Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving Week Reminders and Announcements

First Baptist Church Oakwood family,

"Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15

May you and your families have great week of Thanksgiving!

Here are some reminders and announcements:

  • There will be no activities at our church buildings tonight, Wednesday.
  • Would you like to be added to the church and community prayer email service?  Janet Buttram leads this prayer ministry. You may respond to this email or email her directly if you want to be on her list 
Sunday December 3rd is our yearly "Thank You God" Sunday.  We celebrate our blessings and bring a thank offering to the Lord.  As it says in 2 Corinthians 9, decide in your heart what you want to give with cheerfulness. There are two options this year for this special offering:
  1. Give a regular offering to contribute to the general budget of our church.
  2. Give a designated "Thank You God" offering that will be used to generously invest in three of our partners in ministry. Multiply Church (a new church we are helping starting in South Hall), Choices Pregnancy Care Center, and purchasing water filters for the people of Nepal through RU4 people.  Links to these ministries are below:

Soon we turn our attention to the season of Advent and Christmas. Starting December 3rd we will celebrate the coming of our Messiah. Here are some dates to know for the first week of Advent:

  • A Christmas Night of Worship, December 3 at 7 PM.  Come hear from our worship team, students, and children as they help us celebrate the the coming of Christ our Lord.
  • Oakwood's Christmas in the Park: December 8 from 5:30 - 9 PM This is an annual event in downtown Oakwood.  Our bus will be running a shuttle if you would like to park at our church.  The information flyer about this event is attached below.
  • Our Christmas Light display will be begin running soon. Come enjoy the lights and tune your radio to the broadcast musical show.
Have a great week.  See you Sunday!

Myles Brown


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Inside Out

First Baptist Church Oakwood Family,

It's time! Time to turn "Inside out." That is a phrase I have heard in various contexts over several weeks. It represents an idea that God is birthing in my heart about where our church is heading.  As we have begun doing ministry outside our walls in apartments, nursing homes, and neighborhoods God has confirmed His mission for our church: Make disciples of Jesus in Oakwood and beyond. And here is the question where the rubber meets the road if we are going to take this mission seriously and aggressively: Will we be the church that lost people and even our grand kids want to be at? Will we do church in such a way the guests cannot wait to tell others and come back week after week where grace and love abounds?  Sometimes this might mean that our wants and preferences aren't always met.  But church is not just for those of us who are here.  Can we be a church that our unchurched friends and family find irresistible?  Church in such a way that people in Oakwood who are living without Jesus love to be around us and Jesus as He draws them into a saving relationship.

Inside out. Thinking about all we do from the guest's perspective. From the website, parking lot, signage, sanctuary, kids ministry, student ministry, songs, message, slides, announcements, and bulletins.  If we invite guests and expect them to come, then let's do what we do with them in mind.  We worship Jesus and bring guests to Him.  Inside out. Flip the focus.  It's not about me or you.  It's about Jesus and His heart to reach those who are not here.

It's not what is in it for us but rather how can we help one another and those who do not know Jesus's love and grace. Let's flip it. Inside out.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Why does obedience sound so bad? We have been led to believe that obedience is the opposite of freedom. We are told that in order to be free, we must rebel.  In order to be free we must question and escape any authority.  It is a clever lie from the father of lies himself.
Obedience is a choice to trust at least two things about who you obey:
1.       The authority wants my good.
2.       The authority can provide what I need.
There is in fact great freedom and security found in living under an authority who wants my good and can provide what I need.  When I trust these things about my authority, I am free to explore, create, love, and take risks knowing that as long as I stay under this authority, the authority has me and wants me well.
To disobey this authority I must believe that somehow I am not being provided for like someone else would or even on my own. I must believe the authority really doesn’t love me and want my good.  The authority must be holding out on me and withholding my good. In fact the authority is saving all of the good for his own.
In our broken world where leaders and authorities are full of mixed motivations, we grow suspicious of their intensions to do us good.  We even begin to questions whether or not they can really provide for us.
We rebel from our parents. We mistrust our bosses. We drive beyond the speed limits. When the cat is away, the mice will play.
What if God really is good? What if God really intends our good even in a world of brokenness and rebels? What if He still holds ultimate authority? Even amid circumstances that seem out of control His larger hands are holding it all together.
Obeying God would come more natural if we were completely settled with proof that He loved us. And if we really knew His power was above nature, disease, and even death itself we might obey Him more. 
I think this why the Gospels include particular details of Jesus’ time on earth.
  • He commanded the weather…and it obeyed.
  • He touched the sick and disabled and made them well.
  •  He raised the dead.
  • He forgave those who were killing him.
  • He came to serve and not be served.
  • He passed through death and came out alive.

He can be trusted. His love is unmatched. Obedience is the only response.  Obedience doesn’t sound so bad after all. In fact it is where real freedom is found.

The implications are numerous.  Explore them.  Obey His ways and experience His goodness.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Why give to a church?

Why in the world would people want to give 10% or more to the local church? It is a good question. A similar question could be asked about why someone would buy a boat? Why would someone buy a blender or humming bird feeder? For some reason people always do what makes sense to them.  Some people give generously to churches.  Some people do not. Why? Why does generosity make sense to those who invest in the local church.
Why would those who give 10% (a tithe) to the church, choose to live on 90% of their income or less.  There are few underlying issues that I think give great reasons for doing so.  But as I seek to answer this question, let me begin with this statement, “I am not trying to convince you.” Money is a sensitive subject. What people do with their money is very personal.  With that said, we always do what is most important to us with our money based on how we see life and the purpose of money. Our money and priorities reside together.  Jesus said where your treasure is your heart is also (see Matthew 6:21).
When people begin to invest their hearts into what is happening in a local church or some other organization, they begin to invest some of their time and treasure there.  When someone begins to see the high value of what a church is doing, he may invest even more. When that value begins to rise in ranking above other priorities, the amount or percentage that person invests in the church will increase as well. 
No one can ever “afford” to start giving to the church.  Most people do not simply have loads of money lying around that they cannot figure out what to do with.  On the contrary, priorities and decisions in life steer where people invest dollars. Savings, food, transportation, entertainment, shelter, health, and clothing are just a few of the many categories we direct our resources toward given our priorities and goals. When opportunities come up to be generous toward others, people tend to give with a cheerful heart with what they have available. I may give to hurricane relief by choosing not go to the movies (taking money from entertainment).  I may give to church and eat more box meals and rice instead of eating out. With this said, some of us are rather haphazard in our generosity category.  Given what we have on hand and how heart felt the cause, we make a choice to dig into a category we choose to do without. 
Those who begin to give consistently, cheerfully, and passionately to the local church are people who believe in the mission and trustworthiness of the church. The level of giving goes up tremendously when the values of the church (priorities) match the priorities of the giver.  In other words, the church becomes a way or uniting our dollars with other like-minded people to multiply the effort to accomplish our mission, goals, and priorities.
When people believe and invest their hearts in the mission, goals, and priorities of a church, they will give toward it aggressively. 
There are biblical reasons to back up why giving 10% is an act of obedience and trust in God.  There are also New Testament principles about all our money being available to God and the mission of the church to makes disciples of the nations. Some folks give generously based upon these spiritual truths and determined convictions to obey.  Most others are rather skeptical of investing at such high levels through the local church.
What if the local church doesn’t use the money wisely? Should I spread my generosity to lots of other valid charitable organizations? Can I give my time instead of my money since I cannot afford to give money right now? These very real questions and many more are widespread.  
Here are some words of counsel for those considering giving to a local church or increasing their giving to a local church.
1.       All money comes from God. You and I are managers.  Ask the owner what He wants.  Go to the Bible and consider what it says on the matter of money.  
2.       Thoughtfully examine where your money is spent. If you want to change your priorities, test it out. The Lord asks us to try Him. See Malachi 3:10
3.       Research and dig into what your church is doing with the money it collects. Where is it going? What impact is it making? If the values match, imagine how much your investment can multiply when combined with others.
a.       How much is going to make disciples?
b.      How much is helping the poor?
c.       How much is paying for the facilities and administration?
d.      How much is paying for the leaders to prepare and lead the work?
e.      How much is going to debt service?
f.        What direction is the percentages flowing toward?
4.       We take nothing with us when we leave this world. Those who inherit your resources will do what they want with it. Priorities and investments are made while we live. Choose wisely.
The Lord loves a cheerful giver. One’s attitude about generosity will determine one’s joy and peace.  Don’t be coerced or manipulated. Don’t settle for inconsistency. Make wise choices. Be confident about the investment. Celebrate fruit that comes.

New Artist Emily Shorthill

Looking to be encourage? Enjoy this great music from Emily Shorthill and Rivercrest Music.  I am so proud of her hard work. She will be debuting this EP on October 22 at our church, FBC Oakwood at 6 PM. You are welcome to come and enjoy this Night of Worship with Emily Shorthill.

Link Here

Thursday, September 28, 2017


How does a growing church remain connected and intimate? 

  1. Lots of time around tables eating together.  Conversations meeting new people.  Join us on Wednesday nights for Wonderful Wednesday Super. 5:30 - 6:30 PM. Home cooked meals! THIS COMING WEEK: Italian Chicken, Parmesan roasted baby potatoes, green beans, bread, and Italian Ricotta cake.
  2. Attend a MeetUp: Sunday School fellowship groups meet every Sunday at 9:15 am. Several to try out. Several meet once a month: Movie Nights, Wisdom Circle, and Girlfriends in God. We occasionally have other. Great way to make friends.
  3. Serve on a Team with others. FirstKids ministries on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights. Good Samaritan Food Pantry once a month (fourth Monday), greeting at the doors on Sunday mornings, and the Nursing Home traveling worship team go out 3 Sundays each month.  These are great ways to help others and make friends.
Try these connections as you feel ready.  What makes our church great are its people; that's you! 

See you Sunday! 

Pastor Myles

Monday, September 25, 2017

State of the Church

Snapshots don't tell the whole story. But they do provide a brief picture where certain things are seen from a particular angle. God is blessing our church and using our church for His Kingdom work. Here are few snapshots pictures of just the month of August this year. 

We saw a 20 % increase in the number of people we had participated in worship compared to last August.

Financially through the tithes and offerings our church we are nearly $26,000 ahead of where we were through August last year. That is an 18% increase.

We have seen our Creekside apartments and nursing home ministries grow. We had 4 baptisms at Creekside in the month of August and new families coming to our worship service. 

God is entrusting us with more. He is inviting us to keep trusting Him. When when please Him doing His ministry, His way, He blesses us in return.

What is ahead? Church planting partnership. Marking room for more in our worship services. More disciple making groups. More fellowship groups so that we are taking care of one another's needs. 

Forward to what is next! There will be challenges. There will be the continual need for evaluation and reprioritizing as we get sharper at what we do. There will be mistakes along the way as we try new creative things. And there will certainly be surprised that we could not have anticipated. 

Praise the Lord for the open door of ministry God is giving to FBC Oakwood!

It is a joy to lead the incredible team. I love working with each of you. Great days ahead together.
Myles Brown

Better Questions

Here are a few questions that are worth continual examination as a church in order to reach creative solutions:

  • What does a disciple of Jesus look like? What do they know? What actions can be expected? What priorities are evident in their life?
  • How do we make more of these disciples?
  • What pleases God in worship gatherings of the whole church?
  • How do we attract new people?
  • How do we extend our influence into the community and world?
  • How can we organize ourselves to take care of one another rightly?

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Home Inspector

Are you in the market for a home in Northeast GA? Do you want a trusted professional to take a good look at your home during the due diligence period? Make sure you don't have any surprises.  Give this veteran a call. Andrew Davenport. Website here

Life Hacks I'm Learning

  1. Email yourself what you want to remember. Even text message yourself.
  2. Set alarms for everything. Google calendar alerts. Reminders.
  3. Always pay at the pump.  
  4. Combine meals and meetings.
  5. One calendar. Google for me.
  6. Carry a book at all times. You will find yourself waiting sometimes.
  7. Leave the phone on silent always.
  8. Take pictures of everything you are taking apart or changing.
  9. Using public access and borrowing things for limited use is far better than owning and storing things.
  10. Stretch. Muscles. Mind. Heart.


Training has enormous dividend value.  I enjoy and benefit greatly from training. Spiritual, professional, and physical training all require time, money, and effort.  Most of the time it will require time and treasure from your discretionary accounts. Some employers may see the value of training high enough to provide some for their employees, but most of the time people have to choose to invest in training on their own dime and time. It will be money and time well spent.  It will greatly increase your productivity and quality of life. You will need to be selective in what training you choose if it is not provided or required by your employer. Here are some that recommendations and and thoughts:

Spiritual Training:

  • The daily morning time with God (as little as 7 minutes but more would be best). Include talking to God, reading a passage from the Bible, simple journal entries, and reflection/listening.
  • Personal and corporate worship experiences. Singing, listening and reflecting on solid and practical teaching 
  • Volunteering. Helping other people each week in a way that you receive no pay and sometimes no thanks. Just help.
  • Occasional retreats. A few hours. A day. A weekend. Rest. Talk little and listen to wise teachers. Escape to nature. It can be a simple as eating lunch outside or as complex as a hiking and backpacking excursion.
Professional Training:

  • Challenging training that stretches your mind and skills.
  • Training should stimulate your creativity and tap into skills and abilities that have been lying dormant.
  • Practical in application in order to make us sharper, wiser, and more efficient in work life.
Physical Training:

  • Constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. Workouts need to be based on functional movements, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more. These are the core movements of life. They move the largest loads the longest distances, so they are ideal for maximizing the amount of work done in the shortest time. Intensity is essential for results and is measurable as work divided by time—or power. The more work you do in less time, or the higher the power output, the more intense the effort. By employing a constantly varied approach to training, functional movements and intensity lead to dramatic gains in fitness. OK this definition is taken from the CrossFit website. I completely agree, however.  
  • Physical training should be a challenge every single time.  Include goals and track progress.

All training in various aspects of life will include the following elements.  Consider yourself warned and challenged.

  1. Pain and discomfort.  By design training requires stretching and new loads of work.  It will make your sore. Always.
  2. Coaches and mentors who are interested in your ongoing development and growth. 
  3. There may often be team elements, but in the end it will be personal.  You will choose every step of the way to keep moving forward or quit.
  4. The cost will be more than you anticipate whether in effort, time, or money.  No easy buttons or shortcuts.
Here are places I currently train and receive coaching/teaching.

  • The Bible
  • First Baptist Church Oakwood
  • Good Samaritan Food Bank
  • Cooking and serving plates on Wednesday nights at my church
  • StableLife garage CrossFit facility in Gainesville
  • Trail runs at Chicopee trails and the University of North Georgia Oakwood Campus
  • Teaching from Hope Church Ft. Worth, TX
  • Deer hunting on a land lease.
  • Training and coaching from the 17:6 network
  • Value Shaping Ministries Conference at Hope Church in Ft. Worth, TX
  • Wisdom Conference at Hope Church in Ft. Worth, TX.
  • Spiritual and Devotional classics: selected readings from the Renovare group
  • Ted Talks: usually stuff way outside of our field of work life.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Did you know that our church has several partnership ventures as we do the Kingdom of God work with other churches and organizations.

We partner with the Chattahoochee Baptist Association and the 75 plus congregations in Northeast GA seeking to make disciples of Jesus in our local region of the world. 2% of every dollar given to church budget goes to this partnership. Their website for more information about what they do is here:

We cooperate with other Baptist organizations such as 6 theological seminaries training missionaries and ministry leaders, 3 Georgia Baptist Colleges, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, The North American Mission Board, The International Mission Board, the Ethics & Religious Liberties Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.  This year 6.7% of our church budget goes to this ministry partners through the Cooperative Fund. Want to know more about what this partnership accomplished click here:

We also have been partnering with other church plants and strategists who are training and developing healthy churches. We have been directly supporting Journey Church in Mississauga, Ontario. You can find our more about this church here:

We have also been investing in the ministry of church strategist and consultant Will McRaney, Jr.  Will is a mentor and coach to Pastor Myles.

Pastor Myles is also in continues coaching and training from other Value Shaping Ministry churches through the 17:6 network. Acts 17:6 is where the name of this network comes.  You can find out more about this network and the churches and leaders who are part of it here:

We also partner with other agencies in our local area who are doing Kingdom ministries to help the poor, stand up more life and make disciples. Here are a few: Choices Pregnancy Care Center, the South Hall FoodPantry, The Baptist Collegiate Ministry at the University of North Georgia(Oakwood Campus), the Oakwood Ministerial Alliance (began in 2017), and StableLife Ministries.

In 2018, we look to have many other partnerships. We look to help start a church in South Hall, Multiply Church. We will be partnering with the Greater Hall County FCA,

Partnership is how we work together with other in order to multiply the impact we make for the Kingdom of God.  Linking arms with others we are stronger together.

Pray for partners. Pray that God will provide for needs as they serve the Lord.


One of the most natural occurrences in nature is multiplication. Our oak trees have been dropping acorns in my yard. Baby deer have been loosing their spots as they have grown up in the neighborhood.  I was able to hold a new born baby on Sunday who arrived safely into her family. Reproduction, multiplication, and replication is natural. Sustainability includes dropping seedlings for the future.

As a church, First Baptist Church Oakwood is considering the necessity of multiplication as we consider how to really thrive in the present and future.  Our 114 year old church has grown through the years and has helped generations of people know and follow Jesus.  As we grow, it is natural to also reproduce new ministries, churches, and leaders.  Like an oak tree standing steady through the years, it is the acorns carry the future.  This means we keep an eye on what is next and how to reproduce ourselves.

We are in discussions now about being the sending church for a brand new church being planted in South Hall.  Robby Williams, his wife and Amy, family and team of 20 are stepping out in faith to follow God's call to make disciples.  This seedling group is the beginning of a new "oak tree" that will grow and bless the generations to come in South Hall.  Our church has this opportunity to be a blessing to them.  How?

We can be a source of prayer support.  We may provide servant help in projects and events in the life of the new church.  The opportunity is before us to be a help in what God is doing to birth a new church.  Partnering with other like minded churches from all over we can network support and resources for the church to have the most fertile potential to be a great church.

Robby Williams, lead pastor and church planter, has been on staff as student pastor at Montgomery Memorial Baptist Church for 20 years.  He is faithful husband and father who has a reputable reputation among all who know him.  He loves Jesus and the people of Hall County.  That combination along with the specific call of God to plant is a recipe of success.

This new church is going to happen.  It is going to be a vibrant faith community.  Our church has this opportunity to be part of this birthing process. Multiply. Replicate. It is time.

Our staff and deacons have discussed this possibility and are excited to share this opportunity with our church.  We will be hearing from Robby Williams soon on a Sunday morning.  We will have a chance to formalize the relationship at our church conference on October 8.  As we look at plans and ministry budgets for 2018 we will consider how we can help this new church in multiple ways.

Multiply. Fidelity to the Great Commission. Make Disciples everywhere. Planting seeds for the present and the future.