Thursday, May 31, 2018

Day 11 of 40 Days of Kindness

It is day 11. Take a look at the number 11.  It is two 1s standing side by side: 11.

Today's assignment is to be with someone.  Just be with them.  Listen to them. Visit with them.  Let them know that you are "with them."

In Jesus, God came to be with us, Emmanuel.. The best news in the world. God did not leave us alone. He came to us to be with us.  And He made a way for us to be with Him.

Who do you know who made need to know that he/she is not alone.  Go today and be with him/her.  Stand by him. Stand with him.

Myles Brown

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Day 10 of 40 Days of Kindness

Post-it note and a gift

Time to get creative.  Write a note of encouragement for someone to find.  Here are some possible examples for the note:

You are awesome!
God loves you!
When God made you he was showing off.
You are blessing to someone.
You were made to make an impact.

With this note (you can do more than one) leave a dollar bill or better yet a $2 bill.

Where can you leave it? Here are some ideas:

Public restroom mirror.
Gas pump
Inside a library book
On a the next cup at a gas station sleeve of cups

You can probably come up with other great places and messages to encourage someone.  Pray that God will use this word of hope and kindness to find just the right person who needs to receive it.

Myles Brown

Monday, May 28, 2018

Day 9 of 40 Days of Kindness

Day 9 is a day to show some love to strangers.  When we see everyone as a neighbor, there really are no strangers.

It is hard to turn down a tootsie pop or blow pop sucker. Go by a store where you can purchase a pack of these. Find a place where lots of people come and go. Walmart, the mall, parking lot at a gas station. Offer a free sucker to passers by.  CAUTION: when encountering children always speak to the adult first and get permission. 

When people ask you why you are doing this, have an answer ready. Something like, "God gives us grace freely, giving away suckers to my neighbors is the least I can do." Or "Everyone deserves something sweet in life. Life is hard but God is good."

Be ready for someone to ask more about God. You can tell your story of God's grace.

Have fun!
Myles Brown

Day 8 of 40 Days of Kindness

Today is Decoration Day. A day to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country.  

Take a walk through a cemetery today and observe the many military markers you see.  Thank God for these who gave their lives for love of country and the cause of freedom.

Also, there are many people you know who have lost loved ones in recent days. Perhaps today you could write a note of encouragement to them, send a text, or drop by for a visit. 

Myles Brown

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Re: Day of 6 of 40 Days of Kindness

In case you missed it Worship Service this morning day 7 is 10 hugs or high 5s. Enjoy 

On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 11:48 PM Myles Brown <> wrote:
Baking day!

Someone in your life needs a plate of cookies, a cake, a pie, or a muffin.  Take a few minutes today to brighten someone's day with a treat and a smile.  A big hug always helps too.  Baking not your thing? They sell these goodies too!  Enjoy dropping in on someone or invite them over for coffee and cake.  

Myles Brown
Myles Brown

Friday, May 25, 2018

Day of 6 of 40 Days of Kindness

Baking day!

Someone in your life needs a plate of cookies, a cake, a pie, or a muffin.  Take a few minutes today to brighten someone's day with a treat and a smile.  A big hug always helps too.  Baking not your thing? They sell these goodies too!  Enjoy dropping in on someone or invite them over for coffee and cake.  

Myles Brown

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Day 5 of 40 Days of Kindness

It is $5 Friday.

Put a $5 bill in your pocket today and be watching where God wants you to use it to bless someone.  If you don't have $5 to spare, then find that $2 bill you've been holding on to and use it.

Somewhere along your path today as you are praying and watching, you will know what to do with it.

I'm hearing great things about what people are experiencing already this week in the 40 day challenge. Feel free to share your experiences with others and invite others to do these with you.

Myles Brown

Day 4 of 40 Days of Kindness

Flower day!

Will you today pick some flowers or even better stop by a florist or grocery store to get a small bouquet of flowers?  As an individual or as a couple or family drop in on an older person or couple to surprise them with wonderful fresh flowers.

This could be a neighbor or a person you know may experience times of loneliness.  Flowers help.  A milkshake is a good idea too!

Myles Brown

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Day 3 of 40 Days of Kindness

Time to break out a pen and paper.  Today's assignment is to write someone a letter about how you are thankful for him/her. This can be a parent, teacher, some other leader.  Anyone you have thought about expressing thankfulness to but have never actually done it.  Grad some paper, pen, envelope, and stamp.  Words of encouragement from someone who takes the time to hand write a letter means so much.  Take a few minutes to do this kindness for someone today.

Myles Brown

Monday, May 21, 2018

Day 2 of 40 Days of Kindness

Assignment should you choose to accept is to go to a drive through for fast food, a drink, coffee, etc.  and tell the person at the pay window that you want to pay for the car/person behind you too.  Watch the surprise on their face and rejoice.  If they ask why you can say that this is how grace and mercy works.  Grace is a gift paid in full.  We must only accept it.  Just how God offers us grace.

Have fun with it.  I'm headed to Starbucks!

Myles Brown

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Day 1 of 40 Days of Kindness

Serve the Server and double tip (30%)

Adapted from a "Tactical Kindness" by Ken Glassmeyer

This is can be done along, as family, or a small group:

I donʼt know if you or your family or friends likes to eat out together but this is a perfect chance to still enjoy each otherʼs company and serve folks that could really use some unexpected kindness. Want to try something new?

Serve your server. I first happened onto this notion a few decades ago when I was dining out with a friend and noticed something disturbing. There was this woman waiting the tables and she did not seem to be having a good day. I stopped her and you could tell that she thought I was just going to be another hassle in this crappy day. I smiled and tried to give her some space. I even pulled out a chair at the table and told her to take a small rest break, telling her that she just looked like she needed to catch her breath. She declined, claiming her manager would kill her. I joked with her said that she could just act like we had a question about the menu. She didn't take us up on it, but just showing her a small amount of kindness and being a bit cordial seemed to lift her spirits. She did stop back at our table several times, especially when she had a difficult exchange with another customer. Each time we greeted her with a knowing smile and gave her some space to decompress. I made sure I tipped her generously. As we left the restaurant, I walked by Tammy's "difficult" table and noticed that the folks left a mere handful of change.  My friend saw me grit my teeth and stare at the nice little pile. Ever since then, I try to make it a point to DOUBLE TIP. That's right. Don't leave ten or 15 percent--have some gusto and try out 30%. Chances are your server is a student or single parent and they can use the money more than you need it. Cut down on your quantity of dining out exchanges so you can have quality encounters if that is what it takes. Showing kindness and generosity to your server is especially powerful if you are dining out with your Bible study group. Keep in mind that most restaurants automatically add a gratuity of 15% to a group table. Imagine the head tilt you get from the manager when you want to speak to him to change the bill, because the tip isnʼt high enough! If you spend time really getting to know your server as a group, the whole staff will get to know you and your band of friends. We often frequent the same restaurants and have built up a rapport with the servers. We now regularly pray for them, right in the middle of the restaurant. God seems to honor these prayers because we have become servants of the servers. It isnʼt unusual for employees to come to our table that arenʼt even assigned to it to ask for prayer because word got around that sometimes our praying actually works!

Have some fun on day one!

Myles Brown