Monday, February 11, 2013

Running Third for Robert Reid

As some of you know, I am going to be running a marathon at Fort Yargo State Park on February 23, 2013. During my training I have had a lot of time to think about why I run (lots of things run through your head during the lonely hours on the road or trails). One reason I run is for my own health and enjoyment. No one runs as much as I do if you don't find enjoyment in it.
A second reason I run is for benefit of my children. I want my children to grow up seeing their dad as one who takes his health and fitness serious. I want to be able to do activities with my children as they get older such as hike, bike, camp, climb trees, and play ball. No one knows when their body will begin failing, but I hope that staying in shape will increase my years and enjoyment in life with them.
As I thought about other reasons I run I have thought about folks that cannot run and play. There are many who have physical disabilities that prevent them from enjoying the freedom of riding a bike, climbing a tree, or throwing a football. One of these folks that has recently touched my heart was Robert Reid. He passed away last week at age 26. He was an intelligent and joyful person, but due to Rheumatoid Arthritis he was never able to do some of the activities that bring enjoyment to my life.
I want to run this marathon for Robert Reid. His story has touched my heart, and I want to use my personal challenge of this trail marathon to honor Robert. I will be donating $5 per mile that I complete (26.2 miles) to Robert's family to help with any financial needs which they may have. If you would like to join me in sponsoring a "Mile for Robert" let me know. Please do not feel obligated to be part of this whatsoever. But if you would like to participate or invite others, feel free. Any checks need to be made out to Steven and Patricia Reid (Robert's parents). Thank you,

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