Friday, February 28, 2014

Running Third

As I prepare to run a marathon tomorrow, I want to announce my Run Third motivation this year. Everybody has 1 or 2 reasons for why they attempt hard things like training and running 26.2 miles.  It takes some inner drive and motivation to keep going when your body is screaming stop, quit, give up.

But what is a 3rd reason?  First I run because of the enjoyment and knowing I please the Lord when I give my very best effort. Secondly, I run for my health (mind, body, and soul).  A healthy lifestyle increases the enjoyment of living today and raises the possibility of living a long life for my family.  I want to be able to tell not just my kids but grandchildren "yes" when they ask me to play (climb trees, ride a bike, hike a trail, or play ball).

But what about a 3rd reason?  Somewhere along the route tomorrow, I will need a third reason to keep going. This year I Run Third for the slaves trapped in human trafficking.  There are women, girls, and boys trapped in a dark world of slavery due to the perversity of mankind and the evils of greed and immorality. This cannot continue in our day.  It is time to shine the light on slavery and work to end it. I will be praying and running for them.

Join the fight to end it! visit

February 28 Devotion

February 28, 2014

Read Matthew 18:23-35

Jesus used a parable of hyperbole to drive home the point about forgiving others.  In our terms today, imagine someone owing the government over a million dollars in unpaid taxes.  After much pleading and begging, the IRS said, “Your tax penalty is forgiven. You owe nothing.” Now that is a miracle!  Then this person finds a neighbor who owes him two hundred dollars.  The neighbor does not have it right then, so he has him taken to court or worse calls the IRS with an anonymous tip that this neighbor needs to be investigated.

Ridiculous. When you have $1,000.000.00 in debt that you could never pay simply removed from the books by a merciful debtor, how outrageous it would be to not extend mercy to those who ask.

Do we have a human right to hold a grudge sometimes? Yes. Do we deserve death and eternal separation from a holy and righteous/just God? Yes. God forgives our debts as we forgive those indebted to us. 

“I forgive you.”  Second only to “I love you” as the most powerful words in the universe. Use these words and see what happens.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27 Devotion

Read Matthew 18:10-22

Everyone.  Every single one is important to God.  God wants no one to be lost and left outside.  God never writes people off.  And we can’t either.  Even folks who have sinned against us and refuse to make things right are worthy of love and forgiveness.  Every. Single. Person.

Just how many times should we forgive folks? How much is enough? Jesus told Simon Peter an outrageous number symbolic of saying you never stop forgiving.  Don’t try to count. Forgiveness that we offer others is to be up to par with the outrageous level that God forgives us.  It is through forgiving others that we demonstrate what God is like.  We need to put no stumbling block in someone’s path to receiving forgiveness from God. Clear the path.  Clear the air.  Clear the relationship.  Forgive as God has forgiven you. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26 Devotion

Read Mark 9:38-48

Not only did the disciples argue about who was the greatest among themselves, but they felt a sense of pride in being Jesus’ chosen ones.  I mean who wouldn’t? They had an inside track to talking to Jesus, receiving special training and teaching, and were sent out on special assignments with his authority over evil and sickness. They were early stockholders in the movement.  So John mentioned to Jesus that some other person was using Jesus’ name to heal and cast out evil.  John was expecting Jesus to quickly jump into an exclusivist position of defense.  Instead Jesus basically said, “Great! That will be a big help to the mission.” What?!

The disciples were certainly taken back by this. Then Jesus used the same child that had been with him since verse 36 to teach them to make the path of faith and the Kingdom accessible to even little children.  Do not build walls around the movement to have insiders and outsiders.  People seeking power and positions of influence can be a dam that stops the flow of a river.  Pave a path for all to be included in God’s love. Remove stumbling blocks that prevent people from inclusion.  The good news (Gospel) is for all. It is bigger than the leaders who might seek to control it.  Love and freedom spread like a fire and resist containment.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25 Devotion

Read Mark 9:33-37

Who is the greatest? Years ago the boxer, Cassius Clay, made the bold statement after winning the Heavy Weight Title in boxing, “I am the greatest.”  Propelling his career and the sport of boxing into global popularity, Cassius Clay (later know as Muhammad Ali) had the talent and personality to back up the statement…for a while.  But time and age even began to take its toll on him.  The greatest boxer ever? Maybe. The greatest boxer of his generation? Some might say so, but who can really ever say that they are the greatest?

We all have a tendency to feel we deserve better treatment than others.  A touch of arrogance is found in every human heart.  Some have a larger dose than others.  Choosing to intentional serve others and take second fiddle is not easy for anyone.  Even people who are naturally shy or passive still struggle with arrogance.

The kingdom of God, according to Jesus has a difference scale of greatness.  True greatness is found in serving and becoming like a child.  It turns out that spending time with children shows greatness more than commanding mighty empire.  Now that is truly upside down to this world.

Alexander the Great!  Herod the Great! The kingdom of God is led by people whose names we never hear.  Looking to see greatness from the God’s perspective? Look for the people helping.  They don’t make it on the news or any hall of fame.  But God sees their work.  Join their tribe. It begins with choosing an attitude (others first). After practicing, we can truly begin to serve from our hearts. Choose. Practice. Experience the Kingdom of God.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24 Devotion

Read Matthew 17:24-27

Jesus paid taxes to His own Temple. Peter was sent to fish for a coin in the mouth of a fish from the sea.  What is going on here?

In order to not cause offense, Jesus consented to pay the tax to a corrupt Temple system.  It was not going to be a make or break issue for him.  But was it really Jesus paying the tax anyway?

Jesus owed nothing and owned nothing.  So in order to pay a tax he did not owe from empty pockets, a supernatural windfall of money had to come his way.  And Jesus used the occasion to teach Simon a lesson on obedience and faith.  Simon obeyed and saw the Lord provide.

Have you ever unjustly been required to pay for something that just didn’t seem fair? Chances are that you have.  Have you ever come across financial gain without earning it? Ever found something someone had lost? Won a door prize? Won bingo?

These resources come and go.  Life is full of unfair situations. Some tip your way and others tip away from you. In order to not cause offense, often we need to just pay and move on.  Above all, trust the Lord.  He will provide your every need. Even the demands of an unfair world.

February 22 Devotion

Read Psalm 29

In and through a might storm, David saw the LORD.  Amid the mighty scene David worshiped the LORD.  He ascribed glory and might to his name. Through the natural power of floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards God’s power is on display.  

Interestingly in the final verse of the Psalm it states that the LORD blesses his people with peace. Peace of God in the storm.  His power spreads wreckage and yet God’s peace rests on His people.  An amazing God.  He is to be praised and worshiped above all.

February 21 Devotion

Read Mark 9:30-32

Jesus was buying more time with his disciples in order teach team, train them, and prepare them. 

Meanwhile, they still did not get it.  They just could not comprehend that something terrible was in Jesus future.  Sure there were problems with the religious leaders, but Jesus was so popular among the masses. It did not seem possible.  And beyond that, they had no theological understanding for a Messiah who dies. But this was valuable teaching that would prove helpful in the near future. This extra time was more for the disciples’ benefit than for Jesus.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23 Devotion

Read Proverbs 8

Wisdom’s call.  Find wisdom and you will find life.  Will you today look and listen for wisdom as if your life depended on it?  It just might.  

Consider memorizing verses 34-35.

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 20 Devotion

Read Matthew 17:9-13

Full of wonderment and questions the disciples came back down the mountain with Jesus.  And Jesus broke the news to them again that not only had Elijah come and gone, but he too would soon suffer at the hands of evil men.

Not only were the disciples in amazement over seeing Jesus in his glorified state on the mountain, but now trying to imagine him suffering and dying was horrifying. This just made no sense.

So many times in life when are in the middle of something wonderful or terrible we do not grasp the meaning or value of our experience.  It is only when we are able to look back with clearer perspectives that are able to appreciate what God is doing in such circumstances.  Whatever you are going through today, it is neither the end nor the full story of God’s plan for you.  Trust Him.  His ways and His love are faithful.

February 19 Devotion

Read Mark 9:2-8

This special occurrence was for Jesus’ encouragement (see also Luke 9:28-36).  This scene of Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijah in what was an other-worldly encounter on this mountain was beyond description for Peter, James, and John.  This trio of disciples was allowed to see into a heavenly conversation.  And they would certainly never forget it. 

This was special privilege given to these close companions of Jesus. High cost responsibilities come with special privileged experiences of God’s presence.

Count the cost, choose to follow, and you will see more revelation of God’s plan and purpose.  Vision and commitment often come together.  Commitment is usually required first.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18 Devotion

Read Mark 9:23-27

Now that Jesus had shared his future with his followers he also shared what it would take to continue to follow him.  Being associated with Jesus had been a popular adventure so far.  Jesus had even shared with them great authority and power over sickness and diseases.  What a thrill that must have been. But Jesus spoke soberly to his followers about the cost that must be considered in moving forward in this movement.  Here are a few:

·         Deny yourself (selfish desires for personal gain and advantage)

·         Take up your cross (death…become a dead man walking with no regrets)

·         Follow (take direction and orders from Jesus)

·         Willingness to lose in this world in order to really gain what matters in the new world

·         Courage to stand with Jesus and his message in the face of persecution

What a list! This sounds more like the military than a religious club.  This is heavy commitment and devotion.  For those who answer this call there is a unique common bond of commitment that can even transcend blood family relations or national unity. And for all those who make the biggest difference in this world the commitment is the same. 

In examining your desires and commitments does your lifestyle reflect this kind of love and devotion to Jesus and his cause of the Kingdom of God? There is much help and support available for those who chose to live such a lifestyle of such radical devotion.  Here are a few resources of support: the Holy Spirit, the word of God, and brothers and sisters of common commitment. Along with the many rewards along the way, these resources prove to be enough to sustain such radical commitment. 

Choose this day to live for Him and His Kingdom. And stay close to His resources (the Spirit, the word, and other disciples).

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17 Devotion

Sorry for the delayed email.  This week with my traveling the emailed devotions may be sporadic.  I apologize.

Read Mark 8:27-33

This was the first public confession of Jesus as the Messiah, the Christ. Upon hearing the confession Jesus warned that this truth must not be broadcast.  It was not time for this declaration.  This must have been mighty affirming for Jesus to hear these words from Peter. 

The followers of Jesus had perhaps been thought this and even privately discussed it, but this was the first time one spoke up and confessed this to Jesus. 

Jesus then taught the disciples what kind of Messiah he was.  Preconceived notions of the disciples of a Messiah coming to lead a rebellion against Rome or overthrowing the corrupt leadership of the Temple were about to be dashed by Jesus. Jesus described himself as a suffering servant who would be killed and rise again.  Peter nor the others had any categories for this type of Messiah.  Although the disciples had their terminology correct (Messiah), the definition and understanding had a long way to go.  This turning point in the ministry of Jesus would begin a re-education of the Disciples to God’s plan for Jesus to obediently face the cross. This would inevitably be Jesus’ future, but it was not yet time. Jesus had much more that he desired to teach his followers.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16 Devotion

Read Proverbs 7

Many a dream has been stolen by a wrong choice that dealt with sex and other allures of the eyes.  Men and women have had their lives cuts short, plans forever altered, and wealth split in half by a momentary but deadly lapse of judgment. Both men and women fall prey to temptations of this sort, but men especially are prone to letting their eyes and desires bring disaster to their lives and families. 

Putting wisdom close to the heart can be a real help.  The place where desires are born can be filled with righteousness passions and treasures. Go back and look at verses 1-5 again.  Putting God’s word in the heart and knowing how to apply it to real life can prove to be a life savor.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15 Devotion

Read Psalm 103

The love of God. Abounding. Astonishing.  What ways can you recount has God treated you with love instead of what you deserved? Praise the Lord! Give Him thanks.  Tomorrow is the Lord’s day.  Plan today to be with the family of God to worship Him, our God of love.

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14 Devotion

Read Matthew 16:1-12

Here came the religious leaders, the keepers of orthodoxy, asking Jesus for a sign from heaven. Jesus used a weather forecasting analogy to demonstrate their lack of courage and faith. If they could not perceive that Jesus was sent from God, then no further sign would help, even a resurrection.

The “believe it when I see it” attitude of the Pharisees putting demands on Jesus can put a real damper on childlike faith and trust. Jesus warned his followers to watch out for that type attitude that can spread quickly.

Thankfully God has already sent us plenty of signs. If we cannot believe and obey already, what will one more do for us? Probably just make us ask for one more. We can debate with others and God until the cows come home or we can step out into the wild adventure of obeying God by faith. Whatever faith you have, choose to live by it. Your faith will grow as God proves his faithfulness to you over and over.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13 Devotion

Read Mark 7:31-37

One of the reasons Jesus went so far away from the influence of the Pharisees and scribes was to lower the intensity that his mission and message was causing. The inevitable tension would eventually give way to outright hatred on behalf of the religious leaders.  In buying more time Jesus had gone to Tyre and Sidon and now coming back through the vicinity of Decopolis, but the crowd found him again with many needs.

Jesus moved this deaf man away from the crowd.  Jesus’ desire to lower the intensity was was less than the compassion he felt for the hurting.  Jesus healed him anyway.  And of course, the news of his healing and his popularity continued to skyrocket.  Overwhelmed and amazed. The Kingdom of God was breaking into our world and was on collision course with the powers of this world.

Those in power are threatened by the breaking-the-mold type of characters like Jesus.  And the powers that be usually find a way to crush such radical reformers.  This pattern would reach its zenith with Jesus. But God would use even this evil for ultimate good.  He always does.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12 Devotion

Read Matthew 15:21-28

This tongue-in-cheek banter between Jesus and this Canaanite woman is priceless. Jesus is as much teaching his disciples here as he is healing this woman’s daughter.  After Jesus’ latest interaction with the scribes and Pharisees Jesus headed to the northern most region in which we know he ever traveled.  In this community there were certainly more Gentiles than Jews.

Jesus’ disciples must have been wondering why they were headed to this area (Phoenicia). It certainly was not on the way to anywhere except the Mediterranean Sea.  Yet this woman called out in faith on behalf of her daughter.

Once Jesus began his sarcastic response, she played right along with him.  Meanwhile the disciples’ jaws must have been dropped open.  Then the punch line: woman, you have great faith! Your daughter is healed.

This conversation about crumbs of food falling from the table is sandwiched right between Matthew’s description of the miraculous healing of 5,000 and then 4,000. The message: there is enough of Jesus and gospel to go around.  For Israel, for the disciples, and even the Gentile peoples.  Where people have faith, Jesus’ power is displayed to the glory of God.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11 Devotion

Read Mark 7:1-23

Jesus and his disciples were causing quite a stir with the religious leaders. Even how meals were prepared and eaten was under scrutiny. Jesus taught several things to his followers in his basic rebuttals to his critics.  Here are just a couple:

·         Clean hands and bowls are one thing but what really needs to be clean is one’s heart (the place where decisions are made).  Notice in verse 21 and 22 what Jesus said can live in one’s heart long before they show up in behaviors we can see. It is our hearts that need cleaning, protecting, and reshaping.

·         Adding human traditions to the commands of God can be twisted so that the command is missed altogether even while keeping the tradition.  An example would be from recent history: don’t dance because it might lead to other things (adultery).  So dancing is stopped but children are still conceived outside of marriage. It turns out lots of stuff can lead to “other things.” We could outlaw all of those too, but the commands of God are given for our benefit.  They actually lead to the best possible life (and point to our need for a savior). If we ever feel justified in doing something, we may need to examine if we are holding to a tradition of culture or actually obeying the word of God.  In every culture (even the better ones) this can often get mixed up and cause us to actually miss God’s best. Prohibition of “evils” simply leads to creative sinners finding ways around the prohibitions to still break the commands of God. Outlaw alcohol and other forms of escape are discovered and spread. More laws and traditions will be needed one into the future as we prohibit “evils” from entering our society…but it turns out the evil is already in our hearts.  Only a heart change, cleansing, and redirecting has any hope saving us.

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10 Devotion

Read Mark 6:45-56

Seriously! Jesus came walking on the water, and the disciples were amazed? Did you see it? Look at verses 51-52 again. Still they were taken by surprise that God was taking care of their every need no matter what.  It says that they had not understood about the loaves (referring back to Jesus feeding the five thousand people…AND them) because their hearts were hardened. Miracles and profound provision, yet they still had hardened hearts.

Stocked pantries in our homes, health insurance, chemotherapy treatment, smart phone technology, space travel, quantum physics, and babies being born.  Don’t miss the wonder and miracle of it all.  Don’t let your heart get hard and view God’s provision as casual and his miracles with surprise.  Nothing is impossible with our God. Nothing. Let that settle into your heart today. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9 Devotion

Read Proverbs 6

Wisdom for real life. Practical truth straight from the word of God.  For business dealings, working diligent, saving, and honest living.

Where in this chapter did God reveal something to you that requires immediate action, seeking forgiveness, or making a long-term commitment?  If God has spoken, them delay is not helpful.  Obedience leads to freedom and joy.  Trust His word.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8 Devotion

Read Psalm 45

This wedding song has ultimate fulfillment in Jesus as the rightful King who marries his church, his eternal bride.

Such joy and vindication can be seen in the song.  The king victorious. The bride leaving all behind in faithful commitment to the king. 

The author of the book of Hebrews refers back to this Psalm as one that describes Jesus, whom God has anointed.

One day we will experience this wedding, not as a guest but as the bride.

Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7 Devotion

Read Mark 6:30-44

Rock star popularity now characterized the Jesus movement. Even his apostles were feeling the pull and demands of the crowd.  Trying to get a little time alone, they travelled by boat to a different lakeshore, but the throngs of people found them anyway.  This could have been very frustrating, but Jesus responded with compassion.

He took time to see the crowd and teach them.  And when it was late and time to eat, he found a way to feed everyone fish and bread (even a basketful for each disciple). Miraculous yes, but simply another reminder for the followers of Jesus that God provides.  Most everyone there (thousands) had no idea what happened. They simply ate and were satisfied.  Jesus was teaching by firsthand experience. Don’t worry about food. In fact, just don’t worry.

Have you been carrying around a load of worry and care? Is there a need for God’s provision? Go to your Heavenly and ask. He loves to prove his love and faithfulness.  In fact every time you have something to put in your mouth to eat, don’t miss the miracle.  God just took care of you again.  Give thanks.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6 Devotion

Luke 9:1-6

Multiplying the healing and restoration work of the Kingdom of God, Jesus gave his authority over evil to the 12 appointed apostles. And sent them out to preach and heal. This amazing authority was transferred to his followers. It was not contained in the person of Jesus.  As people exhibited faith, God’s power over evil and diseases proved that His Kingdom was a present reality. 

Along this journey, the apostles learned that whatever they needed would be provided as they did the work of the gospel including homes, food, protection, and clothing. And when people rejected them, they were simply to move on because others were ready to respond. This gospel ministry is something God does.  His messengers are always well equipped. Success and authority are from the hand of God.

If God has called you, he will equip you and establish the success.  It is his ministry of Kingdom.  It is for His glory (reputation). No matter what calling God has placed on your life, as you use your skills and gifts to bring good news and healing to others, people will be blessed and helped.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5 Devotion

Read Mark 5:1-20

No matter what our modern opinions are about demonic possession, this man who lived among the tombs outside of this town was severely tormented.  Call it mental illness or mental disease if you want, the evil oppression that kept him isolated away from community was the handiwork of the enemy.  And when this fellow met Jesus the multitude of evil spirits within him recognized and bowed in submission to Jesus, the Son of God.

We often struggle with the reality of unseen spiritual forces, but even more so we struggle with authority.  These spirits manifested themselves before Jesus and recognized his rightful authority over them. 

Hear this simple truth today: Evil must submit to the name of Jesus Christ, Son of God. As we also, submit to Jesus, evil leaves us as well.  When faced with the enemy’s attacks on your mind and body today, declare your submission and trust in Jesus Christ and see the enemy flee (like squealing pigs). Fear no evil. Trust in Jesus

See also James 4:7.  Consider memorizing and using this verse in times of spiritual attack. And obey it.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4 Devotion

Read Luke 8:22-25

While he was sleeping…the storm crept in and overtook the boat. 

Jesus was nudged awake to the terrible news.  “We are dying!” shouted the disciples.

Jesus then rebuked the wind and waves, and then his disciples for lack of faith.  Did they really believe they were about to die? Fear had seized their hearts and blocked their faith.

After seeing what Jesus did to calm the storm, now their fears moved to Jesus (one more powerful than the storm).  Who is he? None other than God.

Reality was setting in for the followers of Jesus.  If he can command the weather, then…

All other fear is an illusion.  There is nothing to fear as long as you are with Jesus. They would soon learn that Jesus commands more authority than they could comprehend. And in His name all other authorities tremble.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Devotion February 3

Read Mark 3:31-35

Back in verse 21 of this chapter of Mark we remember that Jesus’ family had come to bring him home to talks some sense into him, perhaps protect him from the controversial journey his has been on. But when the family asked to speak with Jesus, he tells them, “What family? The followers in this movement are my family now.”

Jesus cannot go back to his old life before public ministry.  Things have been set in motion now as he is following the Holy Spirit that cannot be reversed.  There is no turning back.

His new kindred family is among those who are committed to Kingdom of God vision.

Church life is intended to have this flavor of deep kindred relationships.  A new kind of family.  Strong bonds united by the Spirit in a common mission and devotion. Familial relationships develop as you press through hard things together, accomplish victories together, and even grieve together over trouble.

Where is your real family? It is with the group that shares your vision for life and mission.  Where are you headed? The group that you consider family will take you to your future. Choose wisely what group you run with.  Your future depends on it.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2 Devotion

Read Proverbs 5

WARNING.  Be a one woman man. Be a one man woman.  All other avenues are dangerous. Don’t linger too long on any path that leads away from the one who you are committed. You and I are not strong enough to play with fire and avoid being burned. Drink from your one cistern. In other words, keep the home fires burning and stay away from any stray sparks that could start a fire elsewhere.

Beware of streets which lead to other places: facebook, chatting, texting, meetings after work, pornography. Be warned. Allow the word of God to correct you and the people who love you.  Life within the channels of marriage is sweet. Be thankful for the word and wisdom of God that protects us and leads into abundant life.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1 Devotion

Read Psalm 85

A beautiful psalm pleading for mercy, salvation, and restoration. With the flare that poets and song writers posses this psalmist teaches profound truth with vivid, artful imagery.

Consider verse 10 for example.  Love and faithfulness sitting down for a meeting together like old friends.  These two love to live together.  Then coming in the door: peace and righteousness embracing with a kiss.  These are intimately connected. Where there is righteousness you will find peace (an inseparable couple). The same is true of love and faithfulness.  When you see one, there is the other, hip to hip. And these are all evidences that the Lord is near.  These all exhibit His ways.

If you have time, go back and read it again as you look for more of this vivid imagery of truth.