Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31 Devotion

Read Matthew 5:21-26

Jesus began a series of instruction that had this description, “You have heard it said…but I say to you.” He was not showing disrespect for the Law but offering a full description of the intent of God.  Here he dealt with the attitudes of anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness.

Murder, malice, and assault are actions taken which laws are set in place to punish and correct.  But long before an action takes place an intention is made, a desire is entertained, and a hurt is unforgiven.  Intentions, desires, emotions, grudges, and thoughts take place in the heart long before they show up in actions which people see.  Jesus is making the case that we need a heart change.  A cleansing and reshaping of our heart is required.  It is from the heart that all of life flows including our sins.

Be careful what you allow to lie around in your heart.  Clean out the bitterness, jealousy, and anger.  When they are left in our hearts, it is only a matter of time before they show themselves in our actions and words. Regret and punishment will soon follow.

March 30 Devotion

Read Proverbs 13:1-13

Your words can bring life, satisfaction, and joy to you and others.  But we must continually harness and guard the tongue.  It cannot be tamed, but it can be trained and harnessed for good.  What words can you train you tongue to say?  Here are few that would be a good start:

“How can I help?”

“I forgive you.”

“I can with God’s strength.”

Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 29 Devotion

Read Psalm 47

Sing praises to God, sing praises. He alone deserves our highest praise, songs, and devotion.  Find time today to turn up your favorite worship music of choice. Sing praises to our God and Savior.

Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28 Devotion

Read Matthew 5:13-20

You are amazing.  “Very good,” is what God said when He completed the creation of the world capping it off with mankind. You are the light, the salt.  People in God’s kingdom are the difference makers, giving glory (credit) to their Father in heaven.

Jesus was about to give interpretation of God’s revelation (the Law and prophets) and show how all things were fulfilled in Him.  He is not replacing, but further explaining and completing the word of God. The only way to enter the Kingdom is through the humility of receiving a merciful gift, not earning it.

We are difference makers not because we have achieved some goal, but because we become like children opening our arms to be picked up by our father. Nobody is good enough.  But when we ask for mercy we become amazing (God’s treasured possession). Remember who you are today.  A sinner saved by God’s grace, perfect children in your Heavenly Father’s eyes. We are trophies of His mercy.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27 Devotion

Read Matthew 5:1-12

Happy and blessed are those who approach life with these attitudes.  The Kingdom of Heaven consists of these attitudes. These cut against our natural rebellious hearts filled with selfish and hurtful arrogance. Any group that exhibits these attitudes in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount would certainly be a great bunch to live alongside or join.  They may suffer persecution by the hands of violent aggressors, but God is their defender.

Look at this list of attitudes espoused by Jesus:

·         Poor in spirit (chosen humility)

·         Mournful over what has been lost

·         Meek

·         Hungry for what is right and just (disturbed over what is not)

·         Merciful toward others

·         Pure (honest and consistent)

·         Peacemakers

·         Willing to suffer for what is right and just

·         Upbeat when suffering and persecution come

Which of these can be said of you, your family, and your church? Which ones need much more progress and development? Pray for empowerment by the Holy Spirit and obedience to the ways of the Kingdom.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26 Devotion

Read Luke 19:11-27

Tough parable with a simple direct message: stewardship of the Kingdom is going to be entrusted to servants over a period of time with much responsibility. 

Jesus was not going to enter Jerusalem with a conquering force.  In fact the days were near for his departure.  The mission must continue with his followers.  The parable serves as a mere comparison to what this will be like.  Some followers will invest “all in.” Some may invest lightly. Others will refuse to invest at all.

The challenge to his listeners and to us: our inclusion in the Kingdom compels us to impart news of the Kingdom to others (ie. Evangelism: good news telling), but will we? Jesus used many parables and symbolic expressions to teach this point: be fishers of men, sowing seeds, influence of yeast, or the massive expansion of the mustard seed.

The Kingdom is quietly gaining strength under the rule of our King Jesus who sits as the right hand of the Father.  Upon his return, let the members of His Kingdom be ready to show their love for Him and investment in the mission. Personally invest today and tell the good news.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25 Devotion

Read Matthew 20:17-19

Jesus gave another prediction to his closest 12 disciples that Jerusalem would prove to be his final destination for this life.  But there is no indication whatsoever that the disciples heard, understood, or came to grips with this information. In fact in Matthew and Mark, the gospel writers tell us that some of the disciples were seeking positions of influence and leadership in the Kingdom following Jesus’ prediction.  It was as if their ears were deaf to the possibility of death for Jesus.  Dying did not fit within any narrative and plan for a messiah.

Jesus, however, faced his final days with courage and resolve. The days were slipping away. The cross was on his horizon.

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24 Devotion

Read Matthew 19:30- Matthew 20:16

The last will be first and the first will be last.

Do you remember in school when teachers would go through the class in alphabetical order to decide who would be the leader each day? Some teachers might surprise you by going through the alphabet backwards, but usually not.  With my last name starting with “b” I had an early advantage at getting to be near the front of the line. Monica had a “w” for her last name.  Sadly she spent more time at the end of the line. But when Monica married me she moved up to a “B.” Wahoo!!

For things in God’s Kingdom, however, it doesn’t matter if you enter early, late, or somewhere in the middle, the award of God’s grace is the same! The thing to celebrate is simply being adopted into God’s family. It is not a race, and it is certainly not a competition to see who gets to be charge or get paid more reward. If the first in line end up being last in line, the buffet of God’s bounty remains unchanged.  Rejoice that you have a place in God’s family.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23 Devotion

Read Proverbs 12

Several arenas of life are addressed in this chapter:

Our words
Our work ethic
Attitudes (mental presets for dealing with life)
Wealth and possessions

The Bible is very practical and straightforward about these matters.  It is the obedient and teachable who are able to benefit from taking God’s Word as the basis for living in these arenas of life.

Consider memorizing a verse that spoke particularly to your today.

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 22 Devotion

Read Psalm 28

A cry for mercy and strength to the Most High God who is our rock and our fortress.  He is our defender. The psalm begins by pleading for the Lord to not turn a deaf ear toward the cries for help. A desperate plea to be spared when the wicked and rebellious come to disastrous ruin for their deeds.

The swift justice of God that we pray for could come at any moment.  Pray for the Lord to pass over and spare who are asking for mercy and forgiveness. As the psalmist said, “he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.”

Pray today for mercy. And pray for justice for the weak, disenfranchised, the poor, and those who have no voice. Come Lord Jesus, come. 

March 21 Devotion

Read Luke 18:9-14

Two very different attitudes and approaches to worship. Both people in Jesus’ parable were going to the temple to pray. One felt as if he was God’s shining example to the world and was ready to shine.  The other had a sober understanding of the holiness of God and his own need of forgiveness.

Once again Jesus made the hero or good guy in his story a surprising character: a tax collector.  Tax collectors were hated even more than Samaritans.  Collaborators with the Roman government, these traitors were seen as deserters of their faith and heritage. And Jesus used the example of a tax collector seeking mercy from God as an example of who will be justified in God’s kingdom.  Jesus’ hearers were once again challenged by his bold example of God grace and scaling condemnation of the Pharisees.

This provocative teaching of Jesus reminds us that worship and prayer is never about our own worthiness above the “sinners” of the world (whatever groups of people we tend to put in that category). Worship and prayer is about seeking God’s mercy and declaring His amazing grace.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20 Devotion

Read Luke 18:1-8

Praying for justice. Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (same word as justice), for they will be filled.

Where do you see injustice in your life or community? Will you commit to pray fervently for this matter? What injustices exist in the larger world beyond your everyday experience? Will you pray for these? May God hear and act quickly and bring justice.

Ask. It will be given. Seek. And you will find. Knock. And the door will be opened for you.

Like a child looking up to her father, ask.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19 Devotion

Read Luke 16:19-31

There will be many surprises beyond death.  Some will be comforted in the arms of God’s mercy. Others who chose to invest in worldly pleasure while ignoring the need of others will find themselves in agony over their shortsightedness.  But this teaching is much more than a picture of what heaven and hell look like.  In fact Jesus was using this common belief of heaven and hell in his day as a way of turning the theology upside down.  It was believed by most people that the rich must be blessed by God.  And the poor and crippled must have done something to deserve the punishment of their ailments.

Jesus used this story to flip this common wisdom and reveal a better way to understand God. Look at Luke 16:14-15.  In God’s Kingdom, it is the needy, humble, poor, lame, children, widows, admitted sinners, and outcasts who get a front row seat.  However, living for this world on the backs of others results in missing the Kingdom altogether no matter what this world praises and admires. 

Under this Jesus way of seeing reality it makes more sense to help the hurting and addicted, heal the sick, stand up for the widows and children, and welcome “sinners.”  This is what Jesus’ ministry and the early church looked like, and it grew rapidly. There is no shortage of needy people.  But there is a shortage of churches willing to become humble and reach them with the good news of the Kingdom.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18 Devotion

Read Luke 14:1-14

Jesus taught us to use our position, authority, and power to help others.  Someone needs healing? Offer healing. If you are invited to a party, choose a low position.  Don’t assume you are to be the center of attention.  If you throw a party, take the opportunity to benefit the poor and lowly who cannot repay you. We are blessed by God to be a blessing.

This is how God does things from Abraham to Jesus and beyond.  What power, influence, knowledge, and wealth you have has been given is to be used in a way to benefit others.  Use your mind, leadership, and treasure to make a difference for others and not draw attention to yourself.   When we do this we are further blessed because God can trust us to share with others.

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17 Devotion

Read Luke 12:35-46

Ready for action. Alert. Sober.  An up to date relationship.  If Jesus were to arrive in your home today, would you pick up talking right where you left off in your daily relationship with Him? Or would you be startled by his coming and your lack of preparedness and expectation. 

When we know the Lord through a fresh faith that is renewed each day, we are ready to see Him.  A dusty faith left dormant since a past decision from years gone by leads to a life that is more at home in this world and forgetful that Jesus is ever coming back.

Circle today’s date on your calendar.  Go ahead and circle tomorrow’s date, too.  Jesus could come back today.  Or it could be tomorrow.  But no matter what, today is a great day to fellowship with Jesus through His word, prayer, and His church.

Devotion March 15

Read Psalm 27

A song full of emotion and passion.  Worship and devotion draw us out of our selfish world and into His glorious presence.  Sing to him a new song, one that your heart has yet to right.  Thank him, praise him, and ask for his help for this day.

March 14 Devotion

Read Luke 12:13-21

“Life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” Could that possibly be right?  Could real life actually having nothing to do with all of our stuff? Cars, home, attics, storage rooms with more stuff, investments, properties, clothes, and food reserves. These are all things which we are surrounded by day in and day out.  These are what we work hard and purchase for our present needs and future.

Jesus said, “Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.” The parable reminds us how quickly all we posses can all be the least important aspect of life.  When life is nearing its final hours, days or weeks, real perspective is gained about what life is all about.  Being rich toward our relationship with God suddenly becomes top priority.   

Listen to the words from the John Lennon song Imagine

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world...


Jesus had a dream for the world that inspired his followers to passionately give their lives to pursue.  Jesus lived the dream and invited others to follow. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16 Devotion

Read Proverbs 11

Several character traits are lifted up as wise, honored, and lead to long life and success in this chapter.  Here are just a few:

Righteous/Just (right standing before God and just toward your fellow man)



Wise in knowledge

Upright (moral rectitude)

Person of Understanding


Teachable (listen to advisors)


Blameless (innocent of evil: staying far from it)

Discrete (able to sort good and evil, right and wrong)


Are there any of these character traits that need sharpening in your character? Chances are there are several.  For these character traits to be developed in you and I, it will require at least the following:

·         The power and help of the Holy Spirit

·         Daily time with God through the Bible and prayer

·         Good examples to learn from

·         A group of people striving to live this way

·         Intentional denial of your own selfish, arrogant, and hurtful heart

Wisdom calls to all.  Will you answer her call to enter the narrow path that leads to real life?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13 Devotion

Read Luke 10:25-37

A lawyer came to test Jesus and ended up being tested by Jesus.  Then the question that gave birth to the “Good Samaritan” parable: “Who is my neighbor?” Surely there must be some categories in which some reprobate groups of people can be placed outside of the “my neighbor” category.  For this man who was testing Jesus the Samaritan people were just such a group.  Surely they don’t count as real neighbors.  We might have our own groups of people that we would like to exclude from “neighbors.” These are some that may be left out by some: prisoners, drug addicts, homeless, gays, illegal immigrants, Muslims, blacks, whites, Asians, elderly, handicapped, Jews, communists, democrats, or republicans. 

What Jesus did in this parable, however, is Jesus made the Samaritan man the hero.  And the “good guys” ended up falling short of really loving their neighbor.  The one who fulfilled that law was the reprobate, half-breed, pig-loving Samaritan!

Not only are there no subcategories for the larger group “neighbor,” there are surprising ways in which even “lost neighbors” show more neighborly love than those who intellectually know God’s laws about loving others. 

The hero was a good neighbor by showing mercy, compassion.  Jesus said, “Go and do likewise.”

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Devotion March 12

Read Matthew 13:44-46

“All in” or “Putting all your eggs in one basket” We are usually wise to not do these things.  Caution, diversifying, and spreading your investments are usually a better idea than sinking everything you have in one place.  Because when you go “all in” you either win big or lose everything.

Jesus said, however, that the Kingdom of heaven is an investment so valuable and so certain that going “all in” is the wisest move. 

Sell everything.  Leaving everything. Take up your cross (death). Dive in and never look back. This reckless abandon required to really enter the Kingdom of God should be considered for all its costs. But when you decide, go ALL IN. Without doubt, fear, or regrets choose to follow Jesus.  When you do, you discover the sweetest life on earth and in heaven. This is the wisest investment you can make.

March 11 Devotion

Read Matthew 13:31-35

The Kingdom of God parables describe characteristics of the Kingdom while using comparisons.  Parables should usually be interpreted as teaching a single truth in a memorable way (the truth sticks in our heads).

The simple truth in both of these examples is that a small dose of the Kingdom can truly make a huge difference and benefit many.

When you light a candle you are poking holes in the darkness. And everyone who has been in the darkness benefits from the light, even if they do not recognize the light or appreciate it.

If you are a Kingdom citizen, then those around you benefit.  Your love, upbeat attitude, gracious spirit, kindness, and honesty make the whole world a better place.  The darkness is pushed back by your light shining brightly.  Let it shine!

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10 Devotion

Read Mark 4:26-29

One of the great joys of this time of year is planting seeds.  I am still amazed how some of the tiniest of seeds (tomato seeds) can produce such enormous vines loaded with tomatoes. Last Tuesday our family sowed tomato and pepper seeds in little containers in our sun room. We watered them. We prayed for God to grow them.  The power and potential in those tiny seeds will soon burst out of the ground. 

Jesus declared the Kingdom is like this.  The seeds are sown.  People go about daily living, sleeping, and eating.  But when the time is right, the earth bursts forth with stalk, the head, and then the full grain.  Before you know it a tremendous harvest is ready and ripe.

God’s Kingdom is coming. It is growing.  The ripe harvest will come in due time.  Never give up hope. Long before the harvest or the stalks even break through the ground, the seeds are growing. God does this amazing work.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9 Devotion

Read Proverbs 10

What verses spoke directly to you as needed instruction for your life right now? Thank God for this. Choose to obey and commit your life to God in this area. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help.

Did a verse bring to mind someone in your life that could benefit from hearing this instruction? If so, pray and ask God for wisdom in how to approach this person with this wisdom and instruction. Pray for them. Pray for the right opportunity to speak with them about this matter in love.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8 Devotion

Read Psalms 120 & 121

The Songs of Ascent. Beginning with Psalm 120, these are songs that would be sung on the way to the Temple to worship.

Savior. Defender. Helper. Alert, never sleeping. Shade from the sun. Protector. 

These are just a few of the observed characteristics of our God that we experience in everyday day life.  Praise Him when you observe and experience His practical goodness. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7 Devotion

Read Matthew 7:12-14, Luke 6:32-36

Living as a member of God’s Kingdom requires relating to each other on a different scale than what the world uses.  Here are a few examples:

The normal codes of conduct in the world followed by the way of the Kingdom of God:

1)      Mind your own business unless someone bothers you                  vs.          Look to do good for others

2)      If someone mistreats you, then you are justified in seeking retribution  vs.          forgive people in spite of your rights

3)      Love people who love you           vs.          actually do good, lend and love people who may never appreciate you or reciprocate your love

This is not “normal” ways of living in this life.  However, Jesus said this is how God’s kids are to act toward each other and toward those outside the Kingdom.  Jesus described this way of living as a narrow path.  There are fewer people choosing to live this way, but look at the promise found in Luke 6:35. If we know that this is the way the King wants us to live, then the King rewards and takes notice of our faithfulness. 

Who can you forgive today the way you desire forgiveness from God? Who can you look to do good for today? Does someone come to mind who may never appreciate your kindness or love? If so, do them good today anyway.  This is what your Heavenly Father is like.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6 Devotion

Read Matthew 7:1-5

Having good judgment/discernment is part of wisdom.  However, in dealing with people we are not to use our judgment as a tool to exclude people or prevent them from the experiencing the Kingdom of God.  As far as righteousness before God, none of us have a leg to stand on.  As Jesus put it, we all have logs sticking out of our eyes.  That is no small problem.  But our tendency is to overlook our own faults and see multiple faults in others. 

If we want mercy from God, then we need to extend mercy and grace to others.  Giving people a great deal of slack is wise and godly.  Once we see our own need of mercy we can approach others in a manner of help and healing. 

Consider memorizing these verses for yourself and to share with others: Romans 8:1-2.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5 Devotion

Follow Jesus.  So then others can follow you. You are called to be a “fisher of men.” This new Kingdom that Jesus has ushered in is about spreading good new and making disciples who are patterning life after the Jesus way.  During this season of Lent we will examine Jesus’ teaching and the way forward in the Kingdom which he has now given to his followers.

Read Luke 6:20-26

Blessings and woes. When you enter a conscious awareness that this present world is not your destination, but choose to live as a Kingdom citizen in the “foreign land” of this age you must brace yourself for suffering and misunderstanding.  Don’t be surprised or blown away by persecution, suffering, and ridicule. These are to be expected for an ambassador living in a colony in the midst of foreign territory.  Your allegiance is to your King, Jesus.  Your devotion is to his mission for your life. 

But when you suffer and are misunderstood don’t cry woe is me. Chin up. Smile on. Know that you are a child of the King.  With joy tell others this good news. You are blessed.  This is not simply mind over matter.  This is seeing reality through the eyes of Scripture.  And living the Jesus way.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4 Devotion

Read Luke 10:38-42

The best place to be is with Jesus.  Martha had opened her home to Jesus and his followers.  Hospitality can be stressful at time. Cleaning, preparing, cooking.  Then hosting the event, making sure everyone is satisfied, and cleaning up afterwards. Martha was working her tail off while Mary was enjoying the party with Jesus.

Amid all the necessary and important tasks in life, don’t miss the joy of each moment, especially with Jesus.  Time flies. Moments run by us like a fast moving stream. In busy times and in the quiet hours of the morning and night, look and listen for Jesus.  “Martha, Martha,” he said, “Mary has chosen what is better.”

The laundry will never be finished.  The next meal is always just a few hours away. The power bill will be due next month again. Taxes are due again. More diapers and milk must be purchased. It goes by fast. And life can seem repetitive and mundane at the same time. And in the midst of life’s responsibilities, Jesus calls your name to remind you not to miss what is most important.  Take time to sit at the Master’s feet. Listen. Worship. Praise.  Everything else in life then finds is rightful place. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3 Devotion

Today we meet a transition in Jesus’ ministry as he set his face toward Jerusalem.  Through Wednesday we will look at passages in Luke’s special section (teaching and narrative that is unique to Luke’s Gospel). This Wednesday is the first day of the season of Lent (40 days before Palm Sunday and the Holy Week). During Lent we will be looking primarily at Jesus’ teaching in the parables.  Much of what we have read thus far in the gospels has been Jesus’ interaction with people, evil, disease, and nature.  As we turn to his teaching we will discover more about the Kingdom of God and what it means to live as a citizen in God’s Kingdom.

The beginning of Luke special section. Read Luke 9:51-62

Jesus was committed to face Jerusalem and the consequences that would follow.  The crowd of fans may grow thin and fickle as the commitment and controversy heat up.  But in obedience to Father and in submission to the mission he makes his route toward Jerusalem.  And his followers remain loyal for now.   

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2 Devotion

Read Proverbs 9

Two ladies are calling out. Wisdom calls out to come gain understanding and prudence (good judgment). Folly also calls out to come and taste the stolen food and live easy and simple. Both stand to call from the highest point in the city.  To which lady have you responded?  Who has your ear? 

Sandwiched in the middle of this chapter is verse 10.  The beginning of wisdom is yielding your life and bending your will to the Lord.  There is where the path to wisdom, understanding, and the good life begins. There are many routes to folly, but the only way to wisdom starts here.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1 Devotion

Read Psalm 104

A great creator and provider is our God.  He is intimately involved in the supervision of His universe.  Consider the implications for our prayers when we see just how wonderfully involved in all of life God is.  Praise Him.  Thank Him.  Trust Him.  Look to see His activity all around creation.

If God provides for all His creatures like this, then think how much more He provides for you.