Monday, January 8, 2018

Step Up 2018

FBC Oakwood family,

2018 has the potential of being a "breakout" year where we see exponential growth throughout our church.  We have positioned ourselves to "flip inside-out." We desire to be a church for the unchurched.  We want to be aggressive in seeking those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  We have good news of grace to tell, and we have a community that needs good news.

In order to have a breakout year, it is going to take all of us stepping up to new levels of participation and excellence.  We want to make sure we do our best to make every newcomer feel at home in our church and keep returning to hear the message of God's love.  Here are some ways you can "step up" and help.

We are looking for a Sunday School and Life Groups (home groups) director.  This is someone who could provide resources, coordination, and communication for our teachers and leaders.

Would you like to host a Life Group?  We will supply you with teaching and discussion materials to host a group of friends or neighbors in your home, in our church building rooms, or a coffee shop.  The times and day of the week would be up to you and your group.  You could also lead a more traditional Sunday School group on Sunday mornings.

You could host a MeetUp. Is there something you enjoy doing that others may want to participate? Kayaking, walking, coupon clipping, watching movies, or eating out.   These could be occasional MeetUps or meet regularly.  These are a great way to make new friends and invite others who do not go to church.

We are looking for an organizer willing to give leadership to the resource room.  Do you enjoy keeping inventory? Do you like keeping things neat and accessible? Step up and help.  Your skills can make a huge difference.

We are organizing a children's ministry team to coordinate kids ministry to give direction to our kids Sunday School, kids worship, Wednesday night Olympians, kids music and arts, kids camps, and kid MeetUps. Your help on this team can help set direction and vision for developing the next generation.

Our WeeOnes (preschool) ministry needs a director who will coordinate the schedules and provide resources for our workers. Do you enjoy providing a safe and fun place for preschool age children as a service to parents? We need you to step up.

Our student ministry (6th – 12th grade) needs a ministry team of leaders who will assist the next student pastor in directing student Sunday school, disciple-making groups, student worship, meals, retreats, camps, and MeetUps.  Do you enjoy working with students? We need you to step up.

Turning inside-out and positioning ourselves for reaching our community with take an ever growing team of people joining forces.  Bus drivers, singers, instrumentalists, nursery workers, organizers, teachers, mentors, and greeters.  

Everyone is needed. You too! 2018 can be a breakout year.  Will you Step up?

If you are ready to step, don't wait to be asked. Let us know. There are ample opportunities to get started today.

Blessings on this new year of opportunity,

Pastor Myles