Monday, October 17, 2016

Sanctuary Remodel Project

I am excited to share with you that our church decided last night to move forward with raising funds and beginning work on Phase 1 of the Renaissance Project: Sanctuary Remodel. New lighting, flooring, paint, pew cushions and more.  This will bring a fresh start to our worship facility as we "Make Room for More."  The document attached shares more about the project.  The bottom line is that the Renaissance Steering Team estimates the cost of this project to be around $75,000.00.  

God will provide the funds necessary for this project. God will honor our joint effort and sacrifice .  He is pleased when we walk by faith.  

There is $37,500.00 of matching funds from our savings that the finance team has approved.  What this means is that every $1 we give become $2

Let's make this first Sunday a special day as we pray and give. The team is ready to begin work as the money is donated.  Matching funds doubles each gift.

Pray and prepare your best investment in this opportunity.  God will provide where He guides.

And keep our team members in your prayers as they work to see the project implemented and completed. Robin Buckley, Winston Buttram, Jim Keys, Margaret Merritt, Paul Patten, Lamar Scroggs, Pastor Andy Shorthill, and Pastor Myles Brown.

in His Service,

Pastor Myles

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Making Room for More

I am excited to share with you that our Renaissance Team will be sharing a report on Phase 1 our plan for creating space for more. The team has been working hard getting estimates together for the remodel of our Sanctuary.  It will be absolutely amazing. 3 things are driving this project.
  1. Creating an attractive space for our guests.  Making room for the 1% of our 10 minute drive population. Preparing a hospitable, up-to-date space for our guests to experience the presence of God. 
  2. For the future.  Generations to come will view us as seizing the opportunity to move our church forward. 
  3. For the present.  This will provide a fresh start with a clean contemporary look and feel.  You will be able to enjoy better lighting, more comfortable pew cushions, and floors without years of wear and tear.

Sunday night October 16 at 6 PM you will hear the cost estimate for this project.  You will have an opportunity to ask questions.  You will be able to vote to support this effort by prayer and financial backing.

Lighting:  The plan is for LED house and stage lighting that is more energy efficient than what we have now. The lights have incredible capabilities for seasonal enhancements to our worship services and presentations. (picture below is for example purposes only)

Seating: Refinished wood added cushioning and fresh coverings for our pews.

Flooring:  Attractive and affordable floors that can be easily cleaned and maintained.

Walls: a fresh coat of paint that will work well with the flooring, stained glass windows and pew cushions.

Other enhancements: We will be expanding the media booth to accommodate video recording. New foyer furnishing including a hospitality counter for guest services.

Upon approval, work will begin immediately.  The hope is to have the place ready for Christmas! Prepare to come to the quarterly conference on October 16 at 6 PM to participate.

Other phases of the Renaissance team will presented at a later date such as more facility renovations, a master plan for property expansion, and new construction proposals.  It is time to move forward and make room for more.