A simple place to interact with others about life, family, and sermons at First Baptist Church Oakwood.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Last night in LA
Worship Service 3
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Day 3
Ashley, however, continued to get worse. She left this morning early with Owen and Maddie headed back to Carrollton.
Today we will be at Fountainebleu State Park in the morning. In the afternoon we will go to Franco's Athletic Club to swim. A much needed relaxing day. Tomorrow we will be back at the mobile home park for a block party and then the boys and girls club.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Day 2 Update
The block party ministries went great today. Bryan and Jack work on a yard clean up project as well. Hot day and the team is worn out.
Pray for Ashley Hembree as she prepares to return home tomorrow with Owen and Maddie Henderson. She is not feeling well. Pray for good weather tomorrow as the team enjoys some fun in the sun at the beach and pool side.
Willing to serve
Most us like serve when others can and we are appreciated. Will we serve when we are treated like servants?
John 13:17 is burning on my heart this day. Check it out. Real happiness/blessing is connected to our obedience to serve as Jesus did.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Time to Serve
John 13
Sometimes serving will be uncomfortable, awkward, and people will be unappreciative. Will we serve anyway? Jesus did.
Assessing Projects
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Monday Plans
Quick Stop
Lunch break
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Stops 2&3
Leaving Tuscaloosa...making progress.
First Stop
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
June 18 Devotion
Read Acts 16:1-15
Timothy was circumcised despite not being required to do so. Why? Because as a leader one must go above and beyond in order to not offend. To be a leader means greater sacrifice of freedoms in order to be helpful to more people who are always at various stages of maturity and understanding.
For some unknown reason the opportunities for Paul to travel into Asia and further east were closed. And then the vision came from God in the night to go west to Macedonia. Paul packed and every one followed his lead.
Upon arriving in Philippi, Paul went on Sabbath to where spiritually seeking people would be gathering to pray. When he sat to speak, women there were intently listening. One of these ladies was Lydia. The Lord opened her heart. She believed and was baptized. She invited the traveling missionaries into her home to stay.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
June 17 Devotion
Read Genesis 19
Lot recognized these messengers were from the LORD and took them aside to feed them and care for their needs. The men of the town hear of the strangers and come to Lot's home in order to rape them. Lot in a less than noble moment offered up his daughters to the men of the city if they would not rape the strangers who were guests in his home. Through supernatural intervention the men of the city were turned away from the house with blindness.
The word of coming destruction was pronounced and Lot went about warning his family. But Lot had lost all influence. No one cared or believed him. Lot, his wife and daughters hesitated, but God showed them mercy and led them out of the city. Escaping to the small town, Zoar, they were rescued from the burning disaster that fell from the heavens upon the city. Lot's wife stopped to return and was killed/transformed by the falling judgment on the land. Lot and his daughter lived alone in the mountains in a desperate incestuous relationship. A horrific ending to a sad family. Two nations of people would come from these daughters, but Lot's life can only be viewed as a sad failure due to rotten choices and foolish calculations.
June 16 Devotion
Read Acts 15
"Some men," self-appointed men as it turned out, set out to straighten up the Gentile believers in Antioch. The best way to handle this issue was to go right to the proper authorities at the center of leadership and convene a meeting. Peter and James (the brother of Jesus) spoke for the leadership of the church and said that Gentiles should be welcomed into the church without Jewish conversions. Mosaic law and wisdom concerning diet would be encouraged, but nothing should stand in the way of faith and grace. The right channels were followed in handling a controversy. And the Holy Spirit brought unity once again.
Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement as they prepared to leave Antioch to visit the other churches. Paul was not willing to let John Mark come along again since he had left them on the last trip. Barnabas was more willing to take a chance on John Mark and took him along in direction. Paul took Silas from Judea as a companion for the journey. And off they went in different directions to encourage the churches of Syrian and Cilicia. John Mark received a second chance while Silas received the opportunity of a lifetime.
June 15 Devotion
Read Proverbs 18:1
Consider memorizing this verse.
It truly defies all logic and wisdom to be unfriendly. We need each other in life. Humans were not created to live alone. We are most vulnerable in the world when we try to go it alone in life. When God saw that Adam was alone, it saddened him. No suitable companion was found in all of creation, so the Bible describes that a woman was created from Adam's side to be his life helper, companion, and lover.
Spouses, friends, family, neighbors, cohorts, and allies are needed. Life has too many challenges and dangers to face alone.
Do you have a close friend you can trust with your struggles, joys, and fears? Do you know your neighbors well enough to count on them in times of trouble?
Selfishly pursuing your own agenda without concern for others defies all sound judgment. The most accurate way of translating the Hebrew phrase here would be this: "If you think you can make it through life by yourself, you're crazy!"
We need family, friends, and the church. We were created for community. Relationships are not easy. They are the source of some of the deepest hurts we experience in life, but risking life alone is not a wise alternative. Relationships take work because everybody else is just as selfish as you are. But they are worth it. The greatest joys in life are found in relationships.
June 14 Devotion
Read Psalm 79
A cry for help and vindication after God's judgment had arrived on the people of God. God's discipline comes slow, but when the hand of judgment comes down it is swift. It begins with those who know why judgment is coming (His people). This song asks the question, "How long will you be angry Lord?"
The answer is that God is quick to forgive, slow to anger, and redemptive even in discipline. In our lives, when judgment and discipline come our way it hurts but serves our benefit and others. If God did not love, no judgments would ever come. Judgment and discipline are proof of His parental loving kindness.
June 13 Devotion
Read Genesis 18
The LORD appeared to Abraham in the form of 3 men. Abraham spared no expense in treating the LORD to a fine meal with veal, milk, curds, and bread. Hospitality at its finest. The news the LORD brought was that it was time for Sarah to bear the child through whom the blessing of the nations would come.
Sarah laughed. Yeah right, she said to herself. Now that her joy and zeal for life is behind her. Now she would have a son. The LORD said to Abraham is anything too hard for the LORD? Sarah was ashamed of her laughter and tried to play it off.
God decided to inform Abraham about the coming judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham pleaded for mercy since he knew his nephew and family live there. And so back and forth the Abraham and God converse about just how many righteous in the city would prevent the judgment of the entire place. The number of 10 was settled upon. If only 10 righteous could be found, the entire place would be spared. God's patience and willingness to withhold due justice for the sake of the few righteous is astounding. On a grand scale, God is patient and kind, desiring that none would perish. See 2 Peter 3:9
Thursday, June 12, 2014
June 12 Devotion
Read Acts 14
An amazing missionary journey this certainly was. Miracles, signs and wonders confirmed the message of the Gospel. People were amazed. Many became followers of Jesus Christ, but some saw the miracles as signs that Zeus and Hermes (gods in the Greek pantheon) had visited earth in the form of Paul and Barnabas. There were many misunderstandings for sure. And there was severe opposition, especially from the groups that were losing membership (Jews in the synagogues in particular). After being stoned nearly to death Paul and escaped to bring the Gospel to new areas. Leadership was appointed and established in each place where new followers of Jesus were gathering.
I like what it says in the final verse. When the missionary task was completed they came back to their home church…and stayed a long time. They needed to rest and be encouraged from all they had gone through in sharing the Gospel among the new people groups and cities. It is good to go. And it is good to come home.
June 11 Devotion
Read Genesis 17
The covenant between God and Abraham was confirmed through a physical reminder on the males in Abraham's family and possession. Abraham, Ishmael, and all the later descendant of Abraham (even Jesus) would under these physical reminder of the contract God has made between them. At 99 Abraham still had no son from Sarah but God's promise remained. The child would be called Isaac.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
June 10 Devotion
The missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas began as the church in
Antioch led by the Holy Spirit prayed for them and sent them out.
Certainly some new areas were more receptive to the gospel than
others. What is so great to see is how the story of Jesus was told in
various audiences. Paul began in the synagogues appealing to the Jews
and God-fearers by starting with the Patriarchs through Egypt, Moses,
and David all they way up to Jesus. Paul appealed to his audience by
starting with common ground before moving to the good news of Jesus.
When we share the gospel, we are to do the same. We start with
information that is common before moving to the truth of Jesus' life,
crucifixtion, burial, and resurrection. Then a call to respond if
they are receiving the message with conviction and hunger.
Monday, June 9, 2014
June 9 Devotion
Read Genesis 16
God had spoke to Abram and then she (Sarai) spoke to Abram. To both Abram said yes. Abram's greatest strength, his trusting nature, would prove to also be a source of problems. He would trust God and then defer and trust his wife even when it contradicted what God had said. Abram never wanted controversy or to cause any waves so he would please and appease the ones he was with, God included. This humility and vulnerability was both helpful and detrimental at times. In this chapter it resulted in problems among his descendants which continue to this day (the Israelite and Arab peoples).
Also, it is powerful to see how God revealed and made promises to Hagar, a simple slave girl of Abram's possession. God promised to bless her son. The God who sees. A great word for today. No matter what your assessment of your worth and how others treat you: God sees you and has a plan for you.
June 8 Devotion
Read Proverbs 17:15-28
Love. Friends. Raising wise children (preparing them to make good decisions from solid values and accurate perspective). A cheerful upbeat attitude. These are all valuable according to God's word. These are way more valuable than money. At the end of life or in times of real trouble, what really matters?
Take these verses to heart today and apply any corrective action necessary. God's word is true and accurate. Consider memorizing and putting these verses into practice.
June 7 Devotion
Read Psalm 49
A psalm declaring simply that being right with God, true understanding and wisdom, is all that matters in the end. Death is the equalizer. The curse upon mankind for rebelling against God can only be broken by coming to know God by love and forgiveness. What is gained in material wealth and prestige in this life will be short lived. Everything we have will one day be owned by someone else. All that matters in the end is whether we are known and loved by our Creator. Being right (straightened out) with God is priority number one for this life. Worship, service, and love toward a God who first loved us.
June 6 Devotion
Read Acts 12
There is a lot going on this passage. The sad reality of James (one of the first fisherman followers of Jesus) was executed by the sword. The amazing miracle of Peter's rescue from prison by an angel of the Lord. The judgment and death of King Herod. John Mark was mentioned in this passage. The church was meeting in his mother's home in Jerusalem. John Mark is believed to be the author of the Gospel of Mark, the first gospel written for circulation among the followers of Jesus. John Mark had traveled with Saul (Paul) and Barnabas on a missionary journey before returning to Jerusalem. Perhaps the most encouraging verse in this chapter is verse 24: the gospel continued to increase and spread.
June 5 Devotion
Read Genesis 15
An amazing scene this story portrayed. God revealed to Abram that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars. And since Abram believed God, he was considered righteous. What a great truth! What God truly wants from us is to simply trust His word and as truth and act on it. The covenant ceremony described of dividing the sacrificed animals and God's presence passing between them was a common way of doing contracts among people during Abram's time, but this was a contract that God made personally with Abram to give his descendants a land of their own.
Also, an obscure verse here (vs. 14) described that God was also working among the Amorite people as well as personally with Abram. One day when the Israelites would come out of Egypt, God would use them to bring justice to the Amorites. God's plan for all nations and people is more complicated and intricate than our minds can comprehend. God has worked among the descendants of Abram and then the followers of Jesus. But God is also at work among all people in all nations superintending all human history toward His ultimate purposes. Every people group that left the building project of Babel (see Genesis 11) is precious to God. Each people group on earth today can trace their roots to this cradle of civilization. Each is loved by God.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
June 4 Devotion
Read Acts 11:19-30
Antioch was becoming an example of the how the Gospel was cross cultural. Barnabus and Saul (Paul) spent a year there continuing to train and teach the Jewish and Gentile followers of Christ. An offering of aid was given to the church in Judea who needed financial support. There was a great sense of connectedness among the churches in various regions. They were working together for the common mission of taking the gospel to new people groups who needed to hear the good news.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
June 3 Devotion
Read Genesis 14
Abram was drawn into war in order to rescue his nephew Lot who was captured along with the rest of the people of Sodom. This would not be the last time that Lot and Sodom pulled Abram into problems. Abram and 318 men won a night battle and recovered all of the captured people and goods.
The king/priest of Salem, Melchizedek, is quite an interesting character. Abram give him a tithe, a tenth of all he had. Melchizedek blessed Abram and the God who gave him the victory. They celebrated with bread and wine. From our New Testament perspective we cannot help think of Jesus when bread and wine are served. The author of the New Testament book of Hebrews certainly saw the connection as well. To say the least, it was a spiritual celebration after the victory of war. Abram clearly understood that God had provided the victory.
June 2 Devotion
Read Acts 11:1-18
When Peter returned to Jerusalem to report everything that had been happening with the new people groups coming to faith in Christ he was greeted with much less than enthusiasm. There was criticism over even sharing a meal with the Roman centurion.
Instead of provoking a controversy, however, Peter carefully explained all that took place. And the people rejoiced with no further objections. An amazing demonstration of flexibility, submission, being open-minded, and graciousness.
June 1 Devotion
Read Proverbs 17:1-14
Consider these valuables, attitudes and attributes that are blessed above things believed to be important such as silver, gold, high position and finest food:
· Peace and quiet
· Wisely serving
· Grandchildren
· Parents
· Forgiving and forgetting offenses
· A rebuke
Appreciating the value of these will lead to blessings and contentment.