Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Words of Life

This Sunday I am starting a new series called "Words of Life." Words are powerful! Words we write, speak, and hear can often take on a life of their own. If we understood just how powerful words can be, we would be mindful of the lyrics in the children's song: be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little mouth what you say.

What would you do different if you were always on a "live mic" and the world could hear your every word? Would you take more care in measuring the words that you choose.

If your words can bring life and death, then we would be wise to learn more about words of life.

For more on this stay tuned for more posts and join us Sundays at Pleasant View, 11 am.

Myles Brown

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How my job makes a difference

Wednesday night I spoke about how every job can be holy and spiritual when you work for Jesus in what you do. I encouraged our bunch to write a statement that explains how their jobs relate to the purposes of God in this world. Check out this statement from one of our folks:

"I diligently help others work through complicated life problems. Living out compassion and understanding so they might see Christ in me and find hope in Him in otherwise hopeless situations."

What sentenced could you write to summarize how your job relates to God's plan in this world?

Myles Brown

God's Gift of Hope

One of God's gifts to us that we see in the story of Christmas is hope. 


The gift of hope inspires us to keep moving forward in a positive direction despite the negativity around you.  When you have opened this gift of hope, you begin to live with a confidence that makes others shake their heads.  Other will wonder why you are so upbeat and exhibit such a "can do" attitude.  When you have confidence that the King of universe, in whom all authority resides (Matthew 28:16-20), is on your close confidant you can attempt bold things.  If you are feeling down today and tempted to surrender, take heart, Jesus has overcome the world.  There is hope for all, for the King has come.


The gift of hope is ready to be opened.  Unwrap the gift and receive God's good news to you.

Myles Brown

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A week at Cherokee Cove

We are enjoying a wonderful week at Cherokee Cove family retreat center. Doing as little as possible and enjoying time as a family.

The First Advent

As I shared on Sunday, the first Advent (coming) of our Lord was at Sinai/Horeb as recorded in Exodus 19. It was here that the people of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob became God's people, His special treasure. This coming was the birth of God's people who were to be a blessing to all the world.

It is from this family (God's family) that God would become incarnate, Immanuel.

God came down to establish His first covenant with His chosen people. God came in person to establish the second/new covenant. The second has not replaced the first. It is a fuller/complete revelation delivered in person to establish a relationship with mankind.

Advent. What a great season! This week at PVBC we will begin a series on God's Gifts to Us. Come experience the exciting anticipation of Christmas.

Myles Brown

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

God Makes Promises

A key to relationship success is being able to count on someone who made a promise to you. Declaring a promise or taking an oath is serious business whether we formalize the oath in some ceremony or not. Real, meaningful relationships are based on such promises.

God has made such promises to his people overtime. Making promises are not so much about formalizing a relationship into some cold contract, but rather a solid, reliable way of saying, "Trust me. I come through with I that I have said I will do."

Sadly, people may waver at times in fulfilling these promises. When they do, we count on them less or not at all. But those who are faithfull are worth more than gold.

When God made promises to our world, to people, and to me, He was saying, "I want you to trust me." This reveals a great deal about what God expects of man: religion or relationship. Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is not about impressing God or impressing people. It is saying, "God I trust you."

This is the beginning and foundation for all relationships, especially with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

See Genesis with Fresh Eyes

As I shared on Sunday at Pleasant View, the way you read a story makes all the difference. I challenged our church to look at Genesis with fresh eyes this week. Without importing other stories and viewpoints into this book, try a full reading of this book about our beginnings. What does it tell us about God? What does it tell us about humanity? What surprises do you find? What did you expect to find in the story that is not there?

This story of our beginnings sets the stage for the whole biblical narrative. It is actually the biblical narrative in miniature form.

If you discover new things and would like to discuss, please comment below. What insights and questions do you come across as you read Genesis?

Monday, October 24, 2011

New Series: God's Story

This week I will be starting a series of talks on the story of God. In considering this idea of "story," how do you read a story?

Stories can be told different ways. Some start at the beginning and move forward in time. Some start at present time or even future and move backwards in time explaining why things have happened the way that they have. Some start in the present and then flashback to various points in the past to make sense of the present (where the story began). Consider the timelines of some of your favorite movies and stories. How are the stories told?

How does God tell His story through the books of revelation (God revealing Himself to mankind) that we call the Bible?

Sadly, most of the time in our selfish arrogance, we simply read God's story as if it is all about ourselves. I think the world revolves around me and so I must be at the center of the story. So then I read God's story through my perspective. I look backwards through the deep long lens of how people before me have understood the New Testament and Jesus. And then we use this framework to then explain everything that happened in the Old Testament as if it was just setting the stage for the main show: New Testament that then led to the most important scene in all of God's story: ME

How would people living in the day of the Old Testament or in other parts the world years ago feel about this way of seeing the story?

What if the story was meant to be read looking forward? God, a good creation, a created people who lost their innocence. Then a God who loved them and began revealing His love and ways to them in various forms: (poetry, law, prophecy, wisdom, and songs). Then from a particular culture, a chosen people, God came, Jesus emerged as the full revelation of God to all mankind. Many rejected Him and had him condemned to die on a cross (a crude means of capital punishment), but He was raised from the grave demonstrating His power of death. Now all who will follow his ways and teaching will be led to truth, freedom, and life (eternal). It is this story that I have been awakened to find myself in: God's Story. For more, see you Sunday at Pleasant View @ 11 AM.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Missional Church

Thanks Scot McKnight for this post. Michael Frost gets it right: click here

Making the best decisions

This Sunday I will be talking about how you can make the best decisions. 11 am don't miss it.

Myles Brown

Monday, October 17, 2011

Plant now for the future

One of the things I did not get to yesterday in the Bible Talk in the morning service was the principle of planting today what we want to grow in the future. Our faith is not a fatalistic belief. The future is not pre-existing and coming toward us without our control. We can of just say that things are fate or that what happens to us was always going to be that way. The Bible talks about planting and harvesting. We will harvest the kinds of things we plant today if we don't give up. Some never harvest certain things because they never planted. Others never reap a harvest because they give up too soon. Plant today what you want to harvest in the future, live with the measure of faith that God has has given you and don't give up. Endure rightly with hope and expectation with an upbeat attitude. God loves you and He is faithful. You can rely on Him.

Remember there is no fate. We reap what we have sown. Plant and sow to the Spirit of God.

Myles Brown

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Morning view at Rockridge

Pray this morning for the deacons as we discuss team ministry. Beautiful views of the lake this morning during the quiet time before breakfast.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Guys working hard

Pray for your deacons as they have been praying and working hard all night. Pray for them all as they seek God's direction for our church.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Message from Jamaica

Check out this video on YouTube:

Myles Brown

Preparing to Leave

Closing of Jamaica Conference

Check out this video on YouTube:

Myles Brown

Great night

Thank u for your prayers last night for the conference. We were late to start last night due to the rain, but we were eating by around 7:30. The number of ladies was up last night while the men were down slightly. There were several more new youth boys present and about the same number of children. The folks are so eager to learn and grow. They are also opening up more to friendship with us. It was difficult to tell the goodbye last night. Today we will be meeting with Pastor Leroy in the morning before leaving for the airport. Pray for safe travel today.

Myles Brown

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Conference tonight

Please pray for the conference tonight. Rain has moves into the area that might affect the attendance. Pray for those who desire to here would not be discouraged from coming.

Myles Brown

Last Night' conference

The first night of the conference was great. The participation was as follows: 33 women, 12 men, and around 15 children (felt like 25). We fed the group sandwiches and cookies. The group did a great job leading the various areas. We met until around 9:30 pm. After a small debriefing, some of us cooled off in the pool. The plans today are to prepare for the conference tonight. We will have to make another trip to the Mega Mart (Jamaican type SAMs club) to get additional resources for the children and items for making sandwiches for tonight. We are praying that all who came last will be able to return and bring friends.

Myles Brown

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day in Jamaica

Today Doug, Destin and I went into the areas of Bernard Hall, Spot Valley, and Zion to see all of the church buildings and communities with Pastor Leroy. While we were in Spot Valley, Pastor Leroy's van broke down. We spent about an hour trying to work on it until a member of the church came to work on the van. Common struggles here with reliable transportation. I was able to hear the from Pastor Leroy his understanding of God's plan for the churches as well as his struggles. It was a tremendous day of prayer and fellowship as I try to discern the best paths forward for Pleasant View to be a help to the ministry here in Jamaica.
The ladies worked of preparations for the conferences for the night. Conferences for the men, women, and youth will start at 8 pm Pleasant View time. Pray that this will be an enriching time for the church and the leadership.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Turning in for the night

The team is about to enjoy a wonderful meal back at the Verney House. The guys will be heading out on the morning with Pastor Leroy to go to Spot Valley where the vision is to grow a church of hundreds that will receive God's love. This is a growing community with lots of homes still being built. I look forward to hearing from him about his understanding of how to reach this community.
The ladies will be at the Verney House preparing for the conferences tomorrow evening. Becky and Pam have some great baking plans for cakes and other desserts. Great first full day!

Myles Brown

Worship this AM

Great worship service this morning. We were in service for 2hrs. The time flew by as we sang and listening to great preaching. We are at the mega mart buying supplies for the conference that starts tomorrow.

Rainy Sunday

We awoke this morning to rain. Since many of the people have to walk to church, we are praying that the rain will not discourage their attendance today. We are also praying for Pleasant View this morning. Dr. Jeff Farmer will be preaching this morning.

Myles Brown

Dinner at the Native

Saturday, October 8, 2011

We arrived safely

We arrived safely and are headed to the beach for a quick swim before meeting pastor Leroy

Arrive safely!

We r headed the beach for a quick dip and then to meet Pastor Leroy

Myles Brown

Thanks for the care packages

Big thank you to HD and Sarah Nash and David and Peggy Camp for the care packages with lots of goodies and fun travel supplies!

Montego Bay Here We Come

The mission team is safely through the security check points at the Hartsfield. We are now patiently waiting and relaxing before the noon flight. Destin is the only one who had to be full body scanned. No pictures to post:-) We should arrive in Montego Bay around 3pm Georgia time. Today will be filled with some sightseeing and souvernir shopping before getting ready for the first night sleep at the Verney House. We are looking forward to God doing amazing things in the lives of our team and the people of Jamaica. Tomorrow morning I will be preaching at Victory Christian Fellowship. Thank you all for praying.

Ready to Fly

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sing a New Song

One of the great verses from the text last Sunday in Isaiah 42 was verse 10 seen here:

Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them.

A new song worthy of the LORD is one that includes the voices of all the languages of the world, from all people(s) joining the song that all creation is already singing.

What might this song sound like? My voice in my southern dialect of English would be lost in the sea of other tongues giving praise to God. How Great is Our God. Amazingly, He hears my voice...and yours too when you choose to sing of His greatness for the freedom He brings.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Working Diligently

Sunday night I spoke about faithfulness as having three realms: loyalty, duty, and truth.  The idea behind duty is taking action to fulfill a commitment.

Consider these words from Spurgeon:

"If you would prosper in your work for Jesus, let it be done with all your heart."

Diligent work requires a deep motivation from within to do one's best with all his heart.  

What are you doing with all your heart? As if it is your last assignment before death.

If is worth doing, do it with all your heart.
-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Friday, August 26, 2011

Josiah's Achievement

Josiah found out today that he was invited to the second round of the academic bowl at school. He is really excited. We are proud for him to get this experience.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Church OUTSIDE the Box

Tomorrow we will be holding our first Love My Community project at the Berkshire Community on Smyrna Church Road at 11:00. Hotdogs, chips and Jesus. Come on out and join in!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Decision Making

Make every decision (set your heart) today based on who is in charge of the universe. Live boldly and obedient if you are a child of the King. 

See Colossians 3:1-2

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Turn the Light On

How do you handle the dark? When I walk into a dark room I search quickly for the light switch so that I can see. It is always better to see than to imagine what could be there in the dark.

Last night Josiah came into the bedroom with Monica and I because he said he was scared. I told him there was no reason to be scared. Umm, that didn’t help. In his dark room, there were plenty of reasons to believe that there could be something to be scared. He said he kept hearing noises. The noises that he heard were coming from the new humidifier for his room that we set up for him last night to help with his coughing. But without the light on, we could not convince him that is was not something to fear.

Two nights ago Monica was exercising with the Wii Fit Plus. She surprised me by saying that she almost went running outside at the church building instead. That would be great if she started really running. This could be something that could do together. So I asked why she didn’t go run outdoors. Her reply was that it had gotten dark outside. She knows the way around in the church building parking lot. In fact there are a few lights to light the way. But the fear of the unknown danger hiding in the dark was enough to keep her running-in-place in the living room with the Wii Fit.

Life in the dark is full of unknowns, terrible pitfalls, and fears. If we only had more light, then we could live with more confidence, joy, and peace. Consider these words:

Proverbs 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. 19 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.

The first gleam of dawn is hope that even more light is coming in time. The path of the righteous leads to more and more light, away from unknowns, pitfalls, and fear. Light leads to much joy, confidence, and peace as the path gets brighter.

2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

Rightousness and light come as a gift from God to those who will receive it. This light brings joy, peace, and confidence replacing the dread and fear of darkness.

Are fear and dread gripping your heart? Allow God to turn the light on. Although the light may come in slowly like the first gleam of dawn, as you daily walk toward the light you will experience more and more freedom as you see by the light of truth and love.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Word for the day

Proverbs 3:27-28 Do not withold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow" -- when you now have it with you.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Great Read

Randy Millwood has a tremendous two part blog post that you don't want to miss. If you have 15 minutes to read something meaningful today.

Try here

Being Kind to Others

Last night I gave a talk at Pleasant View about being kind to others the way God has been kind to us. I used the word "kind" to describe a sympathetic feeling that is compelled to help.

One of the areas of kindness that I did not get to discuss last night is this idea of being kind to others is actually a benefit to oneself.

Hear the words of Proverbs 11:16-17

A kindhearted woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth.
17 A kind man benefits himself, but a cruel man brings trouble on himself.

Kindness has a way of building a climate of goodwill among a group of people. It will gain you respect (worth far more than wealth). Also, when kindness is directed toward the poor, reward comes from the Lord (the poor are close to heart of God).

Proverbs 19:17
He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.

If we allow kindness to steer our feelings, time, money, and effort it will actually benefit not only the beneficiary of our kindness but ourselves as well. AND be blessed by the Lord.

Be looking with me today for where we can be kind to others.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First day of 3rd and 1st grade

Hair cut, teeth brushed, shoes tied. Ready for the first day of class.  We had to wake up Josiah believe it or not.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

More on Freedom and Love

Rick Warren gets it right in this devotional thought today on Freedom and Love.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

iFollow Strategy for Shaping Character

Sunday I shared about our strategy for Shaping Character as a church. The strategy is still in the process of being organized and implemented, however, I wanted the presentation of basic information to be view here:

I will be sharing more details and plans in the days ahead.

Check out this verse that Paul prayed for the church in Philippi. "And this is my prayer that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ."

That is the prayer for our church: that our love abound in more knowledge so we may discern what is best, pure, and blameless until the day of Christ.

Word for the Day

Galatians 6:14, Paul writes "May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through which the whole world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."

Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule...verse 16

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ezra's four month check-up

Ezra had a Dr. Visit today. 17lbs 8 oz. That is in the 90 percentile. He was 25 inches tall (50 percentile). He had to get one shot and one vaccine by mouth. He did great! Dr. said he looks awesome.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Ordination Service

Last night Pleasant View Baptist Church ordained two new men to serve as deacons. Bryan and Chris Stamps, twin brothers who make the third generation of Stamps to serve as deacons at Pleasant View Baptist Church. These brothers are already a tremendous blessing to our church and community as they serve in the ministry of the church. Bryan serves as the youth minister with his wife Karmen. Chris serves with his wife Laura as directors over the nursery, and Chris has recently began preparing to lead the boys NRG Zone program for children on Wednesday nights. Bryan and Chris are the twin sons of Phil and Theresa Stamps. Phil serves as a deacon, and Theresa is the church pianist, treasurer, and Ladies Bible study coordinator. Both Phil and Theresa's fathers have served as deacons at Pleasant View, Buell Stamps and Charles Carter. It is such a joy to see such fruit of generational faithfulness and service to the Lord.

As Bryan and Chris begin this chapter of service to the Lord and Pleasant View Baptist Church, I pray that they experience the joy of Christ and fulfillment of walking in obedience to God through any circumstance of life.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Prayer Walk

Last night we had the privilage of praying for our adopted school: Mt. Zion Elementary. As we walked through the halls we prayed for students, teachers, administrators, lunchroom staff, janitorial staff, maintenance staff, bus drivers, assistant teachers, and families. We pray that God will bless this school this year with safety and love as it serves as a learning center for the next generation. Pleasant View Bapstist Church had 35 people participate in the prayer walk last night and many more praying for Mt Zion school who were not able to attend. May each faculty, staff, and student who walks through those doors next Wednesday (and all year) experience the peace of God.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Good Discussion on the NIV 2011

Scot McKnight gets it right on the SBC resolution against the 2011 NIV. Hopefully the SBC will reverse this stance at some point. This was a last minute resolution passed with many people already having left the conventional hall at a poorly attended convention this summer. Sadly, many people do not understand how Baptist polity works and may be led to believe that no baptist churches or people are allowed to use the NIV 2011. Resolutions like this have no binding authority over the local church autonomy or baptist folks. It does stink to see that something like this gets media or popular attention over much more important matters.

Read McKnight's post here. It includes the wording of the resolution.

Shaping Character

This coming week at Pleasant View I will be talking about how character is shaped in an atmosphere of love and freedom. Think about how your character has been shaped. What people, experiences, and convictions have helped shape your character? How does a church help in the shaping of one's character as he grows in his relationship with Jesus Christ. What environments, experiences, and models can church intentionally utilize to help shape and refine character? We will be unpacking this on Sunday as part of our Back to School series.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Good Life this Sunday

This Sunday at Pleasant View, I will be talking about the "good life." When was the last time that you took a deep breath and said, "Ah, this is the life"? What were you doing? Where were you? People have different views of what make a "good life."

Sunday I will be sharing about three choices that will lead to the good life: when given a choice, choose this over that. Come hear more at 11:00 am as we jump into the good life!

Arrived Home

The team made it home safely around 8 pm. Great week. Thank you for all the prayers. Here are a few pics from our journey home through Grandfather Mountain.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hammock House Ready

All but the roof is ready. Mission accomplished! Thank you for all your prayers. We will be headed home in the morning. If you ever never need a hammock house in your back, Randy is your man!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday Mission Team tasks

Today the team will be working on the hammock house area again. Randy and Myles will be working on the roof and siding for the house. Yesterday we finished the decking and the wall structure that will support the 18 to 20 hammocks (stacked three high!).

Keri, Katie, Josiah, and Gabriela will be painting a stairway the leads to the hammock house.

Pray for energy and strength for the team today. Yesterday was a long hard day, but much was accomplished.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre