A simple place to interact with others about life, family, and sermons at First Baptist Church Oakwood.
Monday, July 16, 2018
Some Good News
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Global Mission Impact
Global Missions Opportunities to Invest
Do you want to have a global impact for Kingdom of God? I do too. I want my heart and treasure to go toward to the good news of the Kingdom both locally and globally.
How can we help do this together? Each week our tithes go into a general offering that operates the yearly budget of our church. Everything we spend comes from the generosity of members and friends of our church who give generously. This general operating fund is dispersed to fund the local and global mission of Jesus together.
In addition to this general fund, people often give to specific causes and opportunities to invest in special projects and purposes. There are lots of these. Here are few examples: youth camps, vacation Bible School, Nepal Mission trip, North American Mission Board church planting, music, etc. The list goes on and on in the various ways we give to impact others with the Good News of Jesus.
Our general fund operates routine planned yearly expenses. Other opportunities come up that require special designated offerings that our outside of the general operating fund's ability to fund. When these needs come up, people spread the word, and funds are received to accomplish the mission together.
There are some opportunities right now where you can invest in powerful opportunities to spread the love of Jesus locally and globally. Here are just a few. Some of these you may know about and others you may not have heard about.
· Jamaica fund for Victory Christian Fellowship and School. The need is for repairs to the roof and playground equipment. The church and school is in Montego Bay, Jamaica. We were going to send a team to do some of the repairs, but the decision was made to raise money instead of going due to the high travel expenses and scope of the project. Money may be designated: "Jamaica"
· Back to School project for school supplies for children in South Hall. Partnering with 5 other Oakwood churches we plan to supply book bags and other supplies. Our offering goal for this project is $350. You may designate: "Backpacks or Back to School"
· A need has come to attention for a family in our community with subfloors that need to be replaced which are falling and sagging. We have people in our church who can supply the labor to do the job, but we are receiving an offering for building supplies. You may designate: "Floor Mission Project"
· We receive hygiene products, empty egg cartons, and empty plastic grocery bags for the Good Samaritan Food Pantry. These can be brought to the missions table in our sanctuary anytime.
· A team is preparing to travel to Nepal in January of 2019 with RU4 ministries to deliver water filters and share the gospel. If you want to help with this team going you may designate: "Nepal"
This list goes on and on. Different people feel inclines to give in different directions to different projects. We do birthday parties in local nursing homes for residents. We buy the small gifts for them and supply birthday cakes. We help with benevolent needs that arise. Together we have projects such as wheel chair ramps, deck repair, and Louisiana mission projects of repairing flood damage. Working together through planned impact and other opportunities that present themselves, your church is making a local and global impact.
You could say it this way: Our Church is global mission resource center. Money passes through our hands to impact the world in Jesus name. We give together. We serve together. We go together. I can think of no better place to give my heart and treasure than through this local church. I'm excited about what all God is doing through our church. We are better together. Team work makes the dream work.