven.

The immediate context is about Solomon the son of David.  But it ultimately speaks of an even greater king, Jesus, who would reign in the righteousness and justice of God.

May 25, 2014

Read Proverbs 16:18-33

Jewels of wisdom indeed.  When given the choice between sitting with the janitors or the bosses, choose the janitors.  If you are invited to the head table, then listen more than your speak. If your hair turns gray, praise the Lord that you have lived that long! Let it be a crown of mercy from God and tell of the righteousness of God. When you know it is time to speak, choose pleasant words.  These words open the door for instruction. Pleasant words are sweet and healthy for the spirit and body. When given the choice between violent outrage and patient understanding, choose patience.  You may live long enough to have a gray hair. 

May 26, 2014

Read Genesis 11

The city builders. Early barons of industry and technology were preventing the human race from expanding into all the earth.  Making a name for themselves was more important than fulfilling the mandate to fill and subdue the earth.

When God intervened (we don't know exactly how) the building project was abandoned.  Groups spread out into new areas taking with them their DNA, stories, skills, and legacy.  New languages and dialects would develop.  Divisions and languages were God's idea and part of the discipline needed for mankind to spread out over the earth.  It would be through one family, one man in fact, that God would seek to bless all the peoples of the earth.

May 27, 2014

Read Acts 9:32-43

Near modern day Tel Aviv Peter performed some of the most amazing miracles that gave credence to the message of Jesus.  The raising of Tabatha from the dead was perhaps one of the greatest of his miracles.  Peter would go on to stay in this region by the sea for quite a while as a guest in the home of Simon a tanner.

The reputation of the church was increasing with new people embracing Jesus as their Lord and savior. Paul was now in Tarsus in Turkey learning and training.  Peter and the other followers of Jesus were enjoying a brief period of local peace to expand the message of Christ.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21 Devotion

Read Acts 8:26-40

A eunuch was servant of a royal or wealthy individual who could be trusted with the official's belongings and women (harem) because the eunuch was incapable of sex (and the sexual drive) due to castration and lack of hormone production.  Gruesome realities of the ancient world.  Such asexual individuals like eunuch would not have been allowed to enter the Temple complex in Jerusalem to worship during the days of the New Testament.  Eunuchs also have no legacy, no children, and no possibility of family life (including opposite sex physical relationships) in this life.
The fact that Philip discovered this eunuch reading Isaiah is not a surprise considering these verses from Isaiah that would likely have been a favorite among foreigners and eunuchs:

Isaiah 56: 3 Let no foreigner who has bound himself to the LORD say, "The LORD will surely exclude me from his people." And let not any eunuch complain, "I am only a dry tree."4 For this is what the LORD says: "To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant-- 5 to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off. 6 And foreigners who bind themselves to the LORD to serve him, to love the name of the LORD, and to worship him, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant-- 7 these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."

Jesus had quoted from verse 7 of this passage in his condemnation of the Temple complex in Jerusalem.
What is the purpose of this story in the Book of Acts? Everyone is now welcome in the Kingdom of God. Jesus who also was cut off from this life and was without children was crucified but has been resurrected.  Good news for all. Even eunuchs have a place in the people of God. No people group on earth is outside the reach of God's love and mercy.

May 20 Devotion

Read Genesis 9

Rebirth, a new genesis.  Now the instruction once given to Adam fell to Noah: be fruitful, multiply, fill and subdue the earth. But there would necessary accountability for every creature that dies at the hand of man. And every human life taken would require accountability as well. God made a covenant with mankind and with all the earth never to destroy all life with the flood waters again. The rainbow stands as God's reminder to us of this promise.

Many other realities would still be in the re-born earth and humanity.  Here are a few that are found in this story: Drunkenness, shame, inequality, jealousy, and broken relationships.  With evil and rebellion still residing in the heart of man, the story of our beginnings continued from the saved family. A reminder to us all that although we may be saved, our sinful bent still persists. Yet, so does God's grace.

May 19 Devotion

Read Acts 8:1-25

The death of Stephen led to a scattering of the church and its leaders (except the Apostles) into other regions.  What was intended to stop the movement of the Jesus followers was actually expanding its reach by putting people into new areas for sharing the gospel of the Kingdom.  When the Apostles John and Peter heard of people being baptized, they finally left Jerusalem and spread out to investigate and help.

As sad as the death of the Stephen was, it forced the church outward. Saul began his house to house persecution and intimidation.  And the Holy Spirit led the church into Judea and Samaria (see Acts 1:8).  

May 18 Devotion

Sorry for the delay in these...

Read Proverbs 16:1-17

Motives, heart, and intentions.  God weighs and sorts these.  Only He fully knows these.  We make plans, but He determines our path.  The Lord is certainly our great protector and provider.  What a wonderful promise found in verse 7.  When our ways please him, even our enemies will live in peace toward us.  What ways please the Lord?  If you are unsure of these ways, then you may want to do a more intensive study of what pleases the Lord.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

May 17 Devotion

Read Psalm 47

How awesome is our God!  Praise Him today with songs and praise.  Declare His might and power today in conversations that you have with people.  Take note of their responses.  Do they know, by experience, the power and might of God? How might you share God's glory and love with them? 

Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16 Devotion

Read Genesis 8

As Noah came out of the ark he turned the animal loose and turned his turned his heart toward God.  He built an altar to worship God, the saving God who had mercy on him and his family. 

God responded with tenderness and compassion.  "God said in His heart" is a phrase that means that God set His attitude and intention to never curse the earth (ground) even though the heart of mankind is full of evil intentions.  The seasons would be firmly established in the weather patterns and climates that are remarkably predictable for as long as the earth endures. An act of patience and mercy. In spite of our sin and rebellion, God allows His creation and people to endure. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 15 Devotion

Read Acts 7

Powerful speech and what turned out to be final words of a faithful witness for Christ.  Stephen began his sermon with the calling of Abraham and proceeded to recount Jewish history up to his present time.  Without fear, he boldly shared the Gospel.  And he paid the ultimate price at the hands of an angry mob.  In this passage we are introduced to a young Jewish leader by the name of Saul who stood by approving of the death of Stephen.

May 14 Devotion

Read Genesis 7

What an incredible story of epic proportions.  After 40 days of deluge, the earth was covered in water.   For 150 days the waters remained high on the earth. That is nearly 5 months! God had a plan to restart the creative process with Noah and his family.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13 Devotion

Read Acts 6:8-15

One these early leaders who were set apart by the church for leadership had now encountered great opposition by a group within a synagogue who were intent on getting rid of him (Stephen).

Brought before the Sanhedrin he would face tremendous pressure to change his message or stand up as a bold witness for Jesus.  Leadership certainly has its perils. But full of the Holy Spirit Stephen prepared to make his stand. An amazing speech is found in chapter 7 which we will read in a couple of days.  The events which would follow this speech would cause a major shift in the early days of the Jesus movement. Unaware of what would happen to him or the church, Stephen's focus was on faithfulness and truth.

Would we have such courage and faith in the face of opposition? 

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12 Devotion

Read Genesis 6:9-22

God sought out Noah to establish a covenant: a promised commitment to save his family from the come just punishment upon the earth's corruption violence.

The violence and corruption had reached its limit with God and a punishing flood that would cause a mass extinction was coming.  But a remnant, a family, a reset of the animal kingdom would survive.

I love the last verse of chapter 6.  It shows the character and faith of Noah.  "Noah did everything just as God commanded it."  Noah had an upbeat obedient desire to please God.  That is just the kind of person God still chooses to do His work today. 

May 11 Devotion

Read Proverbs 15:18-33

The decisions, attitudes, and actions of the wise and foolish bring results into relationships with God and family.  Did you notice how many of the results of chosen actions affect other people? Here are few relationships mentioned:

Child and parent

Person and God

Person and family

Also, go back and look at vs. 28 again.  The righteous are able to weigh and consider words before they are leave the mouth.  The wise cannot tame the tongue, but harnessing it is possible as one grows in wisdom.

Is there a verse in this section you would consider memorizing? If so, ask someone to help you/quiz you on any verses you committing to memory.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 10 Devotion

Read Psalm 7

A song and cry for justice.  Whatever justice and righteousness deserves, bring it Lord.  The last part of this song tells of how justice might fall back on those who plan and plot evil.  May it also serve as a reminder to us all that we dig ourselves a pit when we plot harm on another.  It is just a matter of time.  Justice and righteousness will come to pass.

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9 Devotion

Read Acts 6:1-7

Growing pains in the early church.  The organizational structure of the movement of Jesus followers necessarily needed a change due to the influx of new people and different kinds of people.  Both diversity and sheer numbers were putting a strain on the movement of the gospel and its leadership.  Division of responsibilities and empowerment of new leadership was necessary. People with both the gift of leadership and high character were selected by the people to lead them in solving the organizational issues. Everyone involved would be affected by the change.  Change is never easy. Existing leaders had to let go of some responsibility and power to allow others to lead.  The people had to choose to happily follow leadership and honor those set apart to govern.  New leaders had to resist the urge to lead for their own benefit and choose to use their new authority as a platform to help people under their influence.

Organizational structure changes as well as policy and procedural changes are necessary as a group of people increase in numbers and diversity. Like clothes, the movement just outgrows the old ways.  It is not that one set of "clothes" (old or new) is better than the other.  They just don't fit anymore. Much prayer and forethought had to go into this change in the early church.  The same prayer and careful progress is necessary in our day as well as groups like churches outgrow their previous "organizational clothes." Look at verse 5 again. "The proposal pleased the people." Amen.

May 8 Devotion

Read Genesis 6:1-8

This is certainly an obscure and strange text to fully comprehend.  The larger story is that mankind's rebellion was growing to the point that every inclination in his heart was evil all the time.  One man found the favor of God: Noah. Noah was not perfect, but it appears that he desired to please God more than simply pleasing himself. God chose him to reset the creation.  Everything will go through a mass extinction with only a select family and animals to be retained to replenish the earth. 

Nephilims? Who were these? The word is closely related to the Hebrew verb that we translate "to fall." We do not know for sure who these people of renown were.  The detailed truth is locked in the past, however we do know that like all the evil that was accumulating in the heart of mankind they were part of the problem.  The cleansing flood was God's plan for his purposes to reset His creation. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7 Devotion

Read Acts 5:34-42

Gamaliel sounds like a quite the wise and influential leader.  Although he was personally unconvinced by the Jesus followers, he drew upon past experience in such movements of reform.  If a movement was of man's power, it will be short lived.  If God is behind the reform movement, then nothing will be able to stop it.

If a movement is leader driven only, then you strike the leader and you kill the movement. A value driven movement that has captured the hearts of the people (moved into to the top ranking priority in their lives) it will carry on well beyond the life of the leader. And with the reform movement of Jesus, these followers were thoroughly convinced that Jesus was no longer dead but alive forevermore. Gamaliel was wise to err on the side of a "wait and see" approach.  Time will tell. Is it true? Will it last? What tangible difference will it make?

May 6 Devotion

Read Genesis 5

The roll call of Adam's lineage is a list of full of little nuggets of treasure that lead to imaginative speculation.  As much as the details are mentioned for specific reasons, the overall teaching is that mankind's roots go back to a common family, created in the likeness of God. It is important to know who you are and where you have come from.  You and everyone you know have much more in common than you have differences.  Family.  Relationship.

Interesting facts: Adam lived to see his every generation before the generation of Noah.  When Noah was born, Adam would have only dead 126 years.  This would be like someone born today in relation to someone who died in 1888.  That is not very long compared to as long as these folks are reported to have lived.  Adam lived long enough to see his great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren.  Can you imagine hearing the stories Adam may have told at family reunions about living in the Garden back in the day? We do not know if the years of age can be compared to our understanding of calendar years. Nevertheless, the succeeding generations grew up with knowledge of paradise lost and the stories of their Creator. Think about it. Noah's daddy knew Adam the very first man.  Much time had gone by but the connecting generational lineage allowed for great reliability in the passing down of history from the earliest of days. Interestingly as well is the fact that in the first generation of people that did not know Adam personally, the wickedness of mankind reached the limit of God's tolerance.  But that is the story of the next chapter for another day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 5 Devotion

Acts 5:1-33

There was such boldness and certainty in the message of Jesus and the ways of the kingdom. The witnesses empowered by the Holy Spirit experienced the miraculous on a daily basis.  The church experienced a holy fear of God that did not paralyze them but rather emboldened them to reach out to more people. 

A curious expression is found in verse 13: "No one dared join them." Many believed. Many brought sick to be healed. But joining the ranks of bold witnesses? No one dared join. The number of believers and enthusiastic supporters, however, was growing.  Leadership and outspoken public witnesses were still few.

Jealousy and opposition grew as well. From suspicion and questioning to jailing and prosecuting the penalty of death, the religious leaders were intent on stamping out this Jesus movement.  

May 4 Devotion

Read Proverbs 15:1-17

Did a verse speak corrective truth or confirming direction for your life? Take a minute and thank the Lord for His word that is so active and helpful. 

The caparisons are dramatic and full of imagery and seem to stick in the mind.  Is there is verse in this section that you would like to commit to memory? You may want to write the verse several times or perhaps place the verse in a location where you will see it often.

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 3 Devotion

Read Psalm 136

His love endures forever! Several thoughts here:

An eternal God characterized by love who has an particular affinity toward His creatures in spite of their relentless rebellion and arrogance. Amazing indeed.

Repeatedly in this psalm, the greatness of God's renown is declared, and it is His love that is stated that endure forever. Greatness and power yet full of everlasting love.

May 2 Devotion

Read Genesis 4

Tragedy rocked the first family. Losing a child. Murder. Jealousy. Banishment and guilt. Forgiveness and protection from God.  A new start. The communities were expanding and in verse 26 we read that men began to call on the name of the LORD.

Agriculture, farming, village life, and governments were set up and developed as people emerged from the days of nomadic hunting and gathering.  With knowledge and expansion came greater responsibility and complex problems.  The rebellion from trusting God was there in every heart and succeeding generation even though they sought a relationship with God.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1 Devotion

Read Acts 4:1-37

Miraculous healings tend to draw attention.  The number of believers was growing and so was the nervousness of the Jewish elders, leaders, and teachers.  Momentum seemed to be favoring the Jesus movement, however. Empty threats and warnings were all the leaders could do to Peter and John because of the favor and popular sentiment growing about the people.  A sweet season of sharing, kindness, and expansion was a blessing from God. Unity, generosity, and goodwill would all be words to describe this fledgling movement. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30 Devotion

Read Genesis 3:21-24

The couple must leave the warm and friendly nest of East. Innocence and eternal bliss was now in the past.  The LORD God made garments of clothing from animal skin to provide protection and blessing on the couple. Never able to return to the simple innocence of Eden. The redemption of mankind by God was set in motion.  The long road toward the cross began here.  The break in fellowship between God and mankind would have a rippled impact on each succeeding generation to come. Fear, frustration, stress, mistrust, rebellion, selfish ambition, and jealousy are just a few of the problems that crept into the human heart since leaving Eden.  The first couple would soon bring their personal struggles into family life, agriculture, culture, communities, and industry.  Each new shining accomplishment would be mixed with the resulting pain of sinful rebellion.  The long necessary road to redemption would be paved with small steps of faith but many obstacles of disobedience.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The word "attitude" is defined as our angle of approaching life, situations, or people.  I had never thought about this "angle of approach" much until I began learning to fly airplanes.  The attitude of an airplane is the angle of approach in relationship to the horizon.  The pitch of the plane in a nose high attitude, wings level, or nose down attitude controls a great deal. The attitude of the plane affects the rate of climb and decent as well as airspeed.  Whether you are flying at cruise altitude or descending for a landing, your attitude must be adjusted to the proper angel in order to be successful.

If you choose the wrong attitude, then you are headed toward a heap of trouble in flight.  The same is true in life. Your attitude, angle of approach, will determine your results.  And you get to choose your attitude.

In a airplane, there is an instrument in the cockpit known as an attitude indicator.  It is a primary instrument pilots use to determine their relationship with the horizon.  It reveals whether the plane is climbing, cruising or descending in spite of what the pilot sees or senses. The indicator reveals the true attitude.  Here is an image of the attitude indicator.

In attitudes for approaching life, what would be some indicators that reveal our approach to people and situations? Our facial expressions, word choice, work ethic, attentiveness, and punctuality are a few indicators of our attitude about a situation, person, or task.  There are many others.  With this understanding of the word "attitude", our angle of approach will greatly influence the results.  You choose your attitude and you are choosing your future (direction).  Here are a few attitudes which I have come to embrace and utilize in my family and church.  These are seven heart attitudes that we see in scripture which lead to right relationships with God and team mates (family members, church members, co-workers, etc.). These were put together in this form by a friend of mine Harold Bullock, Pastor of Hope Church in Ft. Worth, Texas.

  1. Put the goals and interests of other above my own.
  2. Live an honest life.
  3. Give and receive correction.
  4. Clear up relationships ASAP.
  5. Participate in the ministry/work.
  6. Support the work financially.
  7. Follow leadership within Scriptural limits.
Choosing these attitudes are not always easy, but the resulting level of community and joy are tremendous. Some indicators of the attitudes are revealed by the following questions:

  1. Are others benefiting from my actions or just me?
  2. Am I allowing others to know the real me or I am hiding areas of life in order to remain a stranger?
  3. Do I care enough to tell people the truth of impending dangers they are approaching or do I allow them fall into traps that I could have prevented? Do I consider the critique I receive from others without giving excuses and getting defensive?
  4. Are there people from my past or present that I avoid or have difficulty communicating with? Am I willing to forgive and ask forgiveness? Do I often delay action or readily clear up relationships?
  5. Do I pull my own wait in participating in the task (relationship, project, job,) or do I allow others to carry my responsibility?
  6. Are my resources on the line in seeing the relationship, project, or work move forward? Do I have a vested interest or am I bystander or fan watching from a distance?
  7. Do I respond quickly to obey and trust my supervisors and leaders or do I often look for ways to work around them to get what I want or do it my way? Do I find myself grumbling and complaining or upbeat in following?
These diagnostic questions and many others reveal our true attitude.  

Here are few more attitudes which I have found to be helpful in approaching a good "flight" through life:

  • Helpful
  • Eager to learn
  • Upbeat "can do" outlook
  • Kindness
  • Responsible (a sense of duty)
Attitude.  Let's keep flying straight and upward. And make attitude adjustments as necessary. For me those adjustment are needed daily.

April 29 Devotion

Read Acts 3:1-26

A crippled man now running and jumping! Can you imagine the scene! How exciting it must have been for this man.  His life of dependence on others and begging had been changed by the power of God.  Amazement and wonder filled the Temple courts as they beheld such power.

But Peter said, "Don't be surprised by this.  There is nothing special about us."  The power comes from the same God of old, the same God who raised Jesus from the dead.

What a difference a few days make.  What an amazing difference the Holy Spirit has made.  Peter was now living up to his potential as a courageous witness for the life and resurrection of Jesus.  Just a few days prior to this occasion, these guys were locked in a room for fear that they would be next to face death by Rome.  In this scene in chapter 3, boldness characterized Peter and John.  The danger of arrest and death was even higher, but fear seems to have been dispelled by the power of the Holy Spirit.  And now this leaping and dancing former cripple had benefited from the disciples' willingness to share the power and message of Jesus openly.

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28 Devotion

Read Genesis 3:1-19

The story of losing our innocence. Paradise lost. The crafty serpent created doubt. The woman was enticed to learn more and question God's reliability. The man was a silent partner in crime who blindly followed along into the forbidden realm.

What resulted from this loss of innocence, this coming of age for humanity?  Shame and guilt replaced the innocent trust in God.  Fear and enemies became apparent. Procreation became painful and difficult. Agriculture with benefits and problems would replace the simple life of hunting and gathering. And worst of all: the impending reality that returning to the dust will be the fate of all men and women.  Like a storm cloud approaching in the distance, the looming reality of death creeps into the heart of mankind.  Paradise and innocence lost.  But a whole world of knowledge to be gained including all of the anxiety and stress that comes from getting older.

We all as adults have had to leave the playground and the world of tree houses, dolls, and toys. The reality of a short life in search of success, significance, and purpose sets in. And so does the immediate need to provide clothing, shelter, and food for ourselves and those under our care.  Pressures, stress, fears, anxiety, and relationship problems are all part of the realm of adult life.  Amid all of the good which God created we seem to uncover many dark forces that leave us shameful, afraid, hurt, and sick. 

God invites us to re-enter the world of trusting Him. Loving others. Helping. Honesty. Becoming child-like again to enter the Kingdom of God is the requirement explained by Jesus. A return to innocence and wonder. And a life that never ends.

April 27 Devotion

Read Proverbs 14:18-35

What are some of the attitudes (angle of approaching life) which appear to be blessed by the Lord that are mentioned in this group of proverbs (wise sayings)? Here are few:

·         Prudence (using good forethought and judgment before making a decision)

·         Kind (benevolent) toward the poor and needy…looking to help

·         Plan good (initiative)

·         Honesty (refusal to cover up truth)

·         Fear of the Lord (humble and worshipful approach to God) obedience rather than testing Him with rebellion

·         Patient

The list goes on.  There are specific benefits that come as results of these chosen attitudes.  Which attitudes and/or results do you seek to pursue as a life practice? When will you start?  Are there foolish attitudes in your life that have produced results listed in this group of proverbs as well? Ask forgiveness. Learn. Change the approach (attitude). Clear up any relationships quickly.  Wisdom is still inviting you step into a better life.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26 Devotion

Read Psalm 60

A psalm for teaching the people of God to trust God. The people of God understand that blessings, success, and adversity all come from the hand of God.  God's purposes and plans go forth in the midst of a broken world. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25 Devotion

Read Acts 2:22-47

The essence of the Apostles' message was in this sermon from Peter:  Jesus is the Messiah of God.  He was crucified but is now alive.  The grave could not hold him.  What must you do in light of this fact/news/pivotal event in human history? Repent (turn to God in humility) and be baptized (publicly identify with Jesus through the water) to be forgiven and receive the Holy Spirit.

3000 responded positively on this day.  Many of these new followers of Jesus were from nations all over the world.  They would soon take this gospel back to their homes.  Meanwhile they met daily learning from the Apostles, praising God, and sharing with one another as each had a need. The Jesus movement was expanding dramatically with great power and wonders.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24 Devotion

Read Genesis 2:4-25

The story of our beginnings in chapter 2 takes a more telescopic look at the inner workings of God intimate relationship with the human race.  In this story we read that that man and woman were made for each other.  A complete man now includes a woman.  In the garden of innocence, the early couple was gatherers simply living off the bounty of vegetation that the LORD God provided. There was no worry, shame, or fear.

The dependence on God was surely childlike, innocent, and primal. The task of working the garden among 4 rivers was pleasure to Adam and his wife Eve. Life would soon get very complicated as knowledge increased. But these early days were full of wonder and amazement.

April 3 Devotion

Read Matthew 5:38-48

What separates people of the Kingdom of Heaven from others folks? A peculiar ability to bless enemies, turn the other cheek, a refusal to retaliate, and prayers for persecutors are all marks of a Kingdom citizen.

This is where many folks stop following Jesus.  Caring for the poor, sure.  Standing for widows and orphans, that makes sense.  Even giving tithes and offerings are acceptable and reasonable for being part of a movement dedicated to the mission of God.

But refusing to retaliate? Going an extra mile of forced service beyond the expected?  This loving our enemies through words (blessings and prayers) and deeds of service and kindness seems a bit extreme. 

Then we hear the words of God and our Savior:

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

"Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing."

If we are going to follow Jesus, then the path leads this direction.  Blessing, love, and prayers for our enemies all add up to a trust in God who handles all things in His grace and time. The specifics of this instruction get very detailed in our lives when we take it heart.  Keep following Jesus here.  Don't turn back.  Trust him.  It will set you free.