Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Day 10 of 40 Days of Kindness

Post-it note and a gift

Time to get creative.  Write a note of encouragement for someone to find.  Here are some possible examples for the note:

You are awesome!
God loves you!
When God made you he was showing off.
You are blessing to someone.
You were made to make an impact.

With this note (you can do more than one) leave a dollar bill or better yet a $2 bill.

Where can you leave it? Here are some ideas:

Public restroom mirror.
Gas pump
Inside a library book
On a the next cup at a gas station sleeve of cups

You can probably come up with other great places and messages to encourage someone.  Pray that God will use this word of hope and kindness to find just the right person who needs to receive it.

Myles Brown

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