Monday, February 25, 2013

Post-Marathon Thoughts

This past Saturday was a tremendous day.  Even with the horrible trail conditions due to the rain, it was an amazing run.  After both feet were completely covered in mud by mile 3, trying to avoid puddles was no longer necessary.  I trudged right through the middle of them.  I felt like a kid playing in the mud.  The race began with temperatures around 40 degrees and drizzling rain.  I opted not to bring my phone/camera due to the wet conditions so pictures are few.  I have attached a link for the race video (a long boring video unless you are just looking to see yourself).  I show up on the video at 1:50 and 16:50 breezing by the camera with my blue gloves.

The first half of the race went really well.  As the rain stopped and the temperature started to rise into the mid 40s, I opted at the halfway point to shed my long pants, hat, and gloves.  I should have kept the gloves.  I spent the next 5 miles regretting that decision until my hands went numb.  After that point it didn't really matter because I had plenty of other issues to contend with.  During mile 17 I gained an amazing burst of energy that allowed me to run hard and fast (for the muddy/slippery conditions) for about 3 miles.  As I came to an uphill slippery bank, I decided to walk.  Slowing down may have kept me from losing my footing, but I began feeling the cramps in my right leg at that point.  Until the next aide station my right leg twitched and seized.  It seemed like every time I landed on it, the muscles were going to lock up.  I usually stay away from sports drinks during races and stick with water, but I decided that a little Gatorade might be helpful. My cramps faded by 22 thankfully.

For the next 4 miles, I really "enjoyed" the race.  I had lots of time to reflect on my hours of training and reasons for running. Although my feet, toes, and muscles were hurting at this point, that was expected and not a issue.  I thought a lot about my family.  I was so thankful that they were able to be there for the race and were awaiting my arrival at the finish line.  It meant so much to know that they were waiting for me at the finish line! During long stretches of lonely trail, that is what I relied on to keep going.  I also thought about my "run 3rd" dedication to Robert Reid.  He was a blessing to all who knew him and worthy of honor.  I am thankful for the friends that pledged financial support for helping honor him.  I know that it will be blessing to his family.

For this week, my running will be limited.  Allowing my body to recover is essential, but I cannot wait to get back to the trails and roads soon.

Video link here

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