Thursday, January 27, 2011

More on sharing Jesus

A helpful tip for sharing your faith is to have a good set of questions to start spiritual conversations with folks. As they answer (and you listen), the conversation may lead to informed ways of sharing the gospel based on their receptivity. Allow conversations to develop naturally and allow him/her to ask you questions. Here are the best questions I would add to my memory bank:

What do you think God is like? What makes you think this?

What does it take to be straightened our with God?

How do you get through the hard times?

Has church been helpful to you in your life? How so or why not?

What do you think is most important to God? What is He really tuned into?

What would you say was Jesus' major message to the world?

Also, leaving statements open ended may often invite people to ask for more information if they are truly seeking spiritual insight and help. Some interesting statements that crack the door open to conversation are the following:

I used to dred going to church, but all that changed about _____ years ago. (pause)

Reading my Bible starts my day on the right foot. I don't how I ever managed without it...(pause)

Things in our marriage and family have really improved since we got back involved in church...(pause)

These statements leave people thinking and sometimes ready to ask you a question. Evangelistic conversations should leave the other person wanting to receive salvation himself or at least wanting to know more.

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