Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Pastor's Heart to Be with His Sheep

A pastor who loves his sheep, wants to be with his sheep.  In times of need, celebration, everyday activities, a shepherd wants to be in the field close to the sheep.  I'm glad that God uses this analogy of caring for sheep in how He describes pastors leading and managing a church family.

Look at

Acts 20:28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

As overseers of different areas of your life you want to be as engaged and hands on as possible to handle your responsibilities well.  The same is true in church life. As your senior pastor at Oakwood First Baptist I do not always know about conditions of the entire church family. I would like to be as involved in your lives, as you would allow me to be.  You have many other shepherds and pastors in our church family that may be closer to you in relationship.  These ministry leaders do a great job of caring for our church. We have great pastors, deacons, Sunday School teachers, and prayer ministry leaders.  However, communication is always a challenge.  If you share a prayer need in a Sunday School then your Sunday School class will be praying for you look for ways to minister to you. If you share a prayer need with one of our pastors or deacons you will be prayed for and ways of ministering to you can be shared with the pastors and deacons.  If you want to the prayer email group that Janet Buttram leads to be praying for you, you may email Janet or call her ( If you would like a prayer need shared in our weekly church prayer sheet you may complete a blue prayer card in the church pews to be placed in the bulletin, you may submit a prayer request on our website, or call the church office 770-534-4193. You get to decide the level of broadcast you want your prayer and ministry need shared.  With a friend, a Sunday School class, to a pastor or deacon, prayer email, prayer sheet, etc.

As your pastor I would love the opportunity to pray with you and minister to you and your family. Don't assume that I have heard about your need through various channels.  I do my best to listen and pay attention when information is passed along to me, but if you would like for me to join with you in prayer please don't hesitate to contact me directly.  My phone number is in the church program each week: 770-510-3568.  I want to be there for you when you give me the opportunity.

If you call, I will answer or return your call.
If you text, I will text back,
If you email or Facebook message me I will return the same.
If I happen to see something posted on social media, I will respond there.

My heart is to see that you are cared for through our staff and the ministries of our church.  Our church staff deacons, ministry leaders, and teacher are here to serve you.

2017 is going to be great year together as we pray for, minister to, and love another.

Pastor Myles


You can lead a MeetUp.  What do you enjoy doing? Do you think others might enjoy it too? These can be weekly, monthly, or occasional. They can be one time parties and outings.

Everyone in our church is strongly encouraged to be a part of at least one MeetUp group.  We need a group like these get to know people, care for one another, and a place to invite friends who do not have a church.

These types of gatherings are essential to our disciple-making process in our church.  These are ways we invite new people, have conversations, and find out ministry opportunities in the lives of our church members and friends.

Some MeetUp groups already meet weekly: Sunday School groups at 9:15 AM.  Groups for all ages.

Some monthly Meetups that are already on-going are our Wisdom Circle (1st Wed. of a month at Noon and lots of trips), Girlfriends in God (third Tuesday of a month at 6:30 PM with parties and other events).

Some are occasional and seasonal: We have several MeetUps with will be starting back on January 22 on Sunday Nights at 6 PM. There will be MeetUps for kids, students, and adults.

MeetUps can be anywhere, anytime.  These are not limited to Sundays or our church facilities.

Some examples of MeetUps you or someone could start:
·         Preschool playdates
·         Recipe swap
·         Crochet and coffee
·         Book club
·         Running group
·         Dinner group (eating out or taking turns hosting in your home)
·         Golf MeetUps
·         Walking Group
·         Health and Wellness Support
·         Recovery Support Group

The possibilities go on and on.  Invite friends, make friends, be a friend.