If you get behind sometimes like I do, take a breath and do a little at a time to catch up. These devotions are bit late by the calender, but they may be right on time in your life. Have a blessed day.
May 22, 2014
Read Genesis 10
The family of Noah increased and multiplied. They replenished this earth from the devastation of the flood. Their names became cities, villages, and region names. The legends and stories of humanity increased in each generation and new territory of expansion. From this family all humanity today has its roots. Our DNA and heritage trace back to these children of Noah and their wives.
May 23, 2014
Read Acts 9:1-31
Saul, a life radically transformed. Rarely do we hear of such outrageous conversion experiences. Paul was such a staunch persecutor of the church who had a deadly reputation among the church. The church was afraid to let him be part of the movement after his conversion. It must have seemed too outlandish to believe. Could you imagine in our day a major public opponent of Christianity suddenly turning into a bold evangelist of Jesus?
Saul (Paul) began convincing Jews to follow Christ and thus became a lightening rod of controversy. It was only after Paul was removed to Tarsus that things began to calm down in the region. A radically changed life has a way of disturbing both sides. The group he was joining was skeptical while the group he was abandoning felt betrayed. Paul had moved from persecutor to one of the persecuted in a matter of days and weeks. But he would never back down in his boldness to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
May 24, 2014
Read Psalm 72
The king of Tarshish? Tarshish was one of the great grandsons of Noah found in Genesis 10 through the line of Japheth. Seba and Sheba as well are descendants of Noah through Ham. Verse 11 says that all kings and nations will bow and serve the righteous King. This prophetic song is about the coming Messiah. God has a heart for all people, nations, and tribes under heaven.
The immediate context is about Solomon the son of David. But it ultimately speaks of an even greater king, Jesus, who would reign in the righteousness and justice of God.
May 25, 2014
Read Proverbs 16:18-33
Jewels of wisdom indeed. When given the choice between sitting with the janitors or the bosses, choose the janitors. If you are invited to the head table, then listen more than your speak. If your hair turns gray, praise the Lord that you have lived that long! Let it be a crown of mercy from God and tell of the righteousness of God. When you know it is time to speak, choose pleasant words. These words open the door for instruction. Pleasant words are sweet and healthy for the spirit and body. When given the choice between violent outrage and patient understanding, choose patience. You may live long enough to have a gray hair.
May 26, 2014
Read Genesis 11
The city builders. Early barons of industry and technology were preventing the human race from expanding into all the earth. Making a name for themselves was more important than fulfilling the mandate to fill and subdue the earth.
When God intervened (we don't know exactly how) the building project was abandoned. Groups spread out into new areas taking with them their DNA, stories, skills, and legacy. New languages and dialects would develop. Divisions and languages were God's idea and part of the discipline needed for mankind to spread out over the earth. It would be through one family, one man in fact, that God would seek to bless all the peoples of the earth.
May 27, 2014
Read Acts 9:32-43
Near modern day Tel Aviv Peter performed some of the most amazing miracles that gave credence to the message of Jesus. The raising of Tabatha from the dead was perhaps one of the greatest of his miracles. Peter would go on to stay in this region by the sea for quite a while as a guest in the home of Simon a tanner.
The reputation of the church was increasing with new people embracing Jesus as their Lord and savior. Paul was now in Tarsus in Turkey learning and training. Peter and the other followers of Jesus were enjoying a brief period of local peace to expand the message of Christ.