Friday, July 22, 2011

The Good Life this Sunday

This Sunday at Pleasant View, I will be talking about the "good life." When was the last time that you took a deep breath and said, "Ah, this is the life"? What were you doing? Where were you? People have different views of what make a "good life."

Sunday I will be sharing about three choices that will lead to the good life: when given a choice, choose this over that. Come hear more at 11:00 am as we jump into the good life!

Arrived Home

The team made it home safely around 8 pm. Great week. Thank you for all the prayers. Here are a few pics from our journey home through Grandfather Mountain.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hammock House Ready

All but the roof is ready. Mission accomplished! Thank you for all your prayers. We will be headed home in the morning. If you ever never need a hammock house in your back, Randy is your man!

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Wednesday Mission Team tasks

Today the team will be working on the hammock house area again. Randy and Myles will be working on the roof and siding for the house. Yesterday we finished the decking and the wall structure that will support the 18 to 20 hammocks (stacked three high!).

Keri, Katie, Josiah, and Gabriela will be painting a stairway the leads to the hammock house.

Pray for energy and strength for the team today. Yesterday was a long hard day, but much was accomplished.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A few pics from the day

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Awesome breakfast to start the day

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Morning Quiet Time

The morning the team's QT devotions were about what we have to leave behind to follow Jesus on his mission. We have to leave "stuff" and fears behind to serve Him.

It has been a beautiful morning withe clouds hanging over the mountains surrounding our bunkhouse.

We look forward to starting construction and landscaping at 9:00 am.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

There is a group here from Hickory, North Carolina doing Proverb 31 mother daughter camp for the week. We are going to be taking care of the dining hall for them tonight.

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Arrived Safely

We arrived safely to Cherokee Cove! Beautiful view. We are going to be starting work on a hammock house in the morning. This is going to be fun service.

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Pit Stop to eat some vienna sausages and bug juice.

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On the Go

Leaving out for Tennesee. Pray our safety on the road (Myles is driving)

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mission Trip to Tennessee

Be in prayer for the Family Mission trip to Mountain City, TN.  We will be leaving at 9AM tomorrow morning.  We will be doing several projects including landscaping, painting, staining. Pray that we will joyful share the message of God's love as we go. For the website where we will be staying anf working click here

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Watermelon and Lemomade

Two great things about summer are watermelon and lemonade. For me the two item represent icking back for a nice relaxing afternoon. I mean real rest. Falling asleep on a picnic blanket while watching the shapes in the clouds slide through the sky. The kind rest where you hear the birds and actually smell the fresh air.

Did you know rest was actually God's idea? And you have to be fully awake in order to really rest. That is right awake to rest. Come hear more Sunday at Pleasant View 11 am.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Friday, July 15, 2011

Safe and sound. The students and adults made it home safely from Daytona Student Life. Big thanks to Bryan and Karmen Stamps for leading entire group. Travis did a great in the captain chair and Lisa as head chef. The students had a great week with God.  Come hear all about it as their share this Sunday night at 6 pm at Pleasant View.

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A lot of traffic. Wreck or something. Keep praying we make it home safely.

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Home around 6 or 6 thirty

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Lunch at Sonny's Barbeque

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Headed Forward

The Pleasant View students are heading home, but they are ready to move forward with the journey of God. Let the new road ahead begin today.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Awesome night. For those who have been following these updates and praying: thank you. Our students experienced a tremendous encounter with God.

Going for ice cream.

Leaving for home around 8 am in the morning. Pray for a safe journey.

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Eating dinner at Charlie Horse before the last worship service of camp.

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Some more pictures from golf yestrday

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Great morning session in which the students were challenged to enter three doors of worship. 1st door is the door to the church building. Door 2 is through Jesus into worship in spirit and truth that can happen anywhere anytime. The third door is the door back into the world that Jesus loves.

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This morning started out with the great view of students doing their quiet time devotions. Galatians 6:1-10.

Great images.

And Caroline eating the breakfast of champions: Little Debbie Swiss Rolls.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Church group devotion led by Destin by the pool.

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The message tonight: in the middle of your darkest night, God is still doing something good. The cross shows us this...God gets what you are going through! He wants to hold you tonight and tell you that I am with you.

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Afternoon of putt putt golf and souviner shopping. Headed to worship tonight after hamburgers and hotdogs.

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Message this morning: 2 questions.

What do you want to do with your life?

What is God doing with His life?

Challenge: join God is his life mission to love the nations.

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The guys are preparing for leading the church Bible study. Worship service the morning starts at 9:30am.

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Good morning day 3. We were made to bear fruit, signs of a devoted life.  Pray for our students today that God would make his fruit evident in their lives.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Church group devotion poolside led by Parker and Destin. The theme: whose approval are you seeking, other people or God?

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Tonight's word: it's not that God needs our devotion and song...but... he wants it because we are close to heart Psalm 148

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Some pictures from the day to enjoy.

Myles Brown

Everyone is in the pool after a short stint in the ocean. Our group is playing volleyball and staying cool. Lisa George is preparing dinner. At 5 we will be having a Mexian meal. Be in prayer for the worship service tonight and church group share time to follow.

Oh, happy anniversary to Travis and Lisa! 26 years of marriage today.

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Some of the random acts of kindness and love observed by our group members today:

Caroline asked the cleaning the pool if he had any prayer requests.

Parker loaned his Bible to a young lady during worship that did not have one.

Destin and Daniel Quattlebaum stood up with and encouraged a stranger who was making a decision during worship this morning.

Pleasant View Youth putting the interest of others before their own.

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Awesome message this morning from Ephesians 5:1-18. Pastor Louie shared that we were created to be alive, awake, walking in the light. Wake up of sinners from the dead, Christ will shine on you. Today is the day to wake up from the life of ordinary fog of existence. Rise up. Wake up. Live as beloved children of God.

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This morning's queit time devotion was from Mark 8:34-38. The students were asked, "What is more important to them, the things of this world or being willing lose you life to this world and gain real life?"

There much that can be gained and accomplished in this life, but nothing compares to living devoted to the gospel of Christ.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre