Thursday, April 5, 2012

Maundy Thursday

Several thoughts came to me as I read from the gospel according to Luke this morning concerning Maundy Thursday.

Jesus had made arrangements for the Passover Seder. As the disciples made preparations to sleep inside the city of Jerusalem for the night, Jesus a picked a perfect place for his final meal. An upper room with enough space for the group.

After the traditional Seder meal, Jesus gave thanks for the cup. The cup that symbolized the blood that would soon be given on behalf of all. Broke the bread. Do this and remember me.

When the meal was over, Jesus told them that the time of fulfillment was at hand, grab every weapon and resource available. Then Jesus led them outdoors to pray. After anguished prayer. Jesus was obedient to face the cross. While the disciples slept, Jesus learned from his Father that the time of the cross had indeed come. He commanded his disciples to lay down their weapons and brought healing even to his enemies.

One of Jesus' friends had betrayed him, another would soon deny him, but his Father sent him an angel to give the strength needed to face the cross.

The cross shaped life of service, sacrifice, and submission was nearing a dramatic culmination. King Jesus was entering his kingdom by way of sacrifice for all and obedience/trust in his Father.

Let every knee bow down and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

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