Sunday, June 24, 2018

Day 34 of 40 Days of Kindness

For the last week there will be no more daily suggestions given. You are welcome to share ideas with each other but for this week use your own creativity to plan good and kindness for others. 

Keys to remember. 
Use the element of surprise.
Think like a child.
Balloons, ice cream, and hugs are always good!
Myles Brown

Saturday, June 23, 2018

32 of 40 Days of Kindness

Social Media day. Use the platform of social media to be kind to others today. Look for encouraging words to share with others online. 

If you don't do the social media thing, then send a text or email to someone with words of kindness and encouragement.
Myles Brown

Friday, June 22, 2018

31 of 40 Days of Kindness

Growing up 31 meant one thing: ice cream. 31 flavors of goodness. Basking Robins specializes in the variety frozen choices.

Today you keep being awesome! You are finding ways to plan kindness and good toward others. Get some ice cream today to enjoy (sugar free or no fat if you must). Share with others if you can. 
Myles Brown

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Day 30 of 40 Days of Kindness

Love your neighbor.  Plan good for one of your neighbors who lives close to you.  Maybe you could bake them a cake/cookies. Maybe you can drop by just to talk.  Take every opportunity to show them kindness. Share the love of Jesus. Share your experiences during this 40 day challenge.

Myles Brown

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Day of 40 Days of Kindness

Take a $2, $5 or $10 bill with you in your pocket today. Be watchful of others today. Watch for the poor, the children, and the forgotten. Be aware that God may lead you in a surprising direction.  

Give the bill away at just the right time. You will know when. Ask God to show you.
Myles Brown

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Day 28 of 40 Days of Kindness

Be the sunshine of others' lives today with your smile. Then sometime today write a note of encouragement to a teenager. It will mean a lot to a youth family member, neighbor, or church member to know that you took the time to think of them.

Pray for them. Seal it and mail it. 
Myles Brown

Monday, June 18, 2018

Day 27 of 40 Days of Kindness

Another flower day

Will you today pick some flowers or even better stop by a florist or grocery store to get a small bouquet of flowers?  As an individual or as a couple or family drop in on an older person or couple to surprise them with wonderful fresh flowers. 

This could be a neighbor or a person you know may experience times of loneliness.  Flowers help.
Myles Brown

Friday, June 15, 2018

Day 26 of 40 Days of Kindness

Give away a coke (your drink of choice) and a smile.  This afternoon will be an especially good time to find people who are hot and could use a coke and smile from a kind person like you.

You can pick a high traffic intersection or dare to drive around and find people working outside or folks walking the street.

Have fun surprising people with kindness.

Myles Brown

Day 25 of 40 Days of Kindness

High five day and preparation day for Saturday.

Give away 5 high fives or fist bumps to people you don't know today and give them a kind compliment.

Prepare for giving away cokes and a smile again tomorrow. It is going to be hot. So get the drinks today and start getting them cold.
Myles Brown

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Day 24 of 40 Days of Kindness

Tell some good news day. Tell someone today how this 40 day challenge has impacted you.

What has been the biggest stretch for you?

What has blessed you? 

Invite them to join you. 

Be ready to answer the why question. Because Jesus loves us. And treating others how we would want to be treated is still the golden rule. And it can still change the world.
Myles Brown

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 23 of 40 Days of Kindness

Leave a gift for your mail carrier.  This can be anything from a post it note with a thanks to cookies, gift card, or some other creative surprise.  

If you have already left to go to work, then you can do it from there.  Mailboxes are everywhere.  Spread some kindness.

Myles Brown

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Day 22 of 40 Days of Kindness

There is someone close to you that you may forget to show your love and appreciation as often as your would like. You never mean to overlook them. You just assume they know how much you love them.  

Today remove all doubt with a special gift or note.  Surprise them with something that has special meaning.  That favorite candy bar, drink, or collectible. Show them the kindness you have been showing to others during this 40 day challenge.  

Myles Brown

Monday, June 11, 2018

Day 21 of 40 Days of Kindness

Today is a day for sharing. Split something you have today in half and share with someone close. At work, you could split a drink from the vending machine. Split a hamburger. Go in with someone and split paying for a police officer's meal. Sharing can be fun. Share something with your spouse or your friend. Maybe you and your child. 

Generosity grows when we learn to share. Sure we eat the whole sandwich but sharing bring us together with others.
Myles Brown

Friday, June 8, 2018

Day 20 of 40 Days of Kindness

Social Media Saturday.

Will you take some time today to good looking for social media friends and followers (twitter) who need some encouragement? Post and/or tweet some kind words and encouragement.  Take time to pray for them as well.

If you don't do the social media thing, text or email a word of encouragement to someone who could use it. Share a meaningful verse.

Myles Brown

Day 19 of 40 Days of Kindness

Shake it up Friday.

Keeping it simple with a chocolate or vanilla flavor, will you swing by a drive through and get a small shake for a senior adult who is limited to their home or a nursing home? 

Anytime today. It will be a big surprise.  You will bring more kindness to them than you know.  Whether they eat it all or not, your kindness will mean more.

If you need help knowing who to go see, email or text and I'mm give you some possibilities.

Myles Brown

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Day 18 of 40 Days of Kindness

Throw back Thursday to hugs and high five day.  

5 hugs and/or high fives today. Preferably people you don't know. Surprise folks with kindness.  Look for someone that really needs one. Always ask first before a hug. You don't want a black eye.  

Spread some kindness.  If you loose count of 5 just keep going.

Myles Brown

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Day 17 of 40 Days of Kindness

It is a another day to break out the pen and paper or better yet get one of those fancy Dayspring cards or Hallmark.  

Write a politician and thank them for their service to our community.  Even if you think they are doing a sorry a job or belong to a different political party, he or she is doing their part to help out. There may be a host of reasons he or she in the politics, but it usually starts with a deep desire to help out in some way.  Write them an encouraging note thanking them for their service.  Pray for them and let them know you are here for them.  

If you are so bold, invite them over to your home for coffee and cake.  They probably don't get many invitations that are not connected to some hidden agenda. They could use the kindness.


Myles Brown

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Day 16 of 40 Days of Kindness

Today is about showing kindness to specifically someone of another generation from yourself. Older or younger. Be creative with some of the ideas and projects you have already done. 

How could you show kindness to a child, a middle aged adult, an older adult, a teenager, young adult, or elderly? Ask the Holy Spirit for direction and enjoy.
Myles Brown

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Day of 15 of 40 Days of Kindness

Day 15 is a day of necessary silence and careful word choices.  Today in your conversations put a kind guard over your mouth.  There will be moments when you are compelled to say some things that are unkind or at least unhelpful. To accomplish this today you will need the help of the Holy Spirit so ask. After every victory all day long stop and thank God for His help.  

On the positive side, look for opportunities to say something kind and uplifting that you would not ordinarily say.  Give it a try.  You may discover how much of a difference it makes in others and you.

Myles Brown

Day 14 of 40 Days of Kindness

Would you take time today to pray for and send an encouraging word to our church planting pastor, Robby Williams?  Robby is planting a church in South Hall.  I know that he and his family could use the encouragement and kindness we could share. Any gift that you can send that way would be great as well.

Ways to connect with Robby:
Online giving to Multiply Church:

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Day 13 of 40 Days of Kindness

Today is have a coke and a smile! Set up at an intersection that is safe with iced down cokes and give them away to passersby.  Do this activity with a partner or family. Enjoy!

Myles Brown

Friday, June 1, 2018

Day 12 of 40 days of Kindness

2 Options today:

Option 1: Preparation day for a coke give away tomorrow.  Buy a 24 pack or more of Coca-Cola cans or bottles (glass bottles would be fun).  Take a small cooler to ice these down tomorrow to hand out at a local intersection or somewhere else where you will see a lot of people in a short amount of time.  Do this in pairs or as family.  (kids and teens make it fun). Today is preparation day.  Make your plans. Chill the drinks overnight. Pick your spot and begin praying for the people you will encounter. 

Tomorrow, simply hold the drink out,  When they roll down their window or stop you can just say, "You look like you could use a coke and smile.  God bless you today."

Option 2: Catch up day.  Is there an activity you have not done from days 1-11? If so go back today and do it.  If you have done 11 out of 11 then "catch up" with an old friend today with a phone call (not text). Set aside enough time really up.


Myles Brown