Why in the world would people want to give 10% or more to
the local church? It is a good question. A similar question could be asked
about why someone would buy a boat? Why would someone buy a blender or humming
bird feeder? For some reason people always do what makes sense to them. Some people give generously to churches. Some people do not. Why? Why does generosity make sense to those who invest in the local church.
Why would those who give 10% (a tithe) to the church, choose
to live on 90% of their income or less.
There are few underlying issues that I think give great reasons for
doing so. But as I seek to answer this question,
let me begin with this statement, “I am not trying to convince you.” Money is a
sensitive subject. What people do with their money is very personal. With that said, we always do what is most
important to us with our money based on how we see life and the purpose of
money. Our money and priorities reside together. Jesus said where your treasure is your heart
is also (see Matthew 6:21).
When people begin to invest their hearts into what is
happening in a local church or some other organization, they begin to invest
some of their time and treasure there.
When someone begins to see the high value of what a church is doing, he
may invest even more. When that value begins to rise in ranking above other
priorities, the amount or percentage that person invests in the church will
increase as well.
No one can ever “afford” to start giving to the church. Most people do not simply have loads of money
lying around that they cannot figure out what to do with. On the contrary, priorities and decisions in
life steer where people invest dollars. Savings, food, transportation,
entertainment, shelter, health, and clothing are just a few of the many
categories we direct our resources toward given our priorities and goals. When
opportunities come up to be generous toward others, people tend to give with a
cheerful heart with what they have available. I may give to hurricane relief by
choosing not go to the movies (taking money from entertainment). I may give to church and eat more box meals
and rice instead of eating out. With this said, some of us are rather haphazard
in our generosity category. Given what
we have on hand and how heart felt the cause, we make a choice to dig into a
category we choose to do without.
Those who begin to give consistently, cheerfully, and passionately
to the local church are people who believe in the mission and trustworthiness
of the church. The level of giving goes up tremendously when the values of the
church (priorities) match the priorities of the giver. In other words, the church becomes a way or
uniting our dollars with other like-minded people to multiply the effort to
accomplish our mission, goals, and priorities.
When people believe and invest their hearts in the mission,
goals, and priorities of a church, they will give toward it aggressively.
There are biblical reasons to back up why giving 10% is an act
of obedience and trust in God. There are
also New Testament principles about all our money being available to God and
the mission of the church to makes disciples of the nations. Some folks give
generously based upon these spiritual truths and determined convictions to
obey. Most others are rather skeptical
of investing at such high levels through the local church.
What if the local church doesn’t use the money wisely?
Should I spread my generosity to lots of other valid charitable organizations? Can
I give my time instead of my money since I cannot afford to give money right
now? These very real questions and many more are widespread.
Here are some words of counsel for those considering giving
to a local church or increasing their giving to a local church.
All money comes from God. You and I are managers. Ask the owner what He wants. Go to the Bible and consider what it says on
the matter of money.
Thoughtfully examine where your money is spent.
If you want to change your priorities, test it out. The Lord asks us to try
Him. See Malachi 3:10
Research and dig into what your church is doing
with the money it collects. Where is it going? What impact is it making? If the
values match, imagine how much your investment can multiply when combined with
How much is going to make disciples?
How much is helping the poor?
How much is paying for the facilities and
How much is paying for the leaders to prepare
and lead the work?
How much is going to debt service?
What direction is the percentages flowing
We take nothing with us when we leave this
world. Those who inherit your resources will do what they want with it.
Priorities and investments are made while we live. Choose wisely.
The Lord loves a cheerful giver. One’s attitude about generosity
will determine one’s joy and peace. Don’t
be coerced or manipulated. Don’t settle for inconsistency. Make wise choices.
Be confident about the investment. Celebrate fruit that comes.