Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30 Devotion

Read Genesis 3:21-24

The couple must leave the warm and friendly nest of East. Innocence and eternal bliss was now in the past.  The LORD God made garments of clothing from animal skin to provide protection and blessing on the couple. Never able to return to the simple innocence of Eden. The redemption of mankind by God was set in motion.  The long road toward the cross began here.  The break in fellowship between God and mankind would have a rippled impact on each succeeding generation to come. Fear, frustration, stress, mistrust, rebellion, selfish ambition, and jealousy are just a few of the problems that crept into the human heart since leaving Eden.  The first couple would soon bring their personal struggles into family life, agriculture, culture, communities, and industry.  Each new shining accomplishment would be mixed with the resulting pain of sinful rebellion.  The long necessary road to redemption would be paved with small steps of faith but many obstacles of disobedience.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The word "attitude" is defined as our angle of approaching life, situations, or people.  I had never thought about this "angle of approach" much until I began learning to fly airplanes.  The attitude of an airplane is the angle of approach in relationship to the horizon.  The pitch of the plane in a nose high attitude, wings level, or nose down attitude controls a great deal. The attitude of the plane affects the rate of climb and decent as well as airspeed.  Whether you are flying at cruise altitude or descending for a landing, your attitude must be adjusted to the proper angel in order to be successful.

If you choose the wrong attitude, then you are headed toward a heap of trouble in flight.  The same is true in life. Your attitude, angle of approach, will determine your results.  And you get to choose your attitude.

In a airplane, there is an instrument in the cockpit known as an attitude indicator.  It is a primary instrument pilots use to determine their relationship with the horizon.  It reveals whether the plane is climbing, cruising or descending in spite of what the pilot sees or senses. The indicator reveals the true attitude.  Here is an image of the attitude indicator.

In attitudes for approaching life, what would be some indicators that reveal our approach to people and situations? Our facial expressions, word choice, work ethic, attentiveness, and punctuality are a few indicators of our attitude about a situation, person, or task.  There are many others.  With this understanding of the word "attitude", our angle of approach will greatly influence the results.  You choose your attitude and you are choosing your future (direction).  Here are a few attitudes which I have come to embrace and utilize in my family and church.  These are seven heart attitudes that we see in scripture which lead to right relationships with God and team mates (family members, church members, co-workers, etc.). These were put together in this form by a friend of mine Harold Bullock, Pastor of Hope Church in Ft. Worth, Texas.

  1. Put the goals and interests of other above my own.
  2. Live an honest life.
  3. Give and receive correction.
  4. Clear up relationships ASAP.
  5. Participate in the ministry/work.
  6. Support the work financially.
  7. Follow leadership within Scriptural limits.
Choosing these attitudes are not always easy, but the resulting level of community and joy are tremendous. Some indicators of the attitudes are revealed by the following questions:

  1. Are others benefiting from my actions or just me?
  2. Am I allowing others to know the real me or I am hiding areas of life in order to remain a stranger?
  3. Do I care enough to tell people the truth of impending dangers they are approaching or do I allow them fall into traps that I could have prevented? Do I consider the critique I receive from others without giving excuses and getting defensive?
  4. Are there people from my past or present that I avoid or have difficulty communicating with? Am I willing to forgive and ask forgiveness? Do I often delay action or readily clear up relationships?
  5. Do I pull my own wait in participating in the task (relationship, project, job,) or do I allow others to carry my responsibility?
  6. Are my resources on the line in seeing the relationship, project, or work move forward? Do I have a vested interest or am I bystander or fan watching from a distance?
  7. Do I respond quickly to obey and trust my supervisors and leaders or do I often look for ways to work around them to get what I want or do it my way? Do I find myself grumbling and complaining or upbeat in following?
These diagnostic questions and many others reveal our true attitude.  

Here are few more attitudes which I have found to be helpful in approaching a good "flight" through life:

  • Helpful
  • Eager to learn
  • Upbeat "can do" outlook
  • Kindness
  • Responsible (a sense of duty)
Attitude.  Let's keep flying straight and upward. And make attitude adjustments as necessary. For me those adjustment are needed daily.

April 29 Devotion

Read Acts 3:1-26

A crippled man now running and jumping! Can you imagine the scene! How exciting it must have been for this man.  His life of dependence on others and begging had been changed by the power of God.  Amazement and wonder filled the Temple courts as they beheld such power.

But Peter said, "Don't be surprised by this.  There is nothing special about us."  The power comes from the same God of old, the same God who raised Jesus from the dead.

What a difference a few days make.  What an amazing difference the Holy Spirit has made.  Peter was now living up to his potential as a courageous witness for the life and resurrection of Jesus.  Just a few days prior to this occasion, these guys were locked in a room for fear that they would be next to face death by Rome.  In this scene in chapter 3, boldness characterized Peter and John.  The danger of arrest and death was even higher, but fear seems to have been dispelled by the power of the Holy Spirit.  And now this leaping and dancing former cripple had benefited from the disciples' willingness to share the power and message of Jesus openly.

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28 Devotion

Read Genesis 3:1-19

The story of losing our innocence. Paradise lost. The crafty serpent created doubt. The woman was enticed to learn more and question God's reliability. The man was a silent partner in crime who blindly followed along into the forbidden realm.

What resulted from this loss of innocence, this coming of age for humanity?  Shame and guilt replaced the innocent trust in God.  Fear and enemies became apparent. Procreation became painful and difficult. Agriculture with benefits and problems would replace the simple life of hunting and gathering. And worst of all: the impending reality that returning to the dust will be the fate of all men and women.  Like a storm cloud approaching in the distance, the looming reality of death creeps into the heart of mankind.  Paradise and innocence lost.  But a whole world of knowledge to be gained including all of the anxiety and stress that comes from getting older.

We all as adults have had to leave the playground and the world of tree houses, dolls, and toys. The reality of a short life in search of success, significance, and purpose sets in. And so does the immediate need to provide clothing, shelter, and food for ourselves and those under our care.  Pressures, stress, fears, anxiety, and relationship problems are all part of the realm of adult life.  Amid all of the good which God created we seem to uncover many dark forces that leave us shameful, afraid, hurt, and sick. 

God invites us to re-enter the world of trusting Him. Loving others. Helping. Honesty. Becoming child-like again to enter the Kingdom of God is the requirement explained by Jesus. A return to innocence and wonder. And a life that never ends.

April 27 Devotion

Read Proverbs 14:18-35

What are some of the attitudes (angle of approaching life) which appear to be blessed by the Lord that are mentioned in this group of proverbs (wise sayings)? Here are few:

·         Prudence (using good forethought and judgment before making a decision)

·         Kind (benevolent) toward the poor and needy…looking to help

·         Plan good (initiative)

·         Honesty (refusal to cover up truth)

·         Fear of the Lord (humble and worshipful approach to God) obedience rather than testing Him with rebellion

·         Patient

The list goes on.  There are specific benefits that come as results of these chosen attitudes.  Which attitudes and/or results do you seek to pursue as a life practice? When will you start?  Are there foolish attitudes in your life that have produced results listed in this group of proverbs as well? Ask forgiveness. Learn. Change the approach (attitude). Clear up any relationships quickly.  Wisdom is still inviting you step into a better life.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26 Devotion

Read Psalm 60

A psalm for teaching the people of God to trust God. The people of God understand that blessings, success, and adversity all come from the hand of God.  God's purposes and plans go forth in the midst of a broken world. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25 Devotion

Read Acts 2:22-47

The essence of the Apostles' message was in this sermon from Peter:  Jesus is the Messiah of God.  He was crucified but is now alive.  The grave could not hold him.  What must you do in light of this fact/news/pivotal event in human history? Repent (turn to God in humility) and be baptized (publicly identify with Jesus through the water) to be forgiven and receive the Holy Spirit.

3000 responded positively on this day.  Many of these new followers of Jesus were from nations all over the world.  They would soon take this gospel back to their homes.  Meanwhile they met daily learning from the Apostles, praising God, and sharing with one another as each had a need. The Jesus movement was expanding dramatically with great power and wonders.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24 Devotion

Read Genesis 2:4-25

The story of our beginnings in chapter 2 takes a more telescopic look at the inner workings of God intimate relationship with the human race.  In this story we read that that man and woman were made for each other.  A complete man now includes a woman.  In the garden of innocence, the early couple was gatherers simply living off the bounty of vegetation that the LORD God provided. There was no worry, shame, or fear.

The dependence on God was surely childlike, innocent, and primal. The task of working the garden among 4 rivers was pleasure to Adam and his wife Eve. Life would soon get very complicated as knowledge increased. But these early days were full of wonder and amazement.

April 3 Devotion

Read Matthew 5:38-48

What separates people of the Kingdom of Heaven from others folks? A peculiar ability to bless enemies, turn the other cheek, a refusal to retaliate, and prayers for persecutors are all marks of a Kingdom citizen.

This is where many folks stop following Jesus.  Caring for the poor, sure.  Standing for widows and orphans, that makes sense.  Even giving tithes and offerings are acceptable and reasonable for being part of a movement dedicated to the mission of God.

But refusing to retaliate? Going an extra mile of forced service beyond the expected?  This loving our enemies through words (blessings and prayers) and deeds of service and kindness seems a bit extreme. 

Then we hear the words of God and our Savior:

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

"Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing."

If we are going to follow Jesus, then the path leads this direction.  Blessing, love, and prayers for our enemies all add up to a trust in God who handles all things in His grace and time. The specifics of this instruction get very detailed in our lives when we take it heart.  Keep following Jesus here.  Don't turn back.  Trust him.  It will set you free. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23 Devotion

Read Acts 2:1-21

What a great day when the promised Holy Spirit arrived in power!  Language barriers were broken.  People from all over the world were able to hear the Gospel and about the resurrection of Jesus.  God's message through Jesus was spreading to new witnesses who will never forget this day.

Peter led the way in proclaiming the message, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Saved from what? Saved from the coming judgment on that generation and the final penalty of the rebellion.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22 Devotion

Read Genesis 1

From nothing came everything. In progressive fashion everything came forth under God's direction.  This story of our beginnings explains that every creature, every molecule, every light photon in the cosmos has its origin in the mind and plan of a creative God. The caretaker and steward of the world was mankind.  All matter was created in the beginning including the atoms that make up your body.  Take a look at your hands and skin.  You are much older than what your birth certificate states.  The atoms that constitute your body have been traveling through space and time for a long, long time. Blessed with the privilege and responsibility to the bear the image of God in this world, mankind was to reproduce, fill the earth, and work the creation into order and blessing to God.  God said this was good, very good.

Read Genesis 2:1-3

Rest. A rhythm of nature was established.  Work and rest. Day and night. Changing seasons.  A food chain. Reproduction built into the system where created ones would continue to develop and multiply.  A creative divine rhythm and flow for life to continue. 
Oh what an amazing God.  How wonderful to know that all the beauty you see today was formed first in the mind of a loving God.

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21 Devotion

Read Acts 1

For forty days Jesus remained on Earth after his resurrection.  He spent this time explaining, teaching, and empowering.  In growing courage and boldness the followers of Jesus were instructed to be his witnesses: witnesses of his resurrection and his message of the Kingdom. According to our calendar this year that would mean from yesterday through May 29th Jesus would be seen at multiple places teaching and sharing about the Kingdom the God.  Can you imagine how amazing these conversations must have been? 

Then Jesus left this world physically. And the angels explained that Jesus would come again in the same way he left through the sky. It must have been a strange sight indeed, but not as strange as seeing a crucified dead man walking around and teaching.  God certainly had done amazing wonders in their days.  And more was to follow.

Additional leadership was selected as Matthias joined the 11 to replace Judas the betrayer.  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20 Devotion

Resurrection Day, the day that gave birth to a new hope.  Life eternal found in a risen savior, Jesus Christ our Lord!

Read John 20.

"Peace be with you," Jesus said, "As the Father has sent me, now I sending you."

Tell someone today.  Tell the Good News. Christ is risen! No more fear. No more death. No more guilt and shame.  Alive! Rejoice! 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19 Devotion

Read Psalm 22

A psalm which ministered to Jesus while he was on the cross.  He quoted it from memory.  What a wonderful promise.  Although Jesus' Father seemed far off, He was closer than ever.  Jesus found strength and resolved from Scripture, promises from God.  We too count on God's faithfulness to His promises.

Sunday, Resurrection Day is coming!

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18 Devotion

Read John 19

A horrendous series of events which ended with Jesus' crucified body being placed in a nearby convenient tomb. Joseph of Arimathea, a secret follower of Jesus who was fearful of his peers, and Nicodemus wrapped and prepared Jesus' body in myrrh, aloes, and linen cloth. Mere strangers to Jesus compared to his disciples, but what an amazing service of love they performed for him.  And Jesus' body was placed in the tomb. Sealed. His disciples hid in fear. The Passover Festival continued into the Sabbath preparations. Another upstart leader of the Jewish peasantry had been dealt with by a cross.  And life in the Roman world went on.

This was a powerful example of the cold, harsh nature of this world.  But in reality there is much more than what meets the eye.  God was/is up to something great.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17 Devotion

Take time today at different points to read this section slowly Luke 22:1-54

It was the evening to celebrate the Passover meal together.  Jesus had longed for this day.  This would be his last Passover feast until the Kingdom of God is established.  At the end of the supper he instituted new meaning and significance in the bread and cup.  These will be new symbols of his personal commitment to save the world as the Passover Lamb. 

He tells us to remember him as we break the bread and drink the wine. Behold the Lamb of God.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16 Devotion

Read Matthew 26:1-13

Passover was soon coming as well as the limited time Jesus had left with his disciples.  This woman performed a service of love and kindness that Jesus closest friends did not fully understand.  Wherever the gospel is preached her story will be told and remembered.

Read Matthew 26:14-19

The day of preparation for the Passover meal.  The place was chosen and the elements for the meal were purchased and arranged.  Judas had made his choice.  The shadow of the the cross was drawing near.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15 Devotion

Holy Week: Tuesday

Read Matthew 22

Many challenges from the studied experts in the Law, the Sadducees and Pharisees, came to Jesus as he taught in the Temple court. One by one the challenges were turned back on them.  Silenced, frustrated, and amazed the leaders looked for another way to trap and dispose of Jesus.  With each parable and teaching, Jesus further provoked his enemies to action. Can you imagine being a recognized leader and expert on the Law and being told by Jesus (a country preacher from Galilee) in verse 29 that you are in error?  Jesus told them that they not only don't understand Scripture, they do not know the power of God.  How sad to "know it all," yet know nothing.

How timely that we read of Jesus' teaching on taxes on tax day here in the U.S. Give to Caesar what is due him, and to God what is due Him (your heart and your life).

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14 Devotion (Sample)

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Monday of Holy Week (There is more reading this week and less commentary from me). Allow the teachings of Jesus to speak to you.  Imagine you are in the crowd or among the disciples this week. What emotions do you experience? What range of thoughts and ideas run through your mind?  What ways do Jesus' words challenge you? What ways do the words and story comfort you?)

Read Matthew 21:18-46

Some "within the culture" context to know in better understanding this section:

The fig tree represents the nation of Israel, the Temple institution in particular.

The mountain that Jesus referred to was most likely the Temple mount. The Temple was to be a place of worship and prayer for all the nations.  Soon this Temple (70 AD) would be flattened. Like the fig tree, the mountain/Temple had ceased to be a place of fruit: where people of all nations could come to God.  God had come to man in Christ, and the message of the Gospel was headed to the nations through the new 12 (new Israel, the Apostles).

April 13 Devotion

Read Proverbs 14:1-17

Our words, walk, and temperament have much to do with blessings, success, and understanding.  Which verse(s) rang particularly true as a word from God for you today? Thank God for this and put the word into practice.  Is there a verse that would be helpful to someone you care about.  Pray about the right timing for sharing this with them in a spirit of love and truth.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 12 Devotion

Read Psalm 73

All seems unfair and unjust until we have a better perspective in which to see reality.  A still snapshot assessment of life does not tell the full story.  All kinds of injustices seem apparent when viewed from an earth time vantage point.  But when we worship God and are able to see a different (eternal) perspective suddenly justice and righteousness come to bear once again.

Look again at the final verse, “It is good to be near God.” Amen.  Good now.  Good forever.  The best place to be is near Him no matter what the immediate surrounding context may appear.

April 11 Devotion

Read Psalm 72

This Psalm was sung as a song of expectation and longing for the Messiah to come and fulfill the promises of God.  The words come from a deep desire to see God fully establish His rule and set all nations and people in order and bless them.

May God establish His Kingdom in our hearts and in our world.  Pray that His Kingdom come, His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10 Devotion

Read Isaiah 52

A prophesy of the Messiah bringing redemption to Israel.  As we prepare spiritually for remembering Jesus’ holy week in Jerusalem, ask the Lord to soften your heart and open your eyes to see Jesus high and exalted.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9 Devotion

Read Matthew 6:25-34

When this life is your focus, others are your audience, and wealth/reputation is your pursuit then there is much to be consumed in anxiety about.  Am I getting ahead or falling behind? Do I look and feel trendy/sexy/cool/hip enough? What can I do to recapture my youthful energy and looks? How much should I save so that I will be able to survive a disaster or get to the point that I do not have to work (retire early maybe)?

When we live by the pattern of this world pursing material treasure and the esteem of others, we chase these worries with veracity.  When we are having trouble accomplishing our goals we often turn to distractions to appease: pleasures, drugs, food, and hobbies.

Jesus challenged his hearers to live with a Kingdom of Heaven perspective. Like a bird or flower living free and in the moment without a care we also were created for such carefree dependence on our Heavenly Father. 

This is possible when God is our audience and trusted benefactor.  When our short life is devoted moment by moment to maximize opportunities to give, love, forgive, and trust (items from the Lord’s Model Prayer in chapter 5 of Matthew), we discover freedom.  You are free to put treasure (value) into Heaven when turn from worry to trust.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8 Devotion

Read Matthew 6:16-24

There is a lot going on here in these teachings of Jesus. If impressing others with your spirituality, wealth, and material possessions is your goal, you will miss the Kingdom of God.  Your time of fasting and prayers are between you and God.  We are to treasure things that are going on in Heaven: love, people, and wisdom. Your attention and focus will be evident in your entire life including your health and relationship.  Two choices for what we will serve really: God or everything less than God.

Living to serve Him first puts everything else in its rightful place: such as reputation, possessions, desires, relationships, and wealth. Put anything in first place before God and all other priorities go into chaos. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7 Devotion

Read Matthew 6:5-15

Prayer: a conversation between you and your Heavenly Father.  Where is your holy place of prayer? Do you have a holy place where you get alone to meet with God? What makes it Holy? If you do not have a place, consider creating a sacred space at home or at work where you can get uninterrupted time alone with Father.

Our attitude and words when we pray are to demonstrate our child to parent relationship with God. Listen to requests in the model prayer for Jesus as verbs only:



Don’t bring us temptation


These tell of a posture of dependence.  We do not tell God how great or deserving we are.  We do not impress him with fancy words.  We are to ask.  And trust. 

April 6 Devotion

Read Proverbs 13:14-25

What verses stand out as important to you today?  What must you heed and obey quickly?

Consider memorizing verse 20.  Are there adjustments that you need to make with who you walk (spend time) with in order to grow in wisdom? When will you start?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 5 Devotion

Read Psalm 33

In Him we put our hope and faith.  Where/Who else is worthy? Sing a song to Him.  Read (or sing if you know the tune) the following words to a song written by Matt Redman. 

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won't turn back
I know you are near

And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me

And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
We'll live to know You here on the earth

Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4 Devotion

Read Matthew 6:1-4

If you want recognition from others about how pious and religious you are, then you will receive all the rewards through the thanks of your peers.  Giving quietly without fanfare demonstrates a motive to simply help.  As you allow what you have to be available to others, God takes notice.  When God alone is the audience for our giving we discover the real purpose of giving. Expecting nothing in return benefit, give like you have plenty.  God loves a cheerful giver.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2 Devotion

Read Matthew 5:33-37

May nothing be more solid than our words.  Since we tend to be squishy and nuanced with our words, we should probably simply say less. Any need for assuring our word by something other than our own credibility says something about the human condition.  We are suspicious of anyone’s oath.  We have all been burned by people who have failed to live up to a promise.

Standing by your word even when it hurts is a rare occurrence and must increase dramatically among God’s people.  Nothing should be more solid than our commitment to stand by our word. If the Kingdom is going to spread it will be among honest people who can be trusted with good news and truth.

Among your family, let your word and promises be something to keep even if it costs you.  May this also prove to be true among our neighbors and co-workers.  We must be viewed as reliable if we will ever have credibility as heralds of the gospel.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1 Devotion

Read Matthew 5:27-32

Once again the root of sin is in one’s heart, the place where desires are entertained both good and bad.  One cannot simply follow her heart.  It will lead one astray as often as leading to good direction. 

A heart replacement is what we need.  A heart corrected and bent toward God.  One cannot cut off enough limbs or gouge out eyes to prevent sin.  It happens in the heart with or without actions.  A heart transplant is required.  Only God’s grace and power can produce this change.  New desires replacing and outgrowing the old will help, but a moment by moment reliance on God’s power and His ways will be required.  If anyone thinks he is exempt from this necessary trust in God will fall prey to the unimaginable.  

Never say in your heart, “I am strong enough to handle a temptation.”

If we do not take this matter seriously and rely fully on God as our first love, we will fall.  No one is above it. Guard your heart with all vigilance. Keep your heart hot toward God.  Stoke the fire everyday with the word of God and deal this sin quickly by asking for forgiveness.