Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This past Sunday I talked about baptism in our Sunday morning worship time. There are few places in life where it seems abosulutely clear that the material and spiritual world intersect one another. Baptism is one of these special occurances in the lives of people who have chosen to follow Jesus. The feel of the water washing over you as you publically declare yourself to be born from above, born anew in the kingdom of God. God is making all things new and he has included you! As you drip your way back to the changing room you are swept up in a powerful thought: this is the beginning our my new life.

New beginnings are so rare in life. Most people know you in the context of their history with you. Your family has watched you grow up. They know how you like your eggs cooked, where you ticklish spots are, even your greatest fears and weaknesses. Your friends, school mates, and neighbors have watched you grow and change. These people have a hard time letting you have a "new beginning."

But when you went on that first date with someone you had never met, when you moved off to college, when you started that new job, or moved to a new place, you had a brief shot at a new beginning (of sorts). People didn't have a context for understanding you yet. So you had a chance to try new things like sushi or bowling. You had a opportunity to turn over a new leaf with harder study habits, a more dillegent work ethic, a new hair style, or fresh attitude.

Baptism is a symbol of deep transformation that has happened at the heart level (the core) of your life. You belong to someone now: Jesus. Your new master desires to set you free. Free from fear and self-interest.

Baptism, the physical act of being immersed in the water and coming up soaking wet from head to toe can be the beginning of a new context for people to begin seeing and understanding you in a fresh way. That is why is needs to be as public and memorable as possible. As much as possible it needs to be announced to all who have know you: you have been born from above, born anew with a fresh take on life.

You may still like your eggs cooked the way did before. Sushi and bowling will still be an aquired taste, but you have been given a new life. You will grow into your new life like you did your old one. Step by step. At least this birth, you will always remember. And so will those who witness it.

What are some ways that baptism can be more public and more memorable in or order to help everyone experience the power perspective of a new life in Christ?

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