Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31 Devotion

Read Matthew 12:33-42

The scribes and Pharisees wanted more proof.  More miraculous litmus tests were needed to convince them that Jesus was the Son of God, Messiah.

In essence, Jesus left them with this thought: Other generations had far less to go on than what you have already seen and they could recognize the hand of God.  How about this: a man killed and buried and then three days later rising to life? Not even resurrection will convince those who are blind to the things of God (sometimes even people well-studied in the Bible like these critics of Jesus).

Acting in child like faith and trust pleases our God.  Asking for more signs and proof? Not so much.   

Act on what you believe to be true of God. He loves to show himself faithful and true.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30 Devotion

Read Mark 3: 19b (Then he went home…)-30

As the word spread about Jesus’ authority and teaching, his family went to bring him home. They sensed the explosive nature of what was taking place and sought to protect him.  The scribes in the big city of Jerusalem had even come to investigate the matter.

The verdict of the scribes was that Jesus must have demonic powers. They had no theological or religious categories for Jesus.  If Jesus was not teaching and doing things their way, then he must be demonic. 

Jesus pointed out their faulty thinking. And then a stern warning not to speak negatively of the Holy Spirit’s work of setting people free evil.

May we hear the same warning today. When people are being set free from the bondage of poverty, illness, evil oppression, and blindness we are to celebrate.  These are works of God even when they do not fit into our preconceived notions and categories.  Let us not miss the work of the Spirit by thinking he (Holy Spirit) only works for us. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29 Devotion

Read Luke 7:11-23

Jesus’ walk was matching his talk.  He said he would bring healing, sight, and good news (See Luke 4). And that is exactly was he was doing.  This family mourning received back their loved one.  People with eyes to see could clearly determine that God was among His people. 

Amid the big story, don’t miss the little story.  A widow woman who had lost her only son had her son restored by Jesus.  Without a child or husband, this widow woman would have no means of support in that society. Before social security, medicare, and church benevolent ministries there were few safety nets for widows.  Jesus bringing good news to the poor literally saved her life.  It was an act of compassion and care that reveals to us the heart of our God. His love never fails.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28 Devotion

Read Luke 7:1-10

Jesus said that he had not seen such faith as this in all of Israel.  This Roman centurion had faith and understood how authority works. He believed Jesus had both the power and authority to heal. Jesus entering his home was not necessary. 

This amazed Jesus. And the slave was healed.

This story challenges us in our understanding of faith and authority.

The Roman centurion’s reasoning:

1.       Jesus can heal.

2.       Jesus can command this healing like a centurion can command his men from afar.

3.       Jesus literally being present to touch the slave was not necessary for the healing.

What could our reasoning be?

1.       Jesus can heal.

2.       Jesus can command healings from afar (especially while sitting at the right hand of his Father).

3.       Jesus literally being present here is not necessary for healing to take place (although we have the presence of the Holy Spirit).

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27 Devotion

Read Mark 3:-13-19

O to have been in that number. The Twelve. Signifying a new covenant community. Like 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus established his movement by designating 12. These guys were not perfect any more than the 12 sons of Jacob in the Old Testament were perfect.  But God was intent on doing great things through the lives of these willing followers of Jesus Christ.

They were called the Apostles. That word simply defined is "ones who are sent by another with the authority of the sender." Multiplying the impact of Jesus' message, these guys would be included in Jesus inner circle of students and friends.  And be sent out.  Jesus' method of changing the world was subtle but impactful.  A small group. Committed to him and his mission.  That method still works. A small group of the willing and committed can change the world.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26 Devotion

Read Proverbs 4

According to the Bible, wisdom is vitally important to learn.  It can save your life. It is worth investing treasure and time to gain.

Consider memorizing Proverbs 4:23.  All of life flows from the decision making core of our lives (our hearts).  Let's guard what gets in there and kick out what does not belong there. Our lives will depend on it.

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 25 Devotion

Read Psalm 33

Notice in verse 5 that the Lord loves righteousness and justice. It is good to know and do the things that you know the Lord loves.  What other principles and truths do you see in this psalm?

Praise him. Sing of his goodness.

Consider memorizing Psalm 33:20.  There are many times in life when this verse hidden in your heart will prove to be a real encouragement.

January 24 Devotion

Read Mark 3:1-12

Teaching in this synagogue on the Sabbath Jesus discovered a sad reality:  Courage is rare.

Jesus asked a question that everyone could answer with certainty:

"Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?"

Everyone knew that to do good and save life was certainly a righteous thing to do.

But they remained silent. Afraid. Stubborn. No one dared side with Jesus.

The lack of courage to speak up and lack of compassion for this man angered Jesus. Jesus was deeply distressed at just how stubborn and cold their hearts were. 

Could there be any tradition or legalistic rule that we are holding too tightly that may be preventing us from helping people with tender compassion? Jesus appeared in this scene to have very little patience for such stubborn insensitivity.  

Jesus healed anyway and then walked away. Those hungering for relief, help, and hope went with him. People still move in droves toward compassion, help, and relief.  People in need tend to stay clear from where they know that are not wanted. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Devotion for January 23

Read Matthew 9:27-34

It was agreed. Nothing like these miracles of healing and power had been seen before.  The Pharisees were convinced that something demonic was taking place. 

News about Jesus was spreading although Jesus described it this way, "According to your faith, it will be done for you."

Faith was driving the quickly spreading movement of healing. 

Read Matthew 9:35-38

The compassion of Jesus met the faith of the hurting and harassed people. Miracles, freedom, and new life were multiplying everywhere.

According to last verses of this passage, there is neither a shortage of compassion on God's part nor hurting people (the harvest is plentiful). Jesus says as the Lord for more workers to join in work of bringing God's compassion to hurting people.  Will you pray? Will you serve in that number?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22 Devotion

Read Matthew 9:18-26

Jesus' time of teaching was interrupted abruptly with someone who desperately commanded Jesus' attention.  A local religious community leader fell at Jesus with these words:

"My daughter has died, but Jesus, you, can make her live again."

Audacious faith. No hesitation. And Jesus responded immediately and went with him.

Again, a lady who had suffered 12 years (as long as the little girl had been alive Luke's gospel tells us), had such faith in Jesus, that simple touch of the hem of his garment would make her well.  And God responded again to such bold, childlike faith.

It is impossible to please God without faith.  And when God sees faith actions in his children, he rushes to respond. 

Where have you seen such faith lately? In yourself or in others? These stories challenge our modern sensibilities. Such bold assertions that God can heal, raise a life, or change a situation, seem so pre-modern, third-world, or too "charismatic."  

Last night my daughter asked me a math question to which I sadly had to respond, "I don't know."

To this she said, "But Daddy you know everything."

Of course I do not know everything, but the precious thoughts of my child are that Daddy does know everything.  This is childlike faith.

God responds to this kind of faith. And HE can do all things.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21 Devotion

Read Mark 2:18-22

Some clear breaks with the old were inevitable in the new movement of Jesus. This tearing away would not be easy or smooth.

The illustration Jesus gave about new wine requiring new wine skins (containers) is quite profound. Without pushing the illustration to say more than intended, the simple truth proclaimed is that what Jesus and his followers were doing was new. New categories. New methods. New people.

The New Covenant would be sealed in the breaking of his body and in his blood. New promises from God. New reasons to celebrate the goodness of our God.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Devotion for January 20

Read Mark 2:13-17

Jesus' reputation with the scribes and Pharisees goes from bad to worse with this encounter. He called Levi (Matthew), a tax collector to follow him.  Tax collectors were looked down on by the religious elite. The tax collectors were seen as folks who had sold their souls to Rome. Total sell outs.  Tax collectors were also feared and hated by the peasants who were constantly harassed and often cheated by them. Ignoring all stereotypes and fears, Jesus invited one to be become a follower.  And Levi responds positively to leave his business and follow Jesus.  Levi even invited Jesus to a party in his home with many of Levi's social group (other tax collectors and so called sinners). The Pharisees were appalled at Jesus' acceptance and association with these traitors and sinners.

In a simple response to the criticism, Jesus said, "I have come not for the well and righteous (folks who feel as if they have it all figured out with God), but to the sick and sinners (ones who had given up hope that God would care about them)."

Going against conventional wisdom and theology of his day, Jesus portrayed God as one who deeply cares for all. And "all" is a really big category!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Devotion for January 19

Read Proverbs 3

What principles, truths, and insights stood out to you in this chapter of wisdom? Is there a verse or two that you want to commit to memory? 

If you have time later today, then go back and read this chapter again.  Meditate on the word.  The God of love and life has written this for you. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

First Pilot Lesson

Last Wednesday afternoon I embarked on a new journey.  I will be working on my private pilot certificate.  My first flight was amazing.  I will never forget the feeling of pulling back the yoke and leaving the ground for the first time while in the cockpit.  I was blown away by the beauty and joy of flying.  The freedom and peace I encountered on the first flight jumped into my heart and mind.  I have not been able to get it out of my mind. I cannot wait until I my next lesson.  This is going to be a hard but rewarding journey.  Let me know when you are ready to go up with me!

January 18 Devotion

Read Psalm 27

What words or phrases could you identify with as use read this passage? The emotions and honesty of the psalm writers poured forth as they wrote these words as an offering to the Lord.

Today, add you voice with David as you speak to the Lord about your thankfulness, praise, disappointments and requests. Have you ever considered writing you prayers to God? Whether you use a nice journal or a simple composition notebook, these can be a written history of your relationship with God. Long entries and prayers are not necessary.  Some folks may write line after line but others just a few sentences.  This could be something you do everyday or just on the weekends. 

A good way to start is to write the date.  List what Bible passage(s) you have read.  Then you may want to write a word or two about what God has said to you during your time with Him.  Then write your response to God (prayers of commitment, praise, thankfulness, and requests).

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17 Devotion

Read Luke 5:17-26

It was truly some great friends who brought their paralyzed buddy to Jesus.  They struck while the iron was hot.  Jesus was in town.  No obstacles like crowds or roofs were going to stand in their way. Jesus saw their faith, and forgave the paralyzed man of his sins.  The religious leaders cringed at the thought.  Healing was ok but only God can say someone's sins have been forgiven.  Plus Jesus gave the man the ability to walk.  Both were amazing things to behold.  

Which is more impressive to you: a person rising from a paralyzed state to walk or someone receiving the good news of forgiveness of sins before God? It is one thing to command physical realities to change, but to speak on behalf of God is even more amazing.  Jesus was either guilty of blasphemy (punishably by death) or truly God's Messiah. That is why everyone was amazed. No one there could deny that God's power was at work in Jesus.  Most of the people praised God, but the religious leaders were nervous and angered.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16 Devotion

Read Luke 5:12-16

In verse 13 Jesus said these powerful words that need to be seared onto our hearts, "I am willing." Jesus is willing to enter our world of hurt, pain, and disease and bring healing and restoration. 

Also, notice the faith statement of the man with leprosy. He said, "You can make me clean."

This man knew who he was dealing with. He was speaking to one who had authority and power.  The only question was, "Are you willing?"

This healing of Jesus was not for show.  It was not even to prove a point.  Jesus with compassion reached out his hand (to touch a man with an oozing skin ailment) to express love through healing.  Jesus is willing.

Is there something you need to bring to the Lord in prayer today? Bring your requests to one with authority and who is willing.

Are the devotions encouraging and helpful? If so, feel free to pass along by email to friends.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15 Devotion

Read Mark 1:21-34

Part of the good news of Jesus was restoration and healing.  People who had been living under spiritual, mental, and physical torment were being set free. News concerning Jesus' healing authority spread like wildfire. Jesus was quickly becoming a regional superstar.

The demons knew the identity of Jesus but were commanded not to speak. The healings were not to demonstrate his power and authority.  The healings were for people to be set free. Jesus came to help but not put on a show of power.  He passed the temptations in the desert and in his ministry by relying on the word of God and staying close to His Father.

Read Mark 1:35

After such a powerful night of healings, Jesus left early, very early, to get alone with His Father in prayer. Spend time alone with God today in prayer.  God will refocus your heart and sift your motivations as you spend time with Him.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14 Devotion

Read Mark 1:14-22

The Jesus movement, the good news movement was off and running.  2 sets of brothers, all 4 fishermen, join the way of Jesus and begin following him.  Jesus' teaching was with authority and stood out as different from the method and message of others.  People were inspired to believe again or believe for the first time.  There was a renewed hope. 

Those words still ring out. "Follow me…" Will you follow the Lord Jesus today? Live the hope. Share the good news. Believe. God is King.  And you are invited to live as a child of the King. Inhale deeply this truth. Exhale joy and kindness.

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014

Read Luke 4:14-21

As Jesus began his public ministry he read a very specific passage from the Old Testament.  And he said the time of fulfillment was now. It was the year of jubilee.  It was time for good news for the poor, the imprisoned, the blind, and the oppressed. Jesus proclaimed that God's message is for the outcast and disenfranchised.  It is time to celebrate a new vision of God's favor and grace.  It is a time of jubilee.

Jesus announced larger groups are now included in God's love and grace. Sometimes we limit who is in and out of favor with God based any number of factors, but Jesus turned those categories inside out.  God's freedom is on the way for all.  

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12 Devotion

Read Proverbs 2

Several words in the chapter describe benefits from accepting God's ways as normal for your life and choosing His path for wisdom here are just a few including some definitions:

·         Understanding: in depth clarity about people and situations including helpful categories processing information

·         Knowledge of God: personal knowledge of God by experience including His goals and ways.

·         Discretion: ability to weigh values, directions, and perspective which aid one in making better decisions

Growing in these very specific areas of wisdom from the word of God will literally save one's life and certainly add to the quality of one's life.  Would you describe your commitment to God's word as casual, situational, occasional, or total surrender to follow? What would it take on your part to increase that commitment? Will take some steps in that direction today?

Consider memorizing Proverbs 2:1-5.  Take it in pieces one day at a time this week. Always remember to review other verses throughout your day that you are committing to memory.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11 Devotion

Read Psalm 9

Praise the Lord. Sing songs of thankfulness.  Pray for the nations of people who need the Lord. Pray for people suffering from injustice and perpetual poverty.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Hearing from God

A couple in my church are traveling to Toronto this weekend in hopes of hearing a clear direction from God about whether to move their family there to help with a new church and receive training in missionary service. I am so excited for them.  Their experience this weekend reminds me of times in my life when hearing a word of direction from God was my desperate plea.  Here are a few things I have learned in my walk with God during these seasons of decision.

  1. God speaks through his word.  Increasing my intake of the Bible during times of decision has been key for me.  Reading long sections.  Meditating on the word. Memorizing the word.  Obeying quickly what I hear.  These all are vitally important.
  2. Obey what God has already clearly said.  No matter how broad or specific I have heard God speak to me in the past, I am to keep obeying that word until my Master speaks again. God's word has given us all broad directives about what to do with our time, talent, and treasure.  Obedience to these are required no matter where I live or from whom I draw a paycheck.
  3. Promptings and feelings may be helpful but may be deceptive.  Not every feeling, leading, or open doors are from God.  Some may come from the enemy.  I must check my own motives and emotions for selfishness.  If I personally want to do something I can come up with lots of ways to justify "promptings and open doors."  These are as numerous as spiritual beings.  Remember that 1/3 of the angelic beings are under the command of the Enemy.  And they love to lead us astray playing the tune of our heartstrings. Test every spirit to see if it is from God.
  4. If I am led to ask for a sign, then I need to have courage to obey and act promptly if God sends a sign. Weigh your willingness to obey an answer from God before your ask for a sign.
  5. God's timing is very different from mine.  Sometimes things move much too quickly for my taste.  At other times, it seems that I must wait long at Heaven's door before hearing from God.  The key for me has been not to give up.  Wait on the Lord. If he has prepared you that a word is coming, it will come. Listen. Wait. Others are learning about God in watching you as you wait.
  6. His ways require faith.  It is impossible to please him without faith.  His ways may push the limits of reason.  They may require me to let go of lots of other things that I prefer to live by (instead of faith). As I surrender to follow by faith, the path becomes brighter and clearer.  So long as I hold on to other things, I remain in the dark or a dimly lit environment.  The more I trust Him, then the more His ways actually make sense. I am not following a cold map. I am following a loving God who desires the best for me.
I pray for my friends as they embark on following God into the mission field.  Great days are ahead.

January 10 Devotion

Read Mark 1:14-15

The time had arrived.  The movement was afoot.  It was time for Jesus to go public with the declaration of the Kingdom of God and the good news.  Not early. Not late.  The time was just right.  Coming from the wilderness, Jesus had the message and the method of His ministry ready.

The message would be: The Kingdom of God is near.  Turn around and prepare.  This is good news. Believe it.  Act on it.  The time to live for God and His purposes is now.  Let's go.

Soon this message would reverberate throughout the region with mixed reviews.  But among folks longing for good news and help, this was the best news ever. 

Will you be a good news teller today? Good news. That is what the word "gospel" means.  Believe it. Share it.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9 Devotion

Read Matthew 4:1-11

On the heels of a great spiritual and emotional high point of his baptism and epiphany, Jesus was led into the wilderness for what would amount to a vision quest.  For 40 days he fasted and prayed.  At the end of this experience he was tempted by the devil in three major ways.  Jesus' responses to these common foolish opportunities would set the course for his leadership and ministry.
1)      Use your ability to gratify yourself.  This is the selfish/pleasure path of a fool.  Jesus chooses to rely on the word of God and not simply use his power and ability to turn rocks into cupcakes.
2)      Use your position to manipulate others into exalting you.  How impressive it would be to have the angels rescue him from a fall from the Temple.  Jesus chose to not test His Father, but to take a humble path of faith.
3)      Use your power to command others to worship your worthiness.  Jesus resisted this temptation as well and chose to worship and to submit to His Father.  Instead of exalting himself, he served others and showed others how to worship God.
It is natural and normal for our hearts to hear the temptations of the enemy and simply seek to meet our own needs, and manipulate situations and people to get what we want primarily because we think we deserve it.  We tend to think that the world revolves around us and desires.  To really do anything else requires help from outside our own hearts.  We need God's help to:
1)     See others
2)    Choose to help and serve others
3)     Use our position and resources to see others benefit.
This temptation experience set the course for Jesus as He submitted to His and was led by the Holy Spirit.  Also for you, the choice is always there: self or others.  Will you use your position, influence, and resources today to help someone?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8 Devotion

January 8, 2014

Read Matthew 3:13-17

In the passage we see the love that God the Father has for His Son. "Well pleased." What a powerful revelation for Jesus to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear those words from His Father, "This is my Son, whom I love."  These words to Jesus confirmed the message that he heard from his family since his birth: You are God's child.  God has a special plan for you.

As Jesus stepped forward, John was at a loss of what to do. He felt that he should be the one being baptized by Jesus. But at the word of Jesus, he did as Jesus wished.

This moment in Jesus' life would be a memory and promise from God that would carry him through many difficult days.  This act of submission to the Father pleased the Father and the Holy Spirit came rushing out from Heaven.

As God felt it necessary to confirm and bless His son, would you do the same for those in your life today? People whom you love and are proud, tell them today. Let them hear it from your lips.  As Jesus needed this word from His Father, so do people in our lives.  Tell them: "God loves and so do I" 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7 Devotion

Sorry about the delay.  For some reason the email did not work this morning.

Read Matthew 3:1-12

John the Baptizer was a profound prophet.  And like most prophets, he was a polarizing figure.  You either agreed with him and loved him or reviled him and disagreed.  There was no middle ground.  Jesus was among those who identified with John's message.  The Kingdom of God was on the way. The time to get serious and committed to God was at hand.

People were drawn to John and his message. Confessing their sins, they found forgiveness and a fresh start with God.  Confession is agreeing with God about what we have done that offends God.  Then one may receive forgiveness from Him. And then seek to live a different way: a life that is pleasing to God.

Are there sins and patterns of sin that have been standing in the way of your relationship with God? If the Holy Spirit has brought something to your attention, the invitation now is to agree with God about this matter and receive the forgiveness that God longs to extend to you.  If you do this, then walk away from the sin knowing that you are forgiven and able to live a different way by the power of God's Spirit within you. Live in victory. Live in freedom apart from the sin that keeps you bound.

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6 Devotion

January 6, 2014

Today is Epiphany. The 12th day of Christmas.  This is the day when we remember and reflect on the visit of the Magi to the Christ child. This is the day in which the wider world (Magi from the East) discovered and worshiped the one born as King of the Jews.  Jesus is the Messiah and King of the Jews.  But also, he is the savior of the world.

Matthew 2:1-12

Jesus is worthy of worship.  Worship him today with your words.  What words of praise can to give him in prayers and songs?  Worship him with your actions.  What time, talent, and treasure can you offer the King of Kings today? Give him your best. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5 Devotion

January 5, 2014

Read Ecclesiastes 2:26 and Ephesians 5:10

Pleasing God. Discovering what pleases him and then doing those things are what God's children make a priority in life.  It turns out that since God created and designed this world, pleasing Him ends up being the happiest life we could live. 

Ask the Lord in prayer and begin a search through the Bible to discover what pleases Him. The best life is found in simply being God's child.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Devotion January 4

Read Psalm 119:89-96

In this passage, the psalmist refers to the word of God in several ways:

Your word
Your laws
Your precepts

Apart from a loving relationship, these words from an authority can seem cold and mighty demanding.  But because God loves us, these words give us life.

Notice the adjectives and affects that are mentioned from following these commands of God:

my delight
by them my life has been preserved

As you read, meditate upon, and memorize God's word, ponder the amazing God of love who gave us His word.  Love His word because you love God.

Consider memorizing this verse this weekend: Psalm 119:89.

This is a great promise to remember when faced with many uncertainties and difficulties in life.  God's word will never change or pass away.

Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3 Devotion

Read Matthew 1:18-25

In verse 19, Matthew tells us that Joseph planned to end the marriage betrothal quietly despite the right he had to publicly disgrace Mary.  She could be stoned for such an offense as turning up pregnant during the engagement process. But Matthew wrote that Joseph was a righteous man.  He sought to be right with God and right with people. He did not choose to use his righteousness as a platform to hurt Mary, but to forgive, to quietly dissolve the marriage, and allow her and him to start over.

We know, however, that the angel came to Joseph in a dream and the rest of the story flows from there. But what an amazing man to serve as Jesus' spiritual leader. A man quick to forgive. A man not torn with rage and vengeance, but full of mercy.  Righteousness is not to be used to tell others how unrighteous they are.  The righteous know how to rely on God's mercy and grace.  And they are willing to extend grace and mercy to others.

Are you quick to judge? Are you prone to anger and thoughts of revenge? Consider your own shortcomings and failures.  God has been so kind in dealing with you.  May you extend this same kindness and slack toward others. God's plan always extends to others.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 2 Devotion

Read Luke 2:22-39

The days after Jesus' birth were filled with many religious rites and observances.  Before returning to Nazareth, Simeon and Anna prophesied about Jesus.  They shared that Jesus would reveal the hearts of many.  Many will rise and fall because of him.  He will bring the redemption of Israel.  Joseph and Mary were filled with awe in hearing such powerful statements about their little boy.  Such proud new parents.  Such heavy responsibilities. Joseph and Mary made it a priority to raise their child God's way.  They intended to be obedient in everything God's Law required.  This special child was in good hands with this young couple.

Pray today for the parents of many newborns in our church.  Pray for them as they seek to live by faith in raising their children God's way.  Here are a few to pray for: Doug and Stephanie Jenkins, Seth and Jeanna Lambert, Owen and Heather Henderson, and Williams and Amanda Heath.  Many other parents in our church community have little ones and adolescents. Pray for them as they seek to raise the next righteous generation for God.