We can be a source of prayer support. We may provide servant help in projects and events in the life of the new church. The opportunity is before us to be a help in what God is doing to birth a new church. Partnering with other like minded churches from all over we can network support and resources for the church to have the most fertile potential to be a great church.
Robby Williams, lead pastor and church planter, has been on staff as student pastor at Montgomery Memorial Baptist Church for 20 years. He is faithful husband and father who has a reputable reputation among all who know him. He loves Jesus and the people of Hall County. That combination along with the specific call of God to plant is a recipe of success.
This new church is going to happen. It is going to be a vibrant faith community. Our church has this opportunity to be part of this birthing process. Multiply. Replicate. It is time.
Our staff and deacons have discussed this possibility and are excited to share this opportunity with our church. We will be hearing from Robby Williams soon on a Sunday morning. We will have a chance to formalize the relationship at our church conference on October 8. As we look at plans and ministry budgets for 2018 we will consider how we can help this new church in multiple ways.
Multiply. Fidelity to the Great Commission. Make Disciples everywhere. Planting seeds for the present and the future.
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