Monday, December 15, 2014

Good News From Sunday

PVBC family and friends,

Sunday was a fantastic day led by our music and children ministries.  The adult cantata during the morning worship service was a beautiful offering of worship to Christ the King. Thank you Sherry Brown, the choir, and Tommy Brown who ran the sound. Everyone especially enjoyed watching the innocent love that Madeline Henderson expressed as she sang.  The youngest member of the choir probably knew the songs better than anyone!  Also, we appreciate Susan Claxton who offered sign interpretation during two of the songs.

Sunday night we had a wonderful dinner theater production from the children's choir, students, and adults.  The mission of this dinner theater was not only to celebrate Christmas but to give Christmas away to the nations.  The children sold tickets to this production which 100% of the proceeds will be given to Samaritan's Purse for the purchase of the following items ($1,150.00 TOTAL!):

$20 given to by booklets for children to learn about the Prince of Peace
$90- feeds 10 babies for a week
$40- 20 kids will receive a Jesus Loves Me Lamb
$70-5 dozen baby chicks
$15- Provides Bibles
$120- Provides 6 families with daily source of clean water
$50- furnishes shoes and clothing for disaster survivors 
$70 feeds 2 families for a month 
$45- Provides 30 fruit trees
$180 medical supplies
$350- 5 goats
$100 water filter for a family

Now that is giving Christmas to the nations!! 

Many adults and students participated in making this a success. Desserts were donated. Tickets were purchased. The actors and singers practiced for weeks.  So many parents and church members chipped in to make it a special night that blessed families around the world.  Thank you Sherry Brown who had this vision for this event. Thank you Becky Colwell for your leadership and dedication.  Travis and Lisa prepared the fantastic meal.  And many others served on the Sunday night Music, Missions, and More practice sessions during the past weeks.  A great team effort making a difference for Christ in our church and around the world!

Spread the Joy of Christ,

Pastor Myles

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

International Christmas Offering

PVBC Family and Friends,

I would like to extend to you the invitation to give Christmas to the nations this year.  I have been sharing on Sunday mornings about this year being the year that we could all look back on one day as the year we gave Christmas to the nations.

Over 2 billion people in the world today are born, live the duration of their lives, and die without opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.  The Good News of God's love and salvation is not available to them due to the lack of access.  Access.  All of God creation deserves access to the hope of Christ. Christmas is about experiencing the hope and wonder that God came to earth to express His love and forgiveness of sin.  Can you imagine living your life without ever hearing this news or knowing anyone who has heard this news? This is unacceptable.

This year would you and your family accept the invitation to give Christmas and the Gospel to the nations through the International Mission Offering which we will be receiving through December 28, 2014.  100% of this offering goes to fund the international missionary personnel who are taking the Gospel to the nations.  

Perhaps instead of giving all the gifts that we normally do this time of year, you could do something different by giving Christmas away to fund the missionaries seeking to reach the people living in darkness with no access to the Gospel.  Consider cutting your Christmas budget in half or more and give sacrificially to offering this year.  Perhaps you have never given to this offering before. Consider making your first contribution to this eternal investment.

Pray now that this may be the year we look back on and remember as the year we gave Christmas to the nations.  Give Christ to those who have never heard.

May God bless you and your family this Christmas,

Pastor Myles