In Matthew chapter 12 we find Jesus and his disciples traveling. They were hungry. They entered a field and began to snack on grains growing in the field. Religious leaders were evidently traveling or viewing them from a distance and saw this. Instead of offering to feed them (a very kind religious act) they criticize them for doing "work" on the Sabbath day (a day for rest and worship). Jesus shares with them that they have missed the point of worship, God, and the Sabbath entirely.
Then Jesus enters a place of worship and blatantly heals a man's hand in front of all the leaders and worship attendees. He then asks the question, "Is this legal to do on the Sabbath?"
Wow. As you can imagine, the leaders who were challenged here began to strategize a way to destroy Jesus. They clearly understood the implications of Jesus' teachings and actions: people are more holy than rules, places, or days of the week. In short, if you you have to choose between any religious rule or obligation and loving/helping/encouraging someone, then toss the supposed rule to love the person.
This is a wonderful way to live and change the world. It just doesn't work with establishing or sustaining a religious tradition with rituals and rules.
The way of Jesus still challenges our notions of religion, rules, and obligations. Go where love and kindness to people is found. There you will meet Jesus already there hanging out with the supposed "outcasts." And having a great time.
-- Myles Brown
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