Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 26 in the Challenge

When we delight in (God), our desires often change. We no longer want our way; we want His way.

Relationship. God's plan for us.

God's pattern for leading us: invitation to trust Him, we commit to him, and then he shows us the way forward.

Our preferred pattern: God to show me the way forward, then I will commit to follow (obey) and spend time with you (relationship).

Trust, obey, discover His will.

This order is crucial. Father wants me and you to trust Him, really.

What is The greatest barrier to trusting God in your life right now? Talk to Father about this. Communication is key. He is ready to listen and speak.

1 comment:

  1. I pray that I can be patient, always remaining close to Him, faithful that He is in control .... Relaxed and not holding on to the monkey bars.
